May 31, 2001 - Easing
Into Summer
Fishing, Fishing!
Season Underway
Pinedale High School Rodeo
Rendezvous Meadows Junior Golf Summer Program
Big Piney Class of 1991 10-Year Reunion
New on Pinedale Online: Sunset Ranch Stables
Fishing, Fishing!
Fishing Day, Half Moon Lake Fishing Derby planned for June
have a lot to look forward to in June! Mark the weekend of June 9th
& 10th on your calendars for Kid's Fishing Day and the Half Moon
Lake Fishing Derby!
June 9th, is Kids' Fishing Day at the CCC Ponds, held in conjunction
with National Fishing Week, and sponsored by the Wyoming Game &
Fish, Bureau of Land Management, United States Forest Service and Trout
Unlimited. Participants will be awarded prizes, and there will be free
lunch and refreshments. Clinics include Spinning & Fly Casting Instruction,
Fish Identification, Hook Baiting, Knot Tying, Fish Handling, Fish Habitat,
Fish Ethics and Fishing Safety. Parents are encouraged to stay with
their kids and take part in the day. Preregistration is requested, and
forms can be picked up at the Wyoming Game & Fish Department and
Pinedale Ranger District in Pinedale. Adult volunteers are still needed.
Anyone interested can contact John Ross at 307-367-4131. For more information,
contact Kurt at 367-4326 (USFS) or Hilda at 367-4352. Directions: To
get to the CCC Ponds, from Pinedale take the Fremont Lake Road to the
Lakeside Lodge turn-off. Continue approximately 1 mile staying to the
left and turn left at the CCC Pond sign. See pictures from last year's
Kids' Fishing Day here.
On Saturday
and Sunday, June 9th & 10th, Half Moon Lake Resort is hosting
their 2001 Half Moon Fishing Derby with over $1000 in cash and
prizes. The Derby runs from 8 am-5 pm on Saturday and 8 am-3 pm on Sunday.
Mandatory check-in for both days is from 7 am-8 am. Entry fee is $10
for adults, $5 for children 12 & under, and $25 per boatload or
family. Breakfast will be provided on both days for anglers at 6 am.
A Derby Day BBQ will be held on Saturday for $4 for kids and $6 for
adults. For more information and entry reservations, call 307-367-6373.
forget to check out the Fly Fishing Hatch Report by John Ross
of Two Rivers Emporium in Pinedale for the latest updates on what's
working on area lakes and streams to catch 'the big ones'. Hatch
Bridger-Teton National Forest offers many miles of roads for 4-wheeling
fun. Roads vary from good gravel to rugged two tracks strewn with protruding
sure to check with the local Forest Service and BLM offices for special
regulations regarding travel on specific roads and any seasonal closures.
Unlike snowmachines, 4-wheeler rentals are not available locally, mostly
because there is more risk of injury in case of an accident. Be
aware that anyone driving a 4-wheeler or motorcycle on any Wyoming public
road must meet motorcycle
standards by having a valid license plate, brakes, brake light, reflector,
headlight, horn, taillight, muffler and mirror. Drivers must have a
Class M Motorcycle driver's license and those under 18 must wear a helmet.
Three-wheelers may not be ridden on any public roadway, except for agricultural
Many of
the roads that are great for 4-wheeling are suitable for mountain biking
as well.
Season Already Underway
National Forest urges fire safety in Forest
the 2001 Fire Season already underway, the Bridger-Teton National Forest
urges local citizens and all forest users to use extreme caution when
working and playing in and around the forest. Visitors are urged to
with local wildland fire agencies to obtain the latest fire regulations
and restrictions before heading out into the backcountry. Keep campfires
small and use existing facilities (fire rings) whenever available. Always
keep campfires away from overhanging branches, steep slopes and dry
grass, rotten logs or stumps and never leave a campfire unattended.
When leaving your campfire at any time, drown and stir all campfires
with water and make sure they are "dead out." The Bridger-Teton
National Forest has already had several small fires, both human and
natural caused, on the Forest within the last two weeks.
River Lakes Campground is open, but the drinking water won't be turned
on until it has been tested, so no fees are being charged. Fees are
now being charged at Fremont Lake Campground, New Fork Lakes and Whiskey
Grove Campground. Fremont Lake Campground now has water and Whiskey
Grove has a handpump for water. No water is available at New Fork Lakes.
Campsites are available on a first-come basis, but some units are also
reservable. Contact the local Forest Service offices (in Pinedale and
Big Piney) for current conditions
of campgrounds and trails in the Wind River and Wyoming mountains.
bears have been reported this week at the upper Fremont Lake Campground
in the Upper Green, and a grizzly bear was reported in the Upper Green
Jim Creek area south of Gypsum Creek. Bear-proof containers are available
at some campspots at Green River Lakes. This week's Pinedale Roundup
newspaper has a picture of one of two cougars that were spotted recently
by the Willow Creek Guard Station.
More about
Pinedale High School Rodeo
on Saturday, June 2
The Pinedale High School Rodeo will be held on Saturday, June 2 from
8 am - 5 pm at the Pinedale Rodeo Arena, just south of Pinedale. Two
hundred and fifty High School competitors will participate in bull riding,
saddle bronc, bareback, steer wrestling, calf roping team roping, breakaway
roping, barrel racing, goat tying, pole bending, & cutting.
Rendezvous Meadows Junior
Golf Association
The summer golf program for the Rendezvous Meadows Junior Golf Association
begins Tuesday, June 5 and is open to children 9-18. An organizational
meeting will be held at 4 pm (for 9-11 year olds) and 5:30 pm (for 12-18
year olds). Monday-Wednesday, June 11-13, Henry Wilks will be giving
a 3-day clinic beginning at 9:00 am each day. Cost is $10 for membership
dues for 2001. The Wyoming State Junior Golf Tournament will be held
at Green Hills Golf Course in Worland on June 16-17. Registration forms
are available at the Rendezvous Meadows Pro Shop in Pinedale. Please
call 307-367-4252 for more information.
Piney 10 Year High School Reunion, Class of 1991
Big Piney Class of 1991 10 Year Reunion will be held July 13-15. Plans
now are to have a get-together on Friday, July 13 at 7:30 pm at the
Big Piney High School for coffee and brownies. On Saturday there will
be a picnic at the Mableton Town Park at noon. Food will be provided
(please send $6.50 with your registration). Bring your own drinks. Sunday
there will be a get-together at 11:00 at Middle Piney Lake. Graduates,
if you have not yet been contacted about the reunion, call Tanya Elliott
at 307-276-3408 or e-mail
for more information. Mark your calendars and RSVP by June 1st!
on Pinedale Online!
Ranch Stables
Sunset Ranch, located on Pole Creek Road south of Pinedale, offers a
wide variety of services from horse boarding to banquet catering. Facilities
include an indoor arena, stables and pastures. Horse
boarding, riding classes, dog kennels, guided horse rentals and the
riding arena are available. Their
facilities are available for group functions such as banquets, parties,
classes, dances, and auctions. Mechanical bull riding and monthly flea
markets are held. They do catering and have a fully equipped bar and
kitchen overlooking the arena. They are located at 100 Badger Ridge
Road. Phone: 307-367-6221, evenings: 367-6224, cell: 360-6226. Click
here for more information.

