Fire Update Wednesday, September 5, 2001 update Several fires are burning in the Bridger-Teton National Forest including 2 in the Bridger Wilderness and one in the Big Piney area. A
new fire started on the Big Piney Ranger District, the Buford Fire,
approximately 9 miles northwest of the Sherman Guard Station
The Iron Creek Fire, now at approximately 350 acres, is burning within management objectives in the Big Sandy area of the southern Wind River mountains. (fire map) Visitors traveling north should be aware of fires burning in the Snake River Canyon that may create heavy smoke at times reducing visibility along the highway. See the Teton Fires web site for updates on all the fires on the Bridger-Teton Forest, For
More Fire Details, Click Here Campfires are NOT allowed in dispersed camping areas such as the one shown in the picture below. |
Where to get more information:
Fire Info Big
Piney Ranger District Where
to report fires: Callers are reminded that if they are using a cell phone, they may not get a local office when they dial 911. The best place to call for area fires is either the local Sheriff's office or the Bridger-Teton Fire Office. Be prepared to give a location of the smoke, your name, where you are calling from, and how they can get ahold of you again for more information if needed. |
September 5, 2001
Creek Fire - 180 acres in the Wilderness
east of lower Green River Lakes. |
Updates: Iron Creek Fire:
that the Lakeside Trail #144 is open and provides an alternate
route for the Highline Trail (CDT) around lower Green River Lakes. Hikers
can still use the Continental Divide Trail system to bypass the south
and west sides of the closure area. Iron
Creek Fire
- 350 acres, Big Sandy area,
Management objectives for this fire are: If you plan to travel through the Big Sandy Fish Creek Park area and would like more information, you can contact Wyn Menefee, Fire Information Office at the Pinedale Ranger District, at 307-367-5720. Other
The Wolf Creek Fire, located in the Snake River Canyon south of Jackson near Wolf Creek, is still burning 70 acres less than 1/2 mile away from highway 26/89. Air operations supplying water from the Snake River and the proximity of this fire to the highway is causing significant traffic congestion in the area. Motorists are cautioned against stopping in the road or parking in turnouts along the highway to look at this fire or helicopters gathering water. There have been several near misses as motorists are paying more attention to the fire than to their driving. Crews have posted and barricaded turnouts near the fire to prevent unnecessary congestion. River users are requested to quickly move through the Wolf Creek Area to prevent delays in Air Operations using the river to supply water to the fire. At this time, three helicopters, three twenty-person hand crews and two Hot Shot crews are working this fire. While high winds yesterday caused air operations to shut down, the steep and rugged terrain in the area actually helped protect the fire from flare-ups normally associated with high winds. As favorable weather conditions are projected for today, fire officials are planning a direct attack on the northern flank with Hotshot crews, while hand crews continue mop-up operations on the ridge, southern flank and bottom drainage areas of this fire. Prevailing winds in this area typically come from the Southwest, pushing the fire Northeast, away from the highway. If in fact the fire does reach the highway, which is unexpected, fire officials will work with Wyoming Highway Patrol and Department of Transportation to minimize closure periods and impacts to travelers. While some outfitter camps exist in the area, there are no structures or developed areas threatened by this fire at this time. The Bear Cub Fire located on August 26th in the Teton Wilderness, is still estimated at thirty acres. Presently, this fire is confined to its present area and all personnel have been re-assigned to the Wolf Creek Fire. This fire will be monitored closely for the remainder of the season. The Falcon Fire is still showing slow growth and is approximately 2,900 acres in size. The fire has moved west of Falcon Creek but will eventually run into previously burned areas from 1988. This fire is also confined to its present area and will be monitored for the remainder of the season. Forest conditions are still extremely dry. While these fires pose no threat to recreation opportunities in the Greater Yellowstone Area at this time, visitors and forest users are encouraged to practice safety when recreating in the Forest or Park. The Bridger-Teton National Forest is still in Partial Fire Restrictions, which limits the use of open fires to developed campground facilities only and prohibits charcoal and wood fires in the backcountry. Only propane or liquid fueled stoves are allowed in back country areas. See the Teton Fires web site for additional fire information and the latest press releases, |
Anyone with concerns about fires can contact the Sublette County Sheriff's office at 307-367-4376, or the Pinedale Ranger District, 307-367-4326. Hikers in the wilderness who may have cell phones and can get a signal out can call 911 and ask to be routed to the Sublette County Sheriff's office if they have concerns. |
Last Year's Fires: 2000 Fire pages Pinedale Online front page Pinedale Online fire update. Local fire status information provided by the Pinedale Ranger District and the Jackson office of the US Forest Service, Bridger-Teton National Forest. Copyright 2001. |