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Pinedale Area Year-Long Calendar of Events
Events and Public Notices for towns in Sublette County, Wyoming - Updated Monday, March 24,

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Pinedale, Big Piney, Boulder, Bondurant, Cora, Daniel, LaBarge*, Marbleton, Sublette County, Wyoming
We will post your Sublette County event for free. E-mail event info to support@pinedaleonline.com
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec | Ongoing
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For events and meetings in:
Big Piney

This Month
Next Month
Upcoming Thank you to
our Sponsors!

June 13-15, 2025
9th Annual Gem & Mineral Show
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
At the Sublette County Fairgrounds Event Center near Big Piney. Exhibits, vendors, demonstrations, fossils, specimens, rough rock, raffles, door prizes, kid's activities. Food concessions on-site. Friday & Saturday 9AM-5PM, Sunday 9AM-3PM. For more info contact Jim Gray, jimgray@wyoming.com or Mike Schaffer, maschaffer61@gmail.com.

July 10-13, 2025
Green River Rendezvous
Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Events each day around Pinedale. Full schedule available closer to the event. We strongly recommend making lodging reservations well in advance (now is not too soon) as lodging fills up that weekend. History presentations at the Museum of the Mountain Man, events around town, parade on Saturday, Rendezvous Pageant on Sunday. www.visitpinedale.org

July 13, 2025
Green River Rendezvous Pageant
1pm at the Pinedale Rendezvous Grounds (next to the Rodeo Grounds, south of Pinedale). Don't miss the cast in the parade on Saturday! More info at www.meetmeonthegreen.com.


Additional contacts for more information:

Sublette County Visitor Center
19 E. Pine Street
PO Box 176
Pinedale, WY 82941
(Contact: Peter F. Paulin, Executive Director)

Sublette County Chamber of Commerce
19 E. Pine Street
PO Box 176
Pinedale, WY 82941
(Contact: Kaddy Fyfe-Shivers, Executive Director)

Town of Pinedale

Town of Big Piney

Town of Marbleton

Sublette County
307-367-4372 (Clerk's Office)


Public Meeting Places List
(reservable places)

Calendar Editor's Note: Are you a regular calendar viewer who lives out of the immediate area? You can find more information about current local events in our two newspapers, the Pinedale Roundup and ,5,Sublette Examiner.  Out-of-county subscriptions are very reasonable and help support their efforts to make community news available. Both these papers are extremely supportive of local events. Please consider an out-of-county newspaper subscription with them if you are a regular online reader and interested in local events. Event information is also aired on KPIN 101.1 FM radio. The most current school sports calendar info available online at www.pinedaleschools.org for Pinedale area and www.sublette9.org for Big Piney & Marbleton. Contact the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce to receive literature about the area and events. If you find an error in any of the information on this page, please let us know: support@pinedaleonline.com

March - 2025 (Winter)
Average temps range 10-40F
Roads snow-covered, winter snow storms

X-C Skiing and Snowmobiling
Lakes frozen for ice fishing, some thawing
Fremont Lake Big Fish Ice Fishing Derby (always the 1st full weekend in March)
Pinedale VFD Open House & Ball
Caroline Classic Ski Race
St. Patrick's Day Dinner
Ticks can start to appear

44th Aniel Daniel Chili Cook-Off & Dessert Auction
18th? Annual Sunny Korfanta GS Ski Race

24: Library Playhouse Monday, from 4-4:45 pm in the Pinedale Library Storytime Room. Free event. Elementary school aged kids can join us at the library after school every week to try out different activities and crafts. This week, build a basketball hoop.
24: Not Your Mother's Book Club Monday, from 5:30-6:30 pm in the Big Piney Library Board Room. Free event. Not Your Mother's Book Club is a fun and lighthearted book club. Copies are available at the front desk while supplies last. The next book will be “Framed” by Jim McCloskey.
25: Pick-up day for Sage & Snow Garden Club Daffodil Fundraiser to support cancer organizations. The flowers can be picked up today at two locations: Pinedale Aquatic Center: 11AM to 1PM and 5 to 6PM; and the Marbleton Town Hall: 11AM to 1PM. There will be extra flowers for sale, too ($15/10-stem bouquet).