Red Indoor Arena"
Pinedale road construction is almost completed and it looks great! Some
minor spot work is still being done on manhole
covers, and is expected to be completed in about a week. There are no
delays through town and all businesses and side streets are accessible.
If you are traveling between Pinedale and Jackson, they are doing
bridge repairs on 7 bridges along Hwy 191 from the "Rim"
through Hoback Canyon. No overweight loads permitted on this highway
and width restrictions require vehicles to be 10 feet wide or less.
Repair work there will last during the summer. Expect one lane traffic
in construction areas and 5-30 minute delays. There is also road work
being done between Pinedale and Big Piney on Hwy 189. Construction
is along about a 2 mile stretch. Expect one lane traffic and short dirt
detours in sections. Some short delays are possible at times with flaggers
directing traffic.
WY Department of Transportation
(WYDOT) web page
Trudy Fry
deepest sympathies go to the family and friends of Tim Baxley. The boating
accident that took his life was tragic. He will be fondly remembered
by all those who knew him. Thanks to all those who desperately tried
to save him. We send our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Barbara
& Terry Pollard.
- June
Pinedale High School Boys & Girls Cutting, 6 pm, Steve James Arena
in Daniel
- June
Pinedale High School Rodeo, 8 am - 5 pm, Pinedale Rodeo Arena. 250
High School competitors in bull riding, saddle bronc, bareback, steer
wrestling, calf roping team roping, breakaway roping, barrel racing,
goat tying, pole bending, & cutting
- June
Barrel races at the Sublette County Ag Center, 2 pm - 6 pm
- June
Kid's Fishing Day & Bar-B-Q at the CCC Ponds. Sponsored by the
US Forest Service, Trout Unlimited and Wyoming Game & Fish.
- June
2001 Half Moon Fishing Derby. Over $1000 Cash and Prizes. BBQ on Saturday
$6 adults, $4 kids. Breakfast will be available for anglers at 6 am
on Saturday and Sunday. Contact Half Moon Lake Resort for more information.
- June
1st Annual Wind River Blues Festival, 10 am - 10 pm, Pinedale Rendezvous
Grounds. 6 Blues bands, $40. For information call 307-367-7093.
- July
Big Piney 1991 High School 10 Year Reunion. Call Tanya Elliott for
more information, 307-276-3408 or e-mail:

