Pinedale Squirts (9 & 10 year olds) held two hockey tournaments
over the weekend to teams from Rock Springs, Jackson and Big Piney.
Sunday's games were held on Half Moon Lake for the second Half Moon
Lake Resort Invitational Hockey Tournament.
Half Moon tourney photos by Josh Wilson for Pinedale Online.
February 23, 2002
& Stetsons
Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goat Application Deadline Feb. 28
Fishing Derby on Fremont Lake
River Valley Winter Carnival
students urged to enter Junior Duck Stamp Contest
should register their boats now
a Swing Thang!
River Valley Cattlemen's Association Annual Meeting & Banquet
& Stetsons
March 2, 5:30 pm
The Green
River Valley Museum's annual fundraiser, Hard Hats & Stetsons, will
be held March 16th at the Waterhole #3 in Marbleton. The evening will
feature a live and silent auction, raffle balloons, door prizes, hors
d'oeuvres, and dancing to the "Mad Hatters". There will be
a live auction with highlights being tickets to the Utah Symphony, a
Lagoon package, a package to the Pioneer Theatre in Salt Lake, and a
Thermopolis trip with swimming at Star Plunge. The silent auction will
have many items donated by the local businesses and citizens of Sublette
County. Money raised will go for more pods for more displays, finishing
work on the new building, and a new display "The Dress Maker's
Shop" featuring period clothing donated by local citizens. To view
items for bid in the silent auction, visit the Hard Hats and Stetsons
page on our sister web site, Sublette.com.
Anyone wishing to donate an item for the auctions, or just make a donation
to the museum, can contact Carrie Anderson at 307-276-5343, GRVM, P.O.Box
12, Big Piney, WY 83113. Visit
the museum's web site:
Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goat Application Deadline February 28, 2002
The Wyoming Game & Fish Department is reminding hunters that license
and preference point applications for both resident and nonresidents
for moose,
bighorn sheep and mountain goat must
be received at the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's Cheyenne office
by 5 p.m. Feb. 28. Applications are available from the Game & Fish
web site at gf.state.wy.us or by
calling (307) 777-4600. Hunters are urged to apply as soon as possible
to lessen the risk of their application being received after the deadline
date of 5:00 P.M., February 28, 2002.
Fishing Derby on Fremont Lake
2 & 3, 2002, Fremont Lake, no membership required
The Pinedale Boat Club is holding their annual Ice Fishing Derby on
Fremont Lake Saturday and Sunday, March 2-3. This One-Fish Tournament
has a $1,000 prize for the Biggest Fish. Day money and other prizes
will be awarded. There is a $20 entry fee, but no membership is required.
Pre-registration is from 6-8 pm on Friday, March 1st at the Cowboy Bar
in Pinedale. The Derby runs from 7 am - 4 pm on Saturday and 7 am -
2 pm on Sunday.
River Valley Winter Carnival
7-9 in Pinedale (note date change)
The Green River Valley Winter Carnival has been re-scheduled to Thursday-Saturday,
March 7-9. The Winter Carnival, being spearheaded by Pinedale Roundup
Editor Rob Shaul, will include arm wrestling tournaments, a drag beauty
pageant, children's events and adult contests and races. Other fun events
planned include a snowmachine long jump, a community dance, and casino
night. Carnival activities will take place in various locations around
Pinedale. Call 367-2242 (Pinedale Chamber) or 367-6732 for more information.
Students Urged to Enter Junior Duck Stamp Contest
Game & Fish News Release
kindergarten through high school students can learn about waterfowl
and the value of wetlands by participating in the 2002 Federal Junior
Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program. To participate in the program,
any Wyoming student -- public, private or home school - should research
a native North American duck, goose or swan species, and then paint
or draw the bird in a 9-by 12-inch horizontal format. Entry forms, which
include specific guidelines are available at http:duckstamps.sws.gov
or by calling Wyoming coordinator Jane Lavino at (307) 732-5417.
Students from all 50 states and the District of Columbia
compete in the program. From 400-800 Wyoming students annually enter
the competition, says Lavino, who is the education coordinator of the
National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson. A Best of Show winner also
is selected at the state level, to compete nationally. The winning artwork
at the national show becomes the design for the following year's Federal
Junior Duck Stamp. The first place national show winner also is awarded
a $2,500 scholarship. Last year, 16-year-old Bridger Konkel of Sheridan
won best of show in Wyoming with his painting of a pair of wood ducks.