25: Public Hearing for proposed Emerson Schoolhouse National Register Nomination Tuesday at 3:00pm in the board room of the Pinedale Library. As part of the regular monthly meeting of the Sublette County Historic Preservation Board - Certified Local Government (CLG). The public is invited to attend and make comments. The one room, log, Emerson Schoolhouse, located 20 mile southeast of Boulder, Wyoming area, served students from nearby ranches for 45 years, from 1914 to 1959. It was restored by Claire Faler and subsequently donated to the Sublette County Historical Society. For more information, contact Board President, Clint Gilchrist at clint@sublette.com or 307-367-4101.
25: S’cool Kids Club Tuesday, from 4-5 pm in the Big Piney Library Community Room. Free event. Elementary kids, join us weekly to enjoy stories, crafts, activities, and more. No registration is required, and kids can leave at any time. This week, we'll play games.
26: Early Childhood Storytime Wednesday from 10-10:30 am in the Pinedale Library Young Adult Room. Free event. Parents and kids ages 0-5, come to the library each week to enjoy stories, songs, show and tells, and sensory activities.
26: Senior Center Library On Site Visit in Marbleton Wednesday, from 11 am - 12:30 pm at the Southwest Sublette County Pioneers Senior Center. Free event. Seniors, browse, check out, and return books, audiobooks, DVDs, and magazines and even get a new library card. We’ll also help you set up your device so you can access ebooks and audiobooks or get help with any other tech questions.
26: Unplugged Wednesdays 3:30-5 pm in the Pinedale Library Young Adult Room. Free event. Teens, stop by the library after school to try out a science kit on the Maker Cart or play pool, ping pong, hockey, chess, backgammon, checkers, or bowling with just one game table.
26: Dungeons & Dragons Club Wednesday, from 3:30-5:00 pm in the Pinedale Library Board Room. Free event. Teens, unleash your imagination and embark on epic adventures whether you're a seasoned adventurer or new to the game. No previous experience is needed.
26: Jigsaw Puzzle Showdown Wednesday, from 5:30-6:30 pm in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. Free event. Think you’ve got what it takes to be a puzzle master? Gather your team (of at least one adult, max 6 people) and put your skills to the test! Only 10 spots are available. Register at the Library.
26: WY Game & Fish meeting in Pinedale on hunting regulations 6PM at the Pinedale Game & Fish Regional Office (432 E. Mill St.). Topics will be general hunting regulations for antelope, deer, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, birds and bison. Other meetings are being held around the state.

27: Grant Programs & Loans for Wyoming Businesses Guest speaker Patrick Edwards from the Wyoming Business Council. Presentation of the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce. Pinedale Library Lovatt Room, 3:30PM Discussion topics will include available grant programs for businesses in Wyoming as well as loan options for businesses and succession planning. There will be some time for open discussion and Q&A. Free event. To RSVP, please email sublettechamberdirector@gmail.com or call 307-367-2242.
27: Sublette County Democratic Party Central Committee Meeting and Party Reorganization From 7 pm - 9 pm in the Lovatt Room at the Sublette County Library. Everyone is welcome.
27: Beyond the Books Club Thursday, from 4-5 pm in the Big Piney Library Community Room. Free event. 6th grade aged kids and up are welcome to join us each week for crafts, activities, snacks, and shenanigans. This week, we'll create cardboard loom bracelets.
28: Deadline to file for Town of Big Piney Municipal offices Election will be on May 13th. Election for two Town Council seats (4-year terms). All municipal officers are non-partisan and must be qualified electors residing within the municipality. Deadline to file for an application is 4PM on Friday, March 28th.
28: Pinedale Library On Site Services Friday, 10-11am at the Sublette Center. 11am to Noon at Aspen Grove Apartments. Noon to 1pm at Rendezvous Pointe. Browse, check out, and return books, audiobooks, DVDs, and magazines. You can even get a new library card. The Library can help set up your device so you can easily access ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines.
28: Storytime Friday, from 11-11:30 am in the Big Piney Library Kids Room. Free event. It's storytime for our littlest library lovers ages 0-5, who will enjoy themed stories and songs each week. This week, it's all about springtime. We'll be making coffee filter butterflies.
28: Library Playhouse Friday, from 2:30-3:15 pm in the Pinedale Library Storytime Room. Free event. Elementary school aged kids can join us at the library after school every week to try out different activities and crafts. This week, try out a Seurat pointillism seascape.
28: Art of the Winds Spring Open House Featuring guest artist Beth Booth and her wearable works. Friday from 3-7PM, with drinks and Hors d’oeuvres. Art in the Winds is an artist collaborative located at 432 W Pine St in Pinedale, next to Wind River Brewing Co. Beth’s works will be on exhibit through April. The gallery also has many other art works on display and for sale by other local artists.
29: Deadline for filing to run inTown of Marbleton Municipal Elections Election for Mayor (4-year term), two Council seats (4-year term). Elections will be held on Tuesday, May 13th. Must be a resident of Marbleton to vote and to run for office. Deadline for candidate filing is 5:00PM today. Applications may be obtained for the Town Clerk, Marbleton Town Hall. All municipal officers are nonpartisan, must be qualified electors residing in the municipality.
29: High Altitude Farmers Market From 2-6PM in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. To be a vendor, contact Main Street Pinedale at info@mainstreetpinedale.com.
29: Tits & Giggles Breast cancer fundraiser for Rebecca Doyle. Starts at 3PM at the Senior Center in Marbleton. Benefit dinner, silent auction, raffle, photo booth. Cash bar, $15 Navjo tacos. DJ Slim Bob. Please contact Meghan Doyle for any donations, 307-231-5019.
30 to April 5: Spring Break for Pinedale students: White Pine Ski Area open daily (snow permitting) More info: www.whitepinewyoming.com, 307-307-6606 F
31: Flags return to full staff tonight in Wyoming The U.S. and Wyoming flags should be returned to full-staff at sunset on Monday, March 31, the day of Senator Simpson's interment.