of the American Mountain Men spent the past week at the Museum of the
Mountain Man giving presentations to area schools and visitors on the
lives of the mountain men of the early 1800s. Above, Pinedale Elementary
School 4th graders use a fur press to tie up a bundle of beaver pelts.
May 25, 2001
High School Graduation
High School Graduation
Mountain Men come to Pinedale
County Day at the Museum
Accident Claims Life of Tim Baxley of Pinedale
evening, May 25th, Pinedale High School held
their graduation ceremony for more than 40 graduating seniors in the
Pinedale Wrangler Gym.
speaker was Don Kendall, former Chairman and CEO of Pepsi Co.
for the
Class of 2001 is John Cavanagh and Salutatorian is Jenny Overgaag.
Following the graduation ceremony, seniors attended a non-alcoholic
class party at the school cafeteria.
to the graduating class of 2001!

John Cavanagh
Jenny Overgaag

on thumbnail pictures for a larger view.
Graduation photos by Alan Svalberg.
Mountain Men come to Pinedale
of the American Mountain Men spent the past week at the Museum of the
Mountain Man giving presentations on fur trapping, period weapons, rope
making, story telling, singing, making period clothing and much more.
student had the opportunity to make and keep a small medicine bag necklace.
Students from schools in Pinedale, Big Piney, Farson, Rock Springs,
and Jackson attended the week-long activities.
American Mountain Men (AMM) is a national organization devoted to the
preservation of the history, traditions and way of life of the mountain
Students got to see a mountain man camp, demonstrations on rope making,
setting beaver traps, using a beaver press, separating sewing sinew,
shooting firearms, story telling and singing, period clothing, money
and more.
AMM have three display exhibits currently at the Museum. Part of the
group's charter includes education and members give talks and demonstrations
across the country throughout the year. American Mountain Men members
came from Wyoming, Colorado, California, and Idaho taking a week
off from their regular jobs to spend their vacation time to give this
week-long living history presentation at the Museum of the Mountain
Man in Pinedale. Members will be on hand at the Museum on Saturday,
May 26, for Sublette County Day from 10 am until noon.
County Day at the Museum of the Mountain Man Saturday, May 26
May 26th, is "Sublette County Day" at the
Museum of the Mountain Man. All day, Sublette County residents are invited
to visit the Museum free of charge. Cake and punch will be available
during this day designed as a county appreciation day. The Museum is
open daily from 10 am until 5 pm until September 30th.
exhibits at the Museum include a 3-case fur trade & mountain man
display by the American Mountain Men showcasing members' private collections,
mountain man era clothing, and guns.
photographic displays from Exhibits USA include "Powwow: Native
American Celebration" featuring contemporary Native American photographs
(May 15-June 15), and "This Contest is for Real Hands" a display
of rodeo photos from July 5 - August 16th. The lower gallery of the
Museum has been completely renovated to show off the furniture from
early Sublette County, as well as the many early Sublette County artifacts
from the Museum collection and various loans.
Accident Claims Life of Tim Baxley of Pinedale
Monday, May 28
A boating accident on Little Half Moon Lake Saturday evening has claimed
the life of Charles Tim Baxley of Pinedale over Memorial Day weekend.
(More information) See local newspapers for
indepth story on Thursday.
Drive a pretty day drive

