15, 2025
Harpweaver - Maeve Gilchrist
presentation Saturday, 7:00PM in the Sheppard Auditorium. Tickets
for the February 15 performance are on sale now at local PFAC
outlets (Office Outlets, Nested West & The Cowboy Shop)
and online at www.pinedalefinearts.com.
8, 2025
Daniel Chili Cookoff
At the historic Daniel Schoolhouse.
Entry at 4PM, jusging at 5PM, eat at 6PM. Sponsored by the Daniel
Community Club.
19-21, 2025
High School performance of "The Little Mermaid"
Thursday, Friday
Sheppard Auditorium,
7PM. Tickets: Adults $10, Children $5 (lap children free).
Annual Gem & Mineral Show
Saturday & Sunday
the Sublette County Fairgrounds Event Center near Big Piney.
Exhibits, vendors, demonstrations, fossils, specimines, rough
rock, raffles, door prizes, kid's activities. Food concessions
on-site. Friday & Saturday 9AM-5PM, Sunday 9AM-3PM. For more
info contact Jim Gray, jimgray@wyoming.com or Mike Schaffer,
10-13, 2025
River Rendezvous
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
each day around Pinedale. Full schedule available closer to
the event. We stromgly recommend making lodging reservations
well in advance (now is not too soon) as lodging fills up that
weekend. History presentations at the Museum of the Mountain
Man, events around town, parade on Saturday, Rendezvous Pageant
on Sunday. www.visitpinedale.org
contacts for more information:
Sublette County Visitor Center
19 E. Pine Street
PO Box 176
Pinedale, WY 82941
(Contact: Peter F. Paulin, Executive Director)
Sublette County Chamber of Commerce
19 E. Pine Street
PO Box 176
Pinedale, WY 82941
(Contact: Kaddy Fyfe-Shivers,
Executive Director)
Town of Pinedale
Town of Big Piney
Town of Marbleton
Sublette County
307-367-4372 (Clerk's Office)
Meeting Places List
(reservable places)
Editor's Note: Are you a regular calendar viewer who lives
out of the immediate area? You can find more information about
current local events in our two newspapers, the Pinedale
Roundup and ,5,Sublette
Examiner. Out-of-county subscriptions are very reasonable
and help support their efforts to make community news available.
Both these papers are extremely supportive of local events. Please
consider an out-of-county newspaper subscription with them if
you are a regular online reader and interested in local events.
Event information is also aired on KPIN 101.1
FM radio. The most current school sports calendar info available
online at www.pinedaleschools.org for
Pinedale area and www.sublette9.org for
Big Piney & Marbleton. Contact the Sublette
County Chamber of Commerce to receive literature about the
area and events. If you find an error in any of the information
on this page, please let us know: support@pinedaleonline.com
February - 2025 (Winter)
Average temps range 0-25F
Roads snow-covered
Lakes frozen for ice fishing
Snowmobiling & Skiing
IPSSSDR Sled Dog Race (24th
Annual Daniel Fireman's
Poker Run
28th Annual Boy Scouts Spaghetti Dinner
Celebration on Ice/Learn to Skate Program
Pinedale High School Alpine GS
13: Valentine's
Day at Nested West in Pinedale Thursday
from 5-8PM, 231 Pine Street in Pinedale. Games,
prizes, give-aways, photo booth, chocolate samples,
treats. Double Loyalty $$$ day.
13: Beyond the Books Club Thursday, from 4-5 pm in the Big
Piney Library Community Room. Free event. 6th grade aged
kids and up are welcome to join us each week for crafts,
activities, snacks, and shenanigans. This week, we'll make
a heart-shaped tie pillow for your room.
13: Spanish Tapas and
Wine Tasting Thursday, from 6-7 pm
in the Pinedale Library Lovatt Room. Free event. Join us
for a delightful evening of wine tasting and Spanish tapas
at the library, guided by local sommelier Jamie Fog. Plenty
of non-alcoholic beverages will be available as well.
Limited spots are available! Register at subletteboces.com.
14: Valentine's
Day Local florists
14: Pinedale Library
On Site Services Friday.
At the Sublette Center from 10-11 am. Aspen Grove Apartments
from 11 am -
12 noon. Rendezvous Pointe from 12 noon - 1 pm. Browse,
check out, and return books, audiobooks, DVDs, and magazines.14: Pinedale Library
On Site Services Fri
can even get a new library card. We’ll also help
you set up your device so you can easily access ebooks,
and magazines.