April - 2025 (Winter/Spring)
Average temps range 20-50F
Snow melts off in valleys
Back roads muddy
Ticks out
High country snowmobiling still good
Streams begin to open for spring fishing
Lakes starting to thaw
Golfing begins
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet

1: Seasonal spring recreational closure begins near Fremont Lake for mule deer migration Spring migration closure of No Human Presence runs from April 1 through April 30th. It is in the area near the outlet of Fremont Lake where the deer cross to migrate north. The fall closure is November 1-30th each year. Signs will be posAa to remind the public of the seasonal closure. Done in cooperation between the Pinedale Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest and Wyoming Game & Fish. For more information, pleaAse contact Rusty Kaiser, Bridger-Teton National Forest Wildlife Biologist, Pinedale Ranger District, 307-231-5980.
4: Fish Fry Fundraiser for the local Knights of Columbus charity fund. From 5-7PM at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church Banquet Hall, 112 S Sublette Avenue in Pinedale. Dine in or take out. First-come, first-serve. Cost is $14 for adults, $7 for children age 12 and under. Fish, fries and cole slaw. Drinks $1 each. For more info call 307-367-2359.

8 & 9:
Blood Draw in Marbleton At the Southwest Sublette County Pioneers Senior Center. Tuesday, April 8th from 6AM to 10 AM. Wednesday, April 9th from 6AM to 10AM. Appointments appreciated—walk-ins welcome. Please schedule your appointment at https://wyominghealthfairs.com/appointments (Click on yellow Marbleton dot) or call Public Health 307-367-2157 for assistance with registration. Wyoming Health Fairs (WHF) accepts all forms of payment—check, credit/debit cards, HSA. They can prepare an itemized bill for you to submit to insurance for reimbursement. WHF cannot bill Medicare (or your Medicare supplement insurance plan). Put on by Sublette County Public Health and Wyoming Health Fairs. Online results within 3—5 days, mailed results within 10—14 days.
12: High Altitude Farmers Market From 2-6PM in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. To be a vendor, contact Main Street Pinedale at info@mainstreetpinedale.com.
13: Sublette County Rodeo Royalty Try-Outs
Start at 11AM at the Community Hall at the Sublette County Fairgrounds. Open to all Sublette County & LaBarge resident girls ages 8-23 are welcome to compete. Horsemanship will follow the tryouts, indoor arena. Divisions for Peewee, Jr Princess, Sr Princess, and Queen. $1,000 Scholarship for the Queen. For more information, please call Spring Moore at 307-749-1590.
15: Deadline to file personal federal income tax return
for 2024 unless you request an extension. It's also the deadline to pay any taxes owed to avoid late payment penalties and interest. Taxes for C corporations are also due. Businesses organized as a C corporation need to file Form 1120 by April 15, 2025.
16: Suicide Responder Training 8-hour training session from 8:30AM to 4:30PM in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. For first responders, educators, faith leaders, peer support, business owners. Included didactics, discussion, video, and skills practice working with individuals at risk for suicide. Sponsored by the Sublette County Wellness Coalition.