Wyoming judging takes place March 26. The first through third place
paintings in kindergarten - 3rd grade, 4th - 6th grade, 7th - 9th grade
and 10th - 12th grade divisions will be displayed at the museum from
May 9 to Aug. 22. "It's one of our most popular exhibits,"
Lavino says.
must be postmarked no later than March 15 and mailed or delivered to:
Jane Lavino
National Museum of Wildlife Art
POB 6825
Jackson, WY 83002
The Federal
Junior Duck Stamp program was initiated in 1994 to increase knowledge
about the Federal Duck Stamp as a conservation program, and to help
teach the importance of wetland conservation.
Encouraged to Register their Boat Now
Game & Fish News Release
Both new
boat owners and renewals are encouraged to register early and to submit
all the required paperwork, says Maggie Barnes, who oversees boat registrations
for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. She reminds new boat owners
to submit a notarized bill of sale, dealer's invoice and proof of sales
tax payment with their registration form. All owners are urged to register
early to make sure they are ready to launch when lakes open up. Barnes
encourages boaters to take advantage of the 3-year registration. "That
way boaters only have to deal with the application every three years
and get to save a little money by doing it," she said.
Boat registration is $15 annually or $40 for three
years. Forms are available from G&F offices, license agents and
on the "fishing page" of the G&F Web site at gf.state.wy.us.
Beginning this year in Wyoming, all boats equipped with any size motor
- electric or internal combustion -- must be registered.
a Swing Thang!
Feb 27, 7-8:30 pm, Pinedale Elementary Gym Commons Area
Like to swing
dance? Then you won't want to miss the Big Band Swing dance at the Pinedale
Elementary Gym Commons Area on Wednesday, February 27th from 7-8:30
pm. No partner is necessary. The cost is $10 percouple and $5 for singles.
The session is being taught by Karen Forss, member of Contemporary Dance
Wyoming which will be performing in Pinedale on Friday, March 1st at
7:30 pm in the Pinedale Auditorium as part of a Pinedale
Fine Arts Council season ticket event program. For more information,
call 367-7322.
River Valley Cattlemen's Association Annual Meeting and Banquet
March 2, 5:30 pm
The Green
River Valley Cattlemen's Association will be holding their annual Meeting
& Banquet on Saturday, March 2nd at 5:30 pm the Pinedale Entertainment
Center. Banquet speaker is C.J. Hadley, editor/publisher of Range Magazine.
The dinner will be prime rib, by Sue Eversull, with music and dancing
to the band Midnight Cowboys. Banquet tickets are $25/person and must
be purchased by February 24th. Tickets are available from Randy Bolgiano
(537-5280), Jim Bousman (537-3004), Corby McGinnis (386-2382) and Sue
Sommers (367-2123/4601). The GRVCA committee meetings will take place
on Friday, March 1st at 1 pm at the Sublette County Library in Pinedale.
There will be a Congressional Roundtable on Saturday at 1 pm with Senators
Mike Enzi and Craig Thomas before the banquet. The meeting and banquet
are co-hosted by the Wyoming Stockgrower's Association and Mortenson
Stevens & Co CPAs.

deer enjoys a free meal at a local ranch.
Photo by Laurel Profit.
still is Great Snowmobiling!

the Corkscrew" near Lookout Peak in the Wyoming Range last weekend.
"There's still plenty of good snow!".
Photo by Dave Bell. (see more of Dave's
pictures here)
February 19, 2002
River Valley Cattlemen's Association Annual Meeting & Banquet
Seeks Input for Oil & Gas
Ski Day at White Pine
River Valley Winter Carnival
Hockey Tournaments last weekend
Entertainment Center Update
Board Requests Due March 5th
Online Alert: New Computer Virus Warning
River Valley Cattlemen's Association Annual Meeting and Banquet
March 2, 5:30 pm
The Green
River Valley Cattlemen's Association will be holding their annual Meeting
& Banquet on Saturday, March 2nd at 5:30 pm the Pinedale Entertainment
Center. Banquet speaker is C.J. Hadley, editor/publisher of Range Magazine.
The dinner will be prime rib, by Sue Eversull, with music and dancing
to the band Midnight Cowboys. Banquet tickets are $25/person and must
be purchased by February 24th. Tickets are available from Randy Bolgiano
(537-5280), Jim Bousman (537-3004), Corby McGinnis (386-2382) and Sue
Sommers (367-2123/4601). The GRVCA committee meetings will take place
on Friday, March 1st at 1 pm at the Sublette County Library in Pinedale.
There will be a Congressional Roundtable on Saturday at 1 pm with Senators
Mike Enzi and Craig Thomas before the banquet. The meeting and banquet
are co-hosted by the Wyoming Stockgrower's Association and Mortenson
Stevens & Co CPAs.