14: Library Playhouse Friday,
from 10 am - 6 pm in the Pinedale Library Storytime Room.
Free event. This week, drop by during
open library hours for the day off school and make Valentine's
Day cards.
14: Rendezvous Pointe Pii/Pie
Day Fundraiser with a variety of homemade pies and desserts
for Pie Day. Live auction of pies and desserts at 12:15PM – Jay
Fear auctioneer. They will also be selling pie by the slice
with ice cream for $5. They are looking for pie bakers
who can donate
pies for the auction. Donate to Rendezvous Pointe by 11AM
on March 14th.
15: Harpist Maeve Gilchrist PFAC
presentation. Saturday, 7PM, Sheppard Auditorium in Pinedale.
Tickets available at www.pinedalefinearts.com
17: Presidents'
Day Federal holiday. Banks and
most government offices closed today.
19: Climb Wyoming Group Listening
Session Lovatt Room, Pinedale Library from noon to 1:30PM. For
Sublette County Moms looking for a new career opportunity and training.
Registration requested, but not required. Come hear about opportunities
for job training. Lunch provided. To register go to www.climbwyoming.org/momfocus.
21: Bingo
Night At Our Lady of Peace Catholic
Church in Pinedale 112 S Sublette Ave. Bingo starts at 6:00pm. Food available
for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Knights of Columbus Charitable fund.
21 & 22: Pinedale High School
Alpine Races at White Pine Friday & Saturday More
info: www.whitepinewyoming.com,
22: 25th Annual One Lunger 100 Vintage Snowmobile Race Hosted by
Snow Explorers/Altitude Off-Road Inc. at Sagebrush Downs Racetrack
in Cora. Racer Meeting at 10 am, Races begin at 10:30 am. Find
us on Facebook for rules and entry forms. Bring out the whole family
to enjoy a great day at the races! Concessions available. Spectators
$10 per car or $5 per person at the gate. For more info, call or
text Josh 307-360-7783 or Patrick 307-231-6161.
23: Wind River Youth Snocross Sagebrush Downs Snowmobile Track in Cora.
For ages 4-10. Each class has three heats. Sign-ups from 8:30AM to
9:30AM. Riders meeting at 10AM. Warm-up laps and racing to follow.
Races go to April 12th. Participants earn points at each race. Presented
by Pinedale Snow Explorers and Altitude Off-Road. For more information,
call or text Kendra at 702-830-1742 or Tiffany at 307-248-1168.
28: Deadline to order daffodils
for Sage & Snow Garden Club cancer
fundraiser. Cost is $15 per bunch of 10 flowers. This event
is to raise money to help Kickin’ Cancer in Sublette County and
other local cancer support. The flowers can be picked up on Tuesday,
March 25th
at two locations: Pinedale Aquatic Center: 11AM to 1PM and 5 to 6PM;
and the Marbleton Town Hall: 11AM to 1PM. When filling out the form,
please specify your pick-up location. The order form can be found online
here and at the Sage & Snow Garden Club website here. Order forms
also are available at the Pinedale and Big Piney Libraries. Today
is the deadline to place orders. For more information, call 307-231-0070
or email Bettina at bat1969Wicloud.com.
28: Green River Valley Cattlemen annual meeting begins Noon, Marbleton
Town Hall.
28: Registration
for the Big Fish Winter Derby on Fremont Lake Ice
fishing derby put on by the
Pinedale Lions Club. Entry
fee $40, youth division free. All Wyoming fishing regulations and
creel limits apply-must show fishing license at registration. Grand
prize $1000. Other prizes. Registration tonight from
6-9PM at the Pinedale VFW, Derby headquarters is Lakeside Lodge.
March - 2025 (Winter)
range 10-40F
Roads snow-covered, winter snow storms
Skiing and Snowmobiling
Lakes frozen for ice fishing, some thawing
Fremont Lake Big Fish Ice Fishing
Derby (always the 1st full weekend in March)
Pinedale VFD Open House & Ball
Caroline Classic Ski Race
St. Patrick's Day Dinner
Ticks can start to appear
44th Aniel Daniel
Chili Cook-Off & Dessert Auction
Sunny Korfanta GS Ski Race
1: Green
River Valley Cattlemen annual
meeting continues Noon,
Marbleton Town Hall.