Daniel Easter Egg Hunt
At the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. 2PM. Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.
19: High Altitude Farmers Market
From 2-6PM in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. To be a vendor, contact Main Street Pinedale at info@mainstreetpinedale.com.
20: Easter
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus
Thursday, 7PM, Sheppard Auditorium in Pinedale. Tickets available at www.pinedalefinearts.com
26: High Altitude Farmers Market From 2-6PM in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. To be a vendor, contact Main Street Pinedale at info@mainstreetpinedale.com.



May - 2025 (Winter/Spring)
Average temps range 30-65F
Most lakes thaw for fishing
Leaves start to come on trees
Soda Lake opens on May 1st
Rendezvous Meadows Golf opens May 15
Green River Lakes road typically opens end of May/early June
Ranchers branding season
Pasture irrigating begins on ranches
High School rodeos
Big Piney & Pinedale High School graduations

1: Museum of the Mountain Man opens for the season 9AM to 5PM. www.mmmuseum.com
1: BLM Big Game Winter Ranges reopen Areas were closed to all motorized vehicle travel from January 1 through April 30, 2025. BLM Pinedale Field Office areas that are now open: The Ryegrass, Bench Corral, Deer Hills, Calpet and Miller Mountain winter ranges including lands north of Fontenelle Creek, east of the U.S. Forest Service Boundary, west of U.S. Highway 189 and south of Horse Creek. Also, the Mesa winter range including lands east of County Road 110/East Green River Road, north of County Road 136/Paradise Valley Road, west of the New Fork River and south of U.S. Highway 191.
3: Ladies Lemonade Luncheon Saturday, 11:00AM-1:30PM at the Sublette County Fairgrounds Community Hall. Put on by Harvest 4 Pink and Sublette County Health. Guest speaker is Rauli Perry, Women’s Health NP, “Know Your Lemons”-Early Detection & Breast Cancer Education. Tickets $45/each. Cash bar, signature cocktail. Lunch, raffle, prizes, swag bag. Vendors invited, $10/table – in time for Mother’s Day. Sponsor tables $500 for table of 8. For more info or to purchase tickets, contact Nicole, nicole@harvest4pink.org.
3: High Altitude Farmers Market From 2-6PM in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. To be a vendor, contact Main Street Pinedale at info@mainstreetpinedale.com.
10: Mother's Day Tea Saturday at the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. 2PM. Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.
13: Town of Marbleton Municipal Elections Election for Mayor (4-year term), two Council seats (4-year term). Polls open Tuesday from 7AM to 7PM. Must be a resident of Marbleton to vote. Deadline for candidate filing is 5:00PM March 29, 2025. Applications may be obtained for the Town Clerk, Marbleton Town Hall. All municipal officers are nonpartisan, must be qualified electors residing in the municipality.
13: Town of Big Piney Municipal Elections Polls open from 8:00AM to 7:00PM on Tuesday at the Town of Big Piney Town Hall Council Chambers. Election for two Town Council seats (4-year terms). All municipal officers are non-partisan and must be qualified electors residing within the municipality. Deadline to file for an application is 4PM on Friday, March 28th.
13-15: 25th Annual Living History Days At the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale.
15-17: Wyoming Association of Taxidermy artist convention and taxidermy competition in Pinedale Looking for vendors for the 17th when event is open to the public; self-made items for hunting, fishing, hiking, and outdoor activities. For vendor information, call at 307-360-7337.
20: Mother's Day .
26: Memorial Day Federal holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
31: High Altitude Farmers Market From 2-6PM in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library. To be a vendor, contact Main Street Pinedale at info@mainstreetpinedale.com.

June - 2025 (Summer)
Average temps range 35-65F
Wildflowers begin to bloom, springtime in the valleys.
All but highest trailheads accessible by end of the month.
High country trails typically have snow until end of the month.
Campgrounds start to open, water tests.
Usually safe to plant flowers outside after Father's Day.
Green River Drift

Kids' Fishing Day at CCC Ponds
Boat Club Horseshoe Pitch & Barbecue
Waterhole Days Cowboy Golf
Father's Day Fishing Derby on Fremont Lake (tentative)

1: Sommers Homestead Living History Museum opens for the season Weekends, 10AM to 3PM. Admission by donation.
13-15: 9th Annual Gem & Mineral Show Friday, Saturday & Sunday at the Sublette County Fairgrounds Event Center near Big Piney. Exhibits, vendors, demonstrations, fossils, specimens, rough rock, raffles, door prizes, kid's activities. Food concessions on-site. Friday & Saturday 9AM-5PM, Sunday 9AM-3PM. For more info contact Jim Gray, jimgray@wyoming.com or Mike Schaffer, maschaffer61@gmail.com.
19: Juneteenth Federal holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.