Public Input Wanted for Oil & Gas Development
20, 2002, 6:30 pm, Pinedale Auditorium
The Pinedale Field Manager of the Bureau of Land Management, Pinedale
Field Office, is seeking public input concerning types of watershed
and wildlife monitoring programs that are needed to assess the effectiveness
and reasonableness of mitigation as it relates to resources in association
with oil and gas development activities that are taking place in the
Pinedale Anticline Project Area (PAPA). A meeting to accept individual
recommendations will be held at the Pinedale Auditorium at 6:30 pm on
Wednesday, February 20th. According to a news release from the BLM,
no group consensus will be sought or encouraged by the BLM and advice
and recommendations will not be accepted on behalf of the Adaptive Environmental
Management (AEM) Task Groups. The BLM will utilize a meeting moderator
to ensure that all participants have the opportunity to present their
views. Notes will be kept on the meeting and will be available for public
view, including individual recommendations. No decision on accepting
a monitoring plan or initiating any specific data collection activity
will be made by the BLM at this meeting. After thirty days, the BLM
Field Manager will make a decision concerning appropriate data collection
and monitoring activities. For more information, contact the Pinedale
Field Office of the BLM at 432 E Mill Street in Pinedale or call 307-367-5300.
Pine Ski Area offers Discount Ski Day to Wyoming Skiers
Pine Ski Area is offering a special discount ski package to Wyoming
skiers. With their 10-10-10 Ski Package, skiers can ski White Pine on
the first Wednesday of each month for just $10. Ski rentals and lessons
are also just $10 on that day. Skiers must present a Wyoming Driver's
License or student ID, and a coupon which can be printed off from the
White Pine Ski web site: www.whitepineski.com.
White Pine is also featuring live entertainment every weekend with award-winning
singer/songwriter John Paul Westbrook. Music begins at 2:30 pm and continues
until the last run of the day. Skiers can get the latest snow report
by calling 307-367-6606 or from the web site.
Q. "When can I register my boat?"
A. Right now is a good time to take care of registration*before
the lakes open up. Many boaters wait until it warms up and then want
their boat registration right away. When the G&F has a backlog of
registrations it may take up to 10 working days to get it processed.
By registering now you will avoid the backlog and have your boat ready
when you want to go fishing.
Fishermen with small boats are alerted that beginning this year, all
boats with any size motor - both gas and electric - need to be registered.
Hockey Tournaments Last Weekend
The Pinedale
Squirt hockey team (9 & 10 year olds) held two tournaments over
last weekend. Teams from Big Piney, Rock
Springs and Jackson came to town for the tournaments. Friday and Saturday's
games were held at the Pinedale Hockey rink on the west end of town
with Pinedale, Rock Springs, Big Piney and Jackson competing. Jackson
placed 1st in this tournament,
Pinedale 2nd, and Rock Springs 3rd.
Sunday, teams from Big Piney, Rock Springs and Pinedale competed in
the Half Moon Lake Invitational Hockey Tournament hosted by Half
Moon Lake Resort. Teams enjoyed the beautiful weather and gorgeous
setting to play games throughout the day. Big Piney placed 3rd, Rock
Springs placed 2nd, and Pinedale placed 1st.
here for more Pinedale Hockey information.
Entertainment Center Update
Center is open!
The movie line-up for the rest of this week is Harry Potter,
Orange County, and Ocean's II. The new movies for next
week won't be in until later in the week. Lots of folks have called
and asked when Lord of the Rings will be in. They hope it will
be here either this weekend or next weekend. (We'll post the lineup
here when they find out and let us know.) You can also call the Pinedale
Movie Line phone number for a recorded message about what movies will
be playing and times, 367-6688. The PEC is currently taking applications
for employment. Anyone wanting more information, or to fill out an application,
should inquire at the front desk.
tickets: Adults $7.00, Seniors (60 and over) $6.00, Kids Under 12
$5.00, Senior Matinees on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Arcades
are $.25-$.50/game. Billiards is $.50/game. Bowling (open) is $3.00/game,
$2.00/shoes. Seniors & Juniors bowling is $2.50/game. The Center
is open from 10 am - 9:30 pm.
Boards Hears Requests for Funding
The Sublette
County Recreation Board will be budget requests for the 2002-2003 fiscal
year in Pinedale and Big Piney in mid March. Representatives from organizations
must attend the meeting and present written proposals (10 copies) of
their funding request. The proposal must contain an outline of the project
or organization that is requesting the funds, an itemized description
of how the money will be spent, demonstrate how the project or organization
benefits the residents of Sublette County recreationally, and show other
sources for support. Requests will not be received after March 12, 2002.
The Pinedale meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 5th at 7 pm in the
County Commissioners Room. The Big Piney meeting will be held on Tuesday,
March 12 at 7 pm at the Big Piney High School Media Center.
Computer Virus Warning
Yarner worm finishes the job by deleting your Windows Directory.