Skyline Drive road is open almost to the top. This paved 17-mile drive
has beautiful views of Fremont Lake, Half Moon Lake, and the Wind River
Mountain skyline, and makes a nice day drive or picnic trip. As of this
weekend, the road is open to within 1/2 mile of the top. View above
is of Fremont Lake in the foreground, with Little Soda and Soda Lakes
in the background.
May 19, 2001
Drive open almost to top!
Drive open
Center breaks ground
Piney & Marbleton still waiting for internet service
Bed & Breakfasts
Drive open almost to top
Drive is a scenic, 17-mile drive that climbs from the town of Pinedale
up a glacial moraine along Fremont Lake to Elkhart Park, a major trailhead
access into the Bridger Wilderness. The road is paved the entire way
and winds through rolling sagebrush hills at the lower end, then through
groves of aspen and conifer trees as it ascends. As of a couple of days
ago, the road was open almost all the way to the top. The campground
and trailhead parking lot are still not accessible (see picture).
It won't be long though!
Wildlife is often seen on this drive, especially
in the mornings and in the evenings, with antelope and deer being
almost guaranteed along the lower glacial moraine. In early spring,
elk are often seen grazing in the grassy meadows along the hill slopes
(bring binoculars for best views).
This drive has scenic views of 11-mile long Fremont
Lake, and Half Moon Lake, and passes by White Pine Ski area. Along the
way are numerous pull-outs with scenic vistas for picture-taking, and
short side roads to pull off for a family picnic. The main road is well-maintained
and has good turn around space at the top for those in RVs or pulling
horse trailers. (Side roads are dirt, and can be rocky and a bit rough,
and may not be suitable for RVs or low clearance cars.) During the summer
season, the Pinedale Ranger District staffs the visitor center at the
Trail's End Campground at the end of the road.
Lodge, located on Fremont Lake just off this road, offers restaurant,
motel and cabin accommodations, and boat rentals.
Moon Lake Resort is just a short drive off the Skyline Drive road
and has a restaurant and offers overnight cabin accommodations
with scenic views of the lake. Boat
and mountain bike rentals are available, and horseback rides can be
Service campgrounds and public access boat ramps are available at both
Fremont and Half Moon Lakes.
Views of Fremont Peak and the upper end of Fremont Lake from the upper
Skyline Drive scenic turnout earlier this week.
Center Breaks Ground
Pinedale facility to have 2 movie theaters, 8-lane bowling alley, billiard
room, video arcade, fast food court, and 300-seat meeting room.
Pinedale Entertainment Center (PEC) held their gound-breaking ceremony
on Friday, May 11th, to officially begin the construction of the new
PEC. Actual construction of the the 22,000 square foot facility will
begin in about two weeks and is hoped to be completed by the beginning
of November. The Pinedale Entertainment Center is being developed by
Tom and Bill Kellen of Cora, along with Charlotte Keyser of Pinedale.
The building willl be a pre-engineered steel structure that will be
installed on the site. It is located one block off Hwy 191 on the west
end of Pinedale near the hockey rink, golf course, and Best Western
and new Super 8 motels.
PINEY & MARBLETON still waiting for internet service
The phone
lines have been in place for almost 2 months, but Big Piney and Marbleton
are still waiting for the word that they can sign up for higher speed
internet access through What's the hold up? According to, things were all set to go, then disagreements emerged with
Century-Tel in Kalispell, Montana, about tariffs for the phone line
service., based out of Riverton, Wyoming, provides internet
service throughout the state of Wyoming, including the northern end
of Sublette County. Big Piney and Marbleton are currently being served
by No word about when the disagreements might be resolved.
So in the meantime, south county residents wait for Century Tel and to work things out.
Bed & Breakfasts
Bed & Breakfasts, the Chambers House, Pole Creek Ranch, and Window
on the Winds, offer cozy, affordable accommodations in a friendly home-style
setting. The Chambers House is a Pinedale landmark, built in
1933, with 5 guest bedrooms (2 with fireplaces). They are located in
downtown Pinedale within walking distance to shopping and restaurants.
Pole Creek Ranch is a rustic 2-story log home three miles from
Pinedale that has beautiful views of the Wind River Mountains. They
offer 3 guest rooms, hot tub, and horseback & buggy rides in a rural
setting. Window on the Winds, a 2-story log home located just
west of Pinedale on Hwy 191, has pretty views of the Wind River Mountains
and offers 4 guest rooms, a hot tub, and gourmet breakfast. Arrangements
can be made for horseback riding and guided fishing trips on the Green
and New Fork Rivers and into the Bridger Wilderness.