July - 2025 (Summer)
Average temps range 60-90F
High mountain trails open up in the Winds
Trailheads accessible by end of the month. Jackass Pass to Cirque of the Towers usually accessible by 4th of July
Afternoon thunder & lightning storms, wildfire season
4. ika Adventure Race

1: Opening of new Sublette County Critical Access Hospital in Pinedale The hospital will feature eight beds for overnight stays. New radiology services will include advanced imaging options such as MRI, mammography, and DEXA scans. More details TBA.
4: Independence Day
Federal holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.

Green River Rendezvous in Pinedale
10: Western Art & Wine Auction At the Museum of the Mountain Man 6PM. www.mmmuseum.com
10: Flag Raising Ceremony for Traders Row, Green River Rendezvous Join the traders for the patriotic flag raising ceremony at 9AM. The kids from the Pinedale Aquatic Center Little Wranglers will help with the flag raising. Aftrerwards, children are invited to stay to learn primitive skills & crafts. Traders Row open Thursday through Saturday from 9AM to 6PM and Sunday from 9AM to 2PM. Located on the corner of Mill Street and Bridger Avenue in Pinedale.
13: 90th Annual Green River Rendezvous Pageant on Sunday, at 1pm at the Pinedale Rendezvous Grounds (next to the Rodeo Grounds, south of Pinedale). More info at www.meetmeonthegreen.com.
20: Old Timers Picnic At the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. Noon. Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.

August - 2025 (Summer)
Average temps range 60-90F
Afternoon thunder & lightning storms, wildfire season
Best time to hike high Continental Divide
Haying begins
LaBarge Fest
Sailing Regatta on Fremont Lake
Cowboy Shop Classic Rodeo
Golf tourneys
Pinedale Boat Club Picnic

31:15th Annual Open House and Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame Celebration at the Sommers Homestead Living History Museum Last day of the season at the Homestead. Sunday, 10AM to 3PM. Free lunch at 11:30pm, homecooked food, beef, potatoes, beans, salads, breads, homemade pies and desserts. Don't be late, food goes fast! WCHF [rogram at noon.

September - 2025 (Fall)
Bugs die off with cooler weather, hiking more pleasant, fewer thunderstorms
Fall colors and late-season outings
Average temps range 60-80F
Start of freezing nights
Last of haying
Hunting season opens
Bow and black powder hunting
First day of school for Pinedale Schools
Campgrounds shut down mid-September
Pinedale Half Marathon

1: Labor Day Federal holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
27: Harvest Bingo At the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. 3PM. Bring a party snack. Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.

October - 2025
Fall leaves turn, first snows in the high country
Average temps range 30-70F, gardens freeze
Pinedale typically gets snow dustings that melt
Green River Drift-cattle at Cora Jct corrals
Pronghorn migration south through Trappers Point
Hunting season
Rendezvous Meadows Golf Course closes for the season

13: Columbus Day Federal holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.
31: Halloween

November - 2025
Average temps range 15-55F
Snow on the ground in Pinedale-stays until Aprilish
34th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5000
White Pine Ski Area opens
X-C skiing

2: Daylight Savings Time ends "Spring Forward, Fall back". Set your clocks BACK on hour today.
27: Thanksgiving Federal holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.

December - 2025

Average daytime temps 5-30F
Snowmobiling and Skiing
Ice Hockey
32nd Museum Wreath & Chocolate Auction
Mountain Man Xmas in Pinedale
Torchlight Parade at White Pine

5: 32nd Annual Wreath and Chocolate Auction for the Museum of the Mountain Man Friday, Lovatt Room, Pinedale Library. Fundraiser for the Museum. Social starts at 6PM. Live auction starts at 7PM. www.mmmuseum for more info.
14: Daniel Christmas Party At the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. Eat at 5PM. Santa at 6PM. Sponsored by the Daniel Community Club.
25: Christmas Federal holiday. Banks and most government offices closed today.