1: Green
River Valley Cattlemen’s
Annual Banquet Prime
Rib Dinner, 5:30PM at the
Sublette County Pioneer Senior
Center in Marbleton – cost
is $45. All tickets entered
to win door prizes. Tickets
available at the Cowboy Shop
in Pinedale and the Big Piney
Office Outlet store. To reserve
tickets, call Andi James
307-231-2123, Jeannie Lockwood
307-260-8378, or email Audra
Rouge audra.rouge@gmail.com.
Please purchase or reserve
your tickets by Thursday,
February 20th. Tickets will
NOT be sold at the door.
There will be door prizes,
raffles, auction items, great
food, great company. Annual
meetings will be on Friday
and Saturday.
1 & 2: Big
Fish Winter Derby on Fremont Lake Ice
fishing derby Put
on by the Pinedale Lions Club. Entry
fee $40, youth division free. All Wyoming fishing regulations
and creel limits apply-must show fishing license at registration.
Grand prize $1000. Other prizes. Registration on Friday,
at the Pinedale
VFW, Derby headquarters is Lakeside Lodge.
6: Sublette County Historical Society Annual Meeting
and Spring Thaw Party Museum
of the Mountain Man, 6PM. All welcome. Brief business meeting and election
of 2025 new board officers. Feature speaker
will be Bad Hand talking about the Native American display for the Bad Hand
7, 8 & 9: Steele Ranch Jackpot Skijoring Registration on
Friday at 5PM at the Boulder Bar. Competitors MUST register in person. Race
Round 1 on Saturday starting at 10AM, $5 entry fee at the gate. Kids 12 and
under free. Calcutta at Boulder Bar at 6PM. Sunday Race Round 2 starts at 10AM.
Jackpot race to follow. Awards Ceremony afterwards at the Boulder Bar. Presented
by Western Skies Skijoring. For more info and to become a sponsor contact John
Hyde, 307-231-9271.
8: Aniel Daniel Chili Cook Off At the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. Entry at
4PM, jusging at 5PM, eat at 6PM. Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.
9: Daylight
Savings Time begins Spring
Forward, Fall back. Set your clocks AHEAD one hour today.
16: St.
Patrick’s Day Dinner At Our Lady of Peace Catholic
Church, 112 S Sublette Avenue in Pinedale. 6 oz corned beef & cabbage,
potatoes, carrots or Reuben sandwich with fries. With desserts. From
5-7PM. $17 for adults, kids options available. Dine-in or carry out.
17: St. Patrick’s
Reuben lunch At Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church, 112
S Sublette Avenue in Pinedale. Lunch includes Reuben sandwich,
chips, pickle and cookie. 11AM to 1PM. $15 for adults. Carry
out only. Advance ticket purchase required. Ask about free delivery
for orders of 8 or more meals. See poster for QR code to purchase.
9-21: Pinedale High School performance of ‘The Little Mermaid’ Sheppard
Auditorium, 7PM. Tickets: Adults $10, Children $5 (lap children
22: Dragons and
Mythical Beasts PFAC presentation. Saturday,
7PM, Sheppard Auditorium in Pinedale. Tickets available
at www.pinedalefinearts.com
25: Pick-up day
for Sage & Snow Garden Club Daffodil
Fundraiser to support cancer organizations.
The flowers can be
picked up today at two locations: Pinedale Aquatic
Center: 11AM to 1PM and 5 to 6PM; and the Marbleton
Town Hall: 11AM to 1PM. The deadline
to place orders was February 28th. For
more information, call 307-231-0070 or email Bettina
at bat1969Wicloud.com.
30 to April 5: Spring Break
for Pinedale students: White Pine Ski Area open daily
(snow permitting) More
info: www.whitepinewyoming.com,
| April - 2025 (Winter/Spring)
temps range 20-50F
Snow melts off in valleys
Back roads muddy
Ticks out
High country snowmobiling still good
Streams begin to open for spring fishing
Lakes starting to thaw
Golfing begins
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet
1: Seasonal
spring recreational closure begins near Fremont
Lake for mule deer migration Spring migration
closure of No Human Presence runs from April
1 through April 30th. It is in the
area near the outlet of Fremont Lake where the
deer cross to migrate north. The fall closure
is November 1-30th each year. Signs will be posted
at key entrances to the area to remind the public
of the seasonal closure. Done in cooperation between
the Pinedale Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton
National Forest and Wyoming Game & Fish. For
more information, pleaAse contact Rusty Kaiser,
Bridger-Teton National Forest Wildlife Biologist,
Pinedale Ranger District, 307-231-5980.