English version not here yet, but probably coming.
from Pinedale Online: We've had some breathing time since the last
virus hit and disrupted our computering lives here in Pinedale, but
there is a new virus (worm) on the internet now that we want to make
people aware of. This new virus/worm, Yarner, is still in German and
an English version hasn't hit us yet, but it probably will be translated
and set loose. It comes in via e-mail attachment appearing to be a newsletter
about Trojan horses from a legitimate security site. Once opened, the
worm executes and finds any e-mail address it can on the infected computer,
in their e-mail program and anywhere else it can find on the hard drive.
It then uses its own e-mail program to send itself out again so the
user doesn't realize the messages are being sent out. Once that is done,
the worm then deletes the Windows directory on the computer. This is
a potentially very dangerous worm that can cause a lot of damage to
victim's computers, and it isn't something that is an easy fix when
people bring in their computers to the computer repair guy. The best
protection is for people to make sure they have the latest virus definitions
downloaded from their virus protection software (this should be done
weekly), and make sure your e-mail programs is set to not automatically
open attachments. If you don't know who an e-mail is from, be very cautious
about opening it. Better to delete a questionable e-mail than open it
and have it execute a virus. We remind people to be sure to back up
their important computer files in a secondary location besides their
hard drive (CD, zip disk, tape backup) to prevent devastating data loss
should the computer hard drive files become corrupted or destroyed.
Prevention: Users of Microsoft Outlook 2002 and users of Outlook
2000 who have installed the Security Update should be safe from opening
the attached file with Yarner. Users who have not upgraded to Outlook
2002 or who have not installed the Security Update for Outlook 2000
should do so. In general, do not open attached files in e-mail without
first saving them to hard disk and scanning them with updated antivirus
software. Contact your antivirus vendor to obtain the most current antivirus
signature files that include Yarner.
more information about the Yarner worm: http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1105-840177.html
February 16, 2002
Entertainment Center Update
Entertainment Center Update
Center is open!
Pinedale Entertainment Center opened Saturday afternoon to enthusiastic
movie-goers. The Arcade and Billiards room were packed, and the bowling
alley opened later in the evening. Scroll down this page for today's
movie times and prices.
The movie line-up is Harry Potter, Orange County,
and Ocean's II. Theater tickets: Adults $7.00, Seniors
(60 and over) $6.00, Kids Under 12 $5.00, Senior Matinees on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Arcades are $.25-$.50/game. Billiards
is $.50/game. Bowling (open) is $3.00/game, $2.00/shoes. Seniors &
Juniors bowling is $2.50/game.

Pinedale traffic jam.
February 13, 2002
Entertainment Center Update

Moon Lake Resort hosted their annual Half Moon Lake Ice Fishing
Derby Saturday and Sunday. Pinedale Online photo.
February 11, 2002
Fine Arts Council Wins Endowment Challenge Grant
Who Build the American West
Openings in Pinedale
High School Locker Search
of Seniors
Fine Arts Council Wins Endowment Challenge Grant
The Pinedale Fine Arts Council announced earlier this week that they
have been selected to participate in the Wyoming Community Foundation/Kresge
Foundation "Partnership to Raise Community Capital." They
are one of 21 Wyoming charitable nonprofits competitively chosen by
the Board of Directors of the Wyoming Community Foundation for the Partnership
program. The PFAC has pledged to raise $100,000 in new endowment monies
by January 1, 2005 to receive a grant in the amount of $33,333 for its
endowment. The WCF will assist the PFAC in its efforts to raise the
1:3 matching funds with a fund-raising academy for its board members
and staff, and with other activities. In addition, the PFAC will receive
approximately $2000 representing annual income from the anticipated
$33,333 grant. to help defray fund-raising costs during the three years
of the program. Within a year after the PFAC raises its stated endowment
goal it can expect an annual distribution of around $7,000 or more to
help cover their general operating expenses.
Who Built the American West
13, 2002, 6 pm
The local chapter of the Business and Professional Women, and the Cowboy
Shop in Pinedale, are sponsoring a program entitled, "Women Who
Built the American West" by Living Historian Dorene Ludwig on Wednesday,
February 13th at the Sublette County Library in Pinedale. Ms. Ludwig
is President and Artistic Director of the American Living History Theater
in Greybull. Her program focuses on how the accomplishments, resourcefulness
and perseverance of the early women who settled in the American west
helped shape our country. The program is funded by the Wyoming Council
for the Humanities as part of their 2002 Speakers Bureau. This presentation
is free and open to the public. Reservations can be made by calling
Openings in Pinedale
People looking for employment in the Pinedale and Sublette County
area soon discover this is not an easy task. We do not have a local
job service office and many jobs never get advertised beyond word