January - 2026 (Winter)
Average daytime temps range from 0-25F
Roads snow covered
Snowmobiling & Skiing
Lakes frozen for ice fishing
One Lunger Snowmobile Race
High School Nordic & Alpine Ski Races
Sled Dog Races

February - 2026 (Winter)
Average temps range 0-25F
Roads snow-covered
Lakes frozen for ice fishing
Snowmobiling & Skiing
IPSSSDR Sled Dog Race (26th year)
Annual Daniel Fireman's Poker Run
29th Annual Boy Scouts Spaghetti Dinner
Celebration on Ice/Learn to Skate Program
Pinedale High School Alpine GS

March 7 & 8, 2026: Big Fish Winter Derby on Fremont Lake


KPIN 101.1 FM Radio

Please support our sponsors. They help make this page possible for your free viewing.

Calendar page sponsorship is just $25/month. Please contact Pinedale Online for details, 307-360-7689. Advertising Info

Other Calendars:

Sublette County
Chamber of Commerce
Calendar of Events:


Pinedale School Sports:

Big Piney/Marbleton
School Sports:


Sublette County Ongoing Meetings

Government Meetings
Town of Pinedale Town Council meets each month on the 2nd and 4th Monday, 5PM, Lovatt Room, Pinedale Library. www.townofpinedale.us
Town of Pinedale Planning & Zoning Board meets the 1st Monday of every month at 7 pm, Check with the Pinedale Town Hall to verify specific meeting dates, www.townofpinedale.us.
Sublette County Planning & Zoning Board, meets every 3rd Thursday, 7 pm, Commissioner's Room in county courthouse. www.sublettewyo.com
Sublette County Commissioners, meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 9 am, Commissioner's room in county courthouse. http://www.sublettewyo.com
Big Piney Town Council meets the 1st Tuesday of each month, 5 pm, Council Chambers in the Big Piney Town Hall. www.townofbigpiney.com
Marbleton Town Council meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 5 pm, Marbleton Town Hall.
Pinedale Travel & Tourism Commission meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at noon. Meetings are open to the public. Contact: info@visitpinedale.org, 307-749-1533 for more info on agenda and meeting location that month.

Repeating Events
Big Fish Winter Derby on Fremont Lake - always held the first full weekend in March. Sponsored by the Pinedale Lions Club.
Aniel Daniel Chili Cook-off
(Daniel) - Last Sunday in March or first Sunday in April. Held at the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. Social gathering and great chili competition.
Bondurant BBQ
(Bondurant) - Always held the last Sunday in June following church services at St. Hubert the Hunter church in Bondurant. Fundraiser for the community.
Green River Rendezvous (Pinedale) - Always held the 2nd full weekend in July. Includes a parade, living history presentations, Rendezvous Pageant, Rendezvous Prairie Mass and much more
Chuckwagon Days (Big Piney) - Always held the 4th of July weekend in Big Piney and at the rodeo grounds at the Sublette County Fairgrounds north of Marbleton. Includes parade, community picnic/BBQ, Little Buckaroo Rodeo, adult rodeo and fireworks.
Pinedale 4th of July Town Picnic & Fireworks - July 4th. Community picnic with great food and chance to get with your neighbors and the Town to socialize.
Old Timers' Picnic (Daniel) - Held the 2nd or 3rd Sunday in July. Held at the historic Daniel Schoolhouse. Great food and socialization.
Bondurant Community Club Annual Heritage Day Sale - (usually) always the second Saturday in August
Sailing Regatta on Fremont Lake - Always the 2nd full weekend in August. Based from Lakeside Lodge and hosted by the Pinedale Lions Club.
Pinedale Half Marathon - Always on the 3rd Saturday in September, www.pinedalehalfmarathon.com
Museum of the Mountain Man Wreath & Chocolate Auction - Always held the first Friday in December in Pinedale.
Daniel Community Christmas Party - The Sunday before Christmas in December.

Other Regular Meetings & Events
Every Monday: Veteran family support group From 4-6 PM at the Veteran Services Center in Pinedale adjacent to the medical clinic. Contact Linda Romasko for more information, 719-213-0764, elromasko@gmail.com
Every Monday: Sublette Community Band rehearsals
Meets at 7PM in the Pinedale High School Band Room during the summer. Schedule may change in the fall and as concerts approach. Text 81010 to sign up to receive updates on their notices. Also visit Sublette Community Band page on Facebook for more info.
Every Monday and Tuesday: Pinedale Drivers Licenses, 1551 W. Pine Street (in the west end of the Wyoming Department of Transportation Highway Department building on US 191 on the west side of Pinedale).
Every Monday and Wednesday: GED
at the Big Piney Annex, 650 Piney Drive from 5-8PM.
Every Tuesday (starting February 6, 2024) Marijuana Support Group, 7:00PM at St. Andrew’s in the Pines Episcopal Church in Pinedale. Meetings are free and open to everyone. For more information, call Shane Roberts (307) 231-0501.
Every Tuesday: Wyoming Workforce Services representative at Pinedale Library
Reps are at the Pinedale Library every Tuesday from 10AM-3PM. They can help job seekers fill out applications, create a resume, get job specific training, identify skills to find work, unemployment insurance, Veterans services, job seeking resources, and more. For more info go to www.wyomingworkforce.org or call 307-382-2747.
1st Monday: Mountain Man Back Country Horsemen
Meet the first Monday of every month at the Public Health office in Pinedale at 6pm. Contact Jim Gehlhausen 307-859-8674 for information.
1st Monday: Town of Pinedale Planning and Zoning Commission meetings
Pinedale Town Hall.
2nd Monday: VFW Auxiliary meeting
6:30PM, at the VFW Post in Pinedale
2nd Monday of every month (Sept – May): Pinedale Wrangler Booster Club meetings at 5:30 PM in the Pinedale High School Media Room.
Every Tuesday: Immunization Clinics weekly at Public Health in Big Piney 1 - 4 p.m. Call 307-367-2157 or 307-276-3575 for more information.
Every Tuesday: Support group for survivors of tragic loss and suicide Meets at St. Andrews Episcopal Church on the Pines in Pinedale at 5:15PM. For more information contact Jackie Downie, LCSW 307-231-4625.

Every Tuesday & Wednesday: Archery League 6-9 pm at the Sublette County Ice Arena in Pinedale.
Every Tuesday: Bingo Rendezvous Pointe and Wind River Pizza, 7 pm, Pinedale
Every Tuesday: Yoga at the Big Piney Library 6-7 pm
Every Tuesday: Narcotics Anonymous meet in Big Piney 7-9 pm, Fairgrounds little office building
2nd Tuesday: Pinedale Boat Club At 6:00PM at the Pinedale VFW.
Every Tuesday: Bible Study at the Daniel Community Center, 18 Schoolhouse Lane in Daniel, 6 pm.
2nd Tuesday: American Legion Post 47 monthly meetings in Pinedale. 7:30pm at the Pinedale VFW. Contact Sue Shenefelt for more information, adjpost47@yahoo.com or 307-360-8460.
Every 3rd Tuesday: Upper Green River Chapter of the Wyoming Archaeological Society meeting. At the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale, 6:30 PM. Meetings usually in the winter months, summer field trips. Everyone welcome. More info online here: www.sublette.com/was
3rd Tuesday: Sage and Snow Garden Club Meets the third Tuesday every month, except July and August, starting at 5PM at the Sublette County Extension Office in Pinedale. Anyone is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact the Sage and Snow Garden Club at sageandsnow@yahoo.com or Box 2280, Pinedale, WY 82941.
3rd Tuesday: Big Piney/Marbleton Volunteer Fire Department Joint Powers Board meetings. Marbleton Fire Hall, 7:00 pm.
4th Tuesday: The Sublette County Treasurer will be in Marbleton/Big Piney at the Marbleton Sheriff’s Office, selling license plate renewals, hours 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The week of Thanksgiving, the day switches to Tuesday that week. Save yourself a trip to Pinedale to do this business! Please call the office with your renewals so that they will be sure to have your numbers on hand, 307-367-4373. www.sublettewyo.com
Every Wednesday: Family History Center open, LDS Church, 10-3 & 7-9, Pinedale
Every Wednesday: Driver's Licenses in Big Piney, 650 Piney Drive, 10-noon, 1-4 pm.
Every Wednesday: Christian Classic Live Reading Join Pastor Larry Lowen of Wind River Baptist Church for an hour of reading from Christian literature. During the noon hour in the American History eritage Room of the Pinedale Library. For more information call Mo 307-367-2414.
1st Wednesday of each month: Pregnancy Resource Center’s Moms Group meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10:30AM – 12 noon at BOCES. For more information, call the PRC at 307-367-7077.
Every Wednesday & Sunday: AA meeting 7-8PM, Lutheran Church in Pinedale (updated 5/2/2022)
Every Thursday: Immunization Clinics weekly at Public Health in Pinedale Call 307-367-2157 or 307-276-3575 for more information - 4 p.m. Call 307-367-2157 or 307-276-3575 for more information.
Every Thursday: Veterans Support & Educational Group
From 4:00—5:30pm at the Sublette County Public Health Dept. in Pinedale. Enjoy fellowship with fellow veterans, good company, and a cup of coffee. Information available about coping with PTSD, trauma, anxiety, and stress management. Facilitated by Mary Sim-Barcelos, MS, LPC, who works as a mental health therapist at High Country Behavioral Health. You are not alone!
Every Thursday: Weight Watchers 6:00 pm, Sublette Center, 333 N Bridger in Pinedale. Call Ann Stowe for more info 360-8469.
Every Thursday: BINGO, VFW, 7 pm, Pinedale
Every Thursday: Suicide support meetings NAMI/support meeting in Marbleton at the Marbleton Town Hall, every Thursday beginning November 5th at 7:00PM. This will/can be a discussion for those who are interested in a suicide survivors and family support group. Given in an open group fashion. NAMI is National Alliance for Mental Illness. For questions call Scott Dimit, 307-260-3067.
1st Thursday of each month: Daniel Comunity Center group usually meets, Daniel Schoolhouse, 6:30 pm.
1st & 3rd Thursdays: Pinedale Lions Club winter meeting location is 6PM in the back room of the VFW in Pinedale. (updated 9/22/2020)
2nd Thursday of each month: Pinedale OES No. 39 meeting, Masonic Hall, 7:00pm
2nd Thursday: Soroptomist Club Meeting at the Pinedale Library at 5:30PM. www.soroptimist.org
3rd Thursday, B.A.C. (Believers Against Cancer) support group. 6-8PM at the Sublette BOCES building in Pinedale, 665 N. Tyler Ave. The group will hold their first meeting on Thursday, January 16th, 2025. They are sponsored by Harvest 4 Pink and Sublette BOCES. For more information, contact Nicole Robbins, President/Founder - Harvest 4 Pink, 916-712-9544.
3rd Thursday of each month: Food distribution at the Pinedale Food Basket. Eligibility is based on free/reduced school lunch program. (You must be registered ahead of the third Thursday to receive food. 307 231 2316.) Volunteers always needed. Food Basket hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday from 10AM-4PM, Saturday from noon to 4PM, Closed Wednesdays & Sundays. Located at 104 Bridger Avenue in Pinedale.
3rd Thursday of each month: Regular meeting of the Sublette County Conservation District board. 6PM in the USDA/NRCS Conference room, 1625 West Pine Street in Pinedale.

Thursday & Saturday: Narcotics Anonymous, St Andrews in the Pines church, 7-8 pm
Every Friday: Friday Fun Nights at Rendezvous Pointe Senior Center, Pinedale. Variety of games to play. Snacks and drinks available. Call 307-367-2881 for more information.
Every Sunday and Wednesday: AA meeting 7-8 pm, Lutheran Church, Pinedale (updated 5/2/2022)
Every Sunday: Al-Anon meeting Our Lady of Peace Church in Pinedale, 7 pm

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Sublette County & *LaBarge area events only (LaBarge is just over the county line south of Sublette County, and their kids come to school in Big Piney, so we've adopted them too!) Please call or e-mail us with your community event information to post on Pinedale Online and/or BigPiney.com websites. To submit events, contact Pinedale Online at 307-360-7689 or 307-367-6763 (Office Outlet in Pinedale) or fax to 307-367-2864 (Office Outlet in Pinedale). E-mail us at support@pinedaleonline.com, or stop by our office located in Office Outlet in Pinedale, 43 S. Sublette Avenue. Information may also be dropped off at the Big Piney Office Outlet store. Organizations and event organizers, please let us know if you find incorrect date or time information on our site about your organization so we can correct it. Copyright 2023, all rights reserved. Other websites are welcome to link to this page for Pinedale area event information. If you wish to copy information directly from this page to paste into your website, please credit Pinedale Online and link to http://www.PinedaleOnline.com, as your source. Other community calendars are available in the Sublette Examiner newspaper and the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce quarterly newsletter and e-newsletter to Chamber members. Community calendar information is also broadcast on KPIN Radio, 101.1FM in Pinedale.