12: Pinedale Winter Carnival Wind River Youth Snocross
ages 4-10. Each class has three heats. Sign-ups
from 8:30AM to 9:30AM. Riders meeting at 10AM.
Warm-up laps and racing to follow. Races go to
April 12th. Participants earn points at each race.
Presented by Pinedale Snow Explorers and Altitude
Off-Road. For more information, call or text Kendra
at 702-830-1742 or Tiffany at 307-248-1168.
19: Daniel
Easter Egg Hunt At the historic
Daniel Schoolhouse. 2PM. Sponsored by the Daniel
Community Club.
20: Easter
24: Bindlestiff Family Cirkus Thursday, 7PM, Sheppard
Auditorium in Pinedale. Tickets available at www.pinedalefinearts.com
May - 2025 (Winter/Spring)
temps range 30-65F
Most lakes thaw for fishing
Leaves start to come on trees
Soda Lake opens on May 1st
Rendezvous Meadows Golf opens May 15
Green River Lakes road typically opens end of May/early June
Ranchers branding season
Pasture irrigating begins on ranches
High School rodeos
Big Piney & Pinedale High School graduations
1: Museum of the Mountain Man opens for the season 9AM to 5PM. www.mmmuseum.com
1: BLM
Big Game Winter Ranges reopen Areas
were closed to all motorized vehicle travel from January 1 through
April 30, 2025. BLM
Pinedale Field Office areas that are now open:
The Ryegrass, Bench Corral, Deer Hills, Calpet and Miller Mountain
including lands north
of Fontenelle Creek, east of the U.S. Forest Service Boundary, west
of U.S. Highway 189 and south of Horse Creek. Also, the Mesa winter
range including lands east of County Road 110/East Green River Road,
north of County Road 136/Paradise Valley Road, west of the New Fork
River and south of U.S. Highway 191.
3: Ladies
Lemonade Luncheon Saturday, 11:00AM-1:30PM at the Sublette County Fairgrounds Community
Hall. Put on by Harvest 4 Pink and Sublette
County Health. Guest speaker is Rauli Perry, Women’s Health
NP, “Know Your Lemons”-Early Detection & Breast Cancer
Education. Tickets $45/each. Cash bar, signature cocktail. Lunch,
raffle, prizes, swag bag. Vendors invited, $10/table – in time
for Mother’s Day. Sponsor tables $500 for table of 8. For more
info or to purchase tickets, contact Nicole, nicole@harvest4pink.org.
10: Mother's
Day Tea Saturday at the historic Daniel Schoolhouse.
2PM. Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.
20: Mother's
Day .
13-15: 25th
Annual Living History Days At the Museum of the Mountain
Man in Pinedale.
15-17: Wyoming Association of
Taxidermy artist convention and taxidermy competition in Pinedale Looking
for vendors for the 17th when event is open to the public; self-made
items for
hunting, fishing,
hiking, and outdoor activities. For vendor information, call at 307-360-7337.
26: Memorial
Day Federal
holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
June - 2025 (Summer)
Average temps
range 35-65F
Wildflowers begin to bloom, springtime in the valleys.
All but highest trailheads accessible by end of the month.
High country trails typically have snow until end of the month.
Campgrounds start to open, water tests.
Usually safe to plant flowers outside after Father's Day.
Green River Drift
Kids' Fishing
Day at CCC Ponds
Boat Club Horseshoe Pitch & Barbecue
Waterhole Days Cowboy Golf
Father's Day Fishing Derby on Fremont Lake (tentative)
1: Sommers
Homestead Living History Museum opens
for the season Weekends, 10AM
to 3PM. Admission by donation.
13-15: 9th Annual Gem & Mineral
Show Friday, Saturday & Sunday at
the Sublette County Fairgrounds Event Center near Big Piney. Exhibits,
vendors, demonstrations, fossils, specimines, rough rock, raffles,
door prizes, kid's activities. Food concessions on-site. Friday &
Saturday 9AM-5PM, Sunday 9AM-3PM. For more info contact Jim Gray,
jimgray@wyoming.com or Mike Schaffer, maschaffer61@gmail.com.