more about these Bed & Breakfasts, click
- May
Sublette County Fair Queen Contest, 10 am, Indoor arena at the Fairgrounds.
Three divisions, open to all county residents.
- May
Living History Days at the Museum of the Mountain
- May
Pinedale Chamber of Commerce Lunch & General Membership Meeting,
noon-1 pm, Sunset Ranch Stables. $6.50. RSVP the Chamber if you plan
to attend, 367-2242.
- May
Pinedale High School graduation, 7 pm in the Wrangler Gym. Parent
sponsored Senior Party at 9 pm
- May
Cutting-Sublette Ag Center,
8 am-8 pm
- May
Sublette County FREE day at the Museum of the Mountain Man
of Events

in Spring Creek Park between Soda and Willow Lakes
Lake is Open!

Lake opened for fishing Thursday, May 10th.
(Click here for more pictures)
May 10, 2001 - Soda
Lake Opens for Fishing
Lake Opens
Wilderness Lakes
Take: The
Lake opens for fishing
almost ritual annual mecca for some, Soda Lake opening day once again
attracted many avid fishermen. Click on small pictures to see larger
here for more info on Soda Lake.
Wilderness Lakes
to get back into the mountains? Here are more pictures of what await
you in the Wind River mountains and Bridger Wilderness area. We're still
about a month away from being able to get up to the high country and
these high wilderness lakes. (Plan your trip to these places for July
or August.) These pictures, courtesty of the Pinedale Ranger District
of the US Forest Service, are from earlier summers. Click on smaller
picture to see larger version.
above are Fremont Peak, Bellmark, Island, Rapid Creek, Gannett Peak, and
TAKE - The Wreck
Trudy Fry

bruises, 3 stitches, and a steer were the only casualties of this accident.
There are truly angels among us.

pickup truck pulling a horse trailer was hit by a semi-truck near Stanley's
Junction west of Pinedale last Thursday. The two occupants, 17 &
15 year old brothers, survived with minor injuries. (click
here for larger picture)
Green leaves are coming out!
Construction Update 
10: It's still a challenge
to figure out which lane you're supposed to be in as you get
on main street, but the road crews are doing a good job of keeping things
marked for traffic snaking through town around waterline holes. There
are no delays for through traffic, but drivers should be aware that
there are no pavement markings for the 2 miles through town. Follow
signs and orange lane markers. (more)
WYDOT web site for more road construction
High Mountain Lakes