19: Juneteenth Federal
holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
July - 2025 (Summer)
Average temps range 60-90F
High mountain trails open up in the Winds
accessible by end of the month. Jackass
Pass to Cirque of the Towers usually
accessible by 4th of July
Afternoon thunder & lightning storms, wildfire season
4th of July celebrations
Big Piney/Marbleton Chuckwagon Days
Green River Rendezvous
Wind River Mountain Festival
Surly Pika Adventure Race
Opening of new Sublette County Critical Access
Hospital in Pinedale The
hospital will feature eight beds for overnight
stays. New radiology
services will include advanced imaging options
such as MRI, mammography, and DEXA scans. More
details TBA.
4: Independence
Day Federal
holiday. Banks and most government offices
closed today.
River Rendezvous in Pinedale
10: Western
Art & Wine Auction At the Museum of the Mountain Man 6PM.
10: Flag
Raising Ceremony for Traders Row, Green River Rendezvous Join
the traders for the patriotic flag raising ceremony at 9AM. The kids
from the Pinedale Aquatic Center Little Wranglers will help with
the flag raising. Aftrerwards, children are invited to stay to learn
primitive skills & crafts. Traders Row open Thursday through Saturday
from 9AM to 6PM and Sunday from 9AM to 2PM. Located on the corner
of Mill Street and Bridger Avenue in Pinedale.
20: Old
Timers Picnic At the historic Daniel
Schoolhouse. Noon. Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.
- 2025 (Summer)
Afternoon thunder & lightning storms, wildfire season
Best time to hike high Continental Divide
Haying begins
Regatta on
Cowboy Shop Classic Rodeo
Golf tourneys
Pinedale Boat Club Picnic
Annual Open House and Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame Celebration
at the Sommers Homestead Living History Museum Last
day of the season at the Homestead. Sunday, 10AM to 3PM. Free
lunch at 11:30pm, homecooked food, beef, potatoes, beans, salads,
breads, homemade pies and desserts. Don't be late, food goes
fast! WCHF [rogram at noon. September - 2025 (Fall)
die off with cooler weather, hiking more pleasant, fewer thunderstorms
Fall colors and late-season outings
Average temps range 60-80F
Start of freezing nights
Last of haying
Hunting season opens
Bow and black powder hunting
First day of school for Pinedale Schools
Campgrounds shut down mid-September
Pinedale Half Marathon
1: Labor
Day Federal
holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
27: Harvest
Bingo At
the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. 3PM. Bring a party snack.
Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.
- 2025
turn, first snows in the high country
Average temps range 30-70F, gardens freeze
Pinedale typically gets snow dustings that melt
Green River Drift-cattle at Cora Jct corrals
Pronghorn migration south
through Trappers Point
Hunting season
Rendezvous Meadows Golf Course closes
for the season
13: Columbus
Day Federal
holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
31: Halloween
November - 2025
Average temps range 15-55F
Snow on the ground in Pinedale-stays until Aprilish
34th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5000
White Pine Ski Area opens
X-C skiing
2: Daylight
Savings Time ends "Spring
Forward, Fall back". Set your clocks BACK on hour today.
27: Thanksgiving Federal
holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
December - 2025
Average daytime temps 5-30F
Snowmobiling and Skiing
Ice Hockey
32nd Museum Wreath & Chocolate Auction
Mountain Man Xmas in Pinedale
Torchlight Parade at White Pine
5: 32nd
Annual Wreath and Chocolate Auction for the Museum of the
Mountain Man Friday, Lovatt Room, Pinedale Library.
Fundraiser for the Museum. Social starts at 6PM. Live auction
starts at 7PM. www.mmmuseum for more info.
14: Daniel Christmas Party At
the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. Eat at 5PM. Santa at 6PM. Sponsored
by the Daniel Community Club.
25: Christmas Federal
holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
January - 2026 (Winter)
Average daytime temps range from 0-25F
Roads snow covered
Snowmobiling & Skiing
Lakes frozen for ice fishing
One Lunger Snowmobile Race
High School Nordic & Alpine Ski Races
Sled Dog Races

support our sponsors. They help make this page possible for
your free viewing.
page sponsorship is just $25/month. Please contact
Pinedale Online for details, 307-360-7689. Advertising
Chamber of Commerce
Calendar of Events:
School Sports:
School Sports:
www.sublette9.org |