Lake, on the northern end of the Bridger Wilderness, is one of the many
beautiful high mountain lakes on the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
here for more lake pictures)
May 6, 2001 - Lakes
to Find Out More
Unlimited Fundraiser
School Sports Schedule
Ross, Two Rivers Emporium
Online is proud to now bring you the fly fishing Hatch Report by John
Ross, owner of Two Rivers Emporium in Pinedale. Updated weekly during
the fishing season, John's intimate knowledge of trout fishing on
the Green and New Fork Rivers has made him one of the most knowledgeable
fishing experts in the area. Read John's report here on Pinedale Online,
hear it each week on the local KPIN radio, or go to his web site for
the latest fly fishing news,
Two Rivers Emporium is a full service fly fishing shop and offers
guided float fishing trips on the Green & New Fork rivers, as
well as guided wade fishing on nearby private blue water streams.
Fishing Hatch Report
could write lots about how beautiful the lakes are in the Bridger
Wilderness and the many reasons why folks love this country, but nothing
can say it better than pictures. Click on the thumbnails to see a
larger view. Right click on the picture to save it to your computer
desktop. Then as you're sitting in your office on the 34th floor looking
out your window at a sea of buildings and traffic, dream of 'The
above are Titcomb Basin, Black Joe Lake, Cook Lake, Temple and Big
Sandy Lakes. Pictures courtesy of the Pinedale Ranger District, US
Forest Service.
more to escape to?
Read 'Off the Paved Road'
by James Rogers and 'Wyoming
Cowgirl' by Cris Paravicini.
to Find Out More
businesses and government agencies now have web sites where you can
get more information about the Pinedale and Sublette County area.
Below is a list of web sites containing good information about our
Bridger-Teton National Forest
(gov site)
Daniel Photo Gallery
Pinedale Chamber of Commerce (businesses)
Pinedale Fine Arts Council (schedule)
Pinedale Roundup Newspaper
Sublette County Ag Center
County Extension Office
Sublette County Fair
(pictures & schedule)
Sublette County GIS (maps
& land info)
Sublette County Library (schedule
& services)
Sublette County Photo
History (pictures!)
Sublette Citizens for Recycling (what's
Wyoming BLM (gov
Wyoming Game & Fish (gov
Road Reports (road construction updates)
Unlimited Fundraiser
Green River Chapter 469 of Trout Unlimited is holding an Open House
and Fundraiser on Saturday, May 12, from 6-10 pm at the Pinedale VFW.
There will be a silent auction, fly casting instruction, cash raffle,
hors d'oeuvres, cash bar and a Wyoming Game & Fish table. The
silent auction and raffle items are sure to get the attention of avid
fishermen and women! Items include: Float fishing trips on the Snake
River, Green River, and South Fork rivers; A guided walk & wade
fishing trip for 2 on the Green River; A guided upland bird hunt for
2; a 2-people, 1-night, 2-day fly fishing stay at the Seven Mile River
Ranch; A 2-people, 1-night, 2-day fly fishing stay at the Spotted
Horse Ranch; An Orvis Trident 3 weight rod from Orvis; A float tube
& kick fins from Two Rivers Emporium; A Sage Large Arbor Reel
& Line from High Country Flies; plus two golf green fees for foursome
at Rendezvous Meadows Golf Course and other items. For more information,
call Two Rivers Emporium at 307-367-4131,
School Sports Schedule
11 (Friday) Regional Track at Rock Springs, 9 am
May 12 (Saturday) Regional Track at Rock Springs, 9 am
May 12-13 (Saturday & Sunday) High School Rodeo at Newcastle,
9 am
May 18-19 (Friday & Saturday) State Track Meet at Casper
May 19-20 (Saturday & Sunday) High School Rodeo at Casper
May 26 (Saturday) High School Rodeo at Buffalo, 10 am
May 27 (Sunday) High School Rodeo at Sheridan, 9 am
May 28 (Monday, Memorial Day) High School Rodeo at Sheridan, 9 am
June 1 (Friday) High School Rodeo Cutting at Steve James Arena, Daniel,
6 pm
June 2 (Saturday) High School Rodeo, Pinedale Rodeo Grounds, 8 am
June 3 (Sunday) High School Rodeo at Jackson, 10 am
June 9-10 (Saturday & Sunday) High School Rodeo at Douglas, 10
June 21-24 (Thursday-Sunday) Wyoming High School Rodeo Finals at Douglas
Many thanks to Pat of the Sun Dance Motel for the fudge care package!
We look forward to all our Snowbirds coming back! See you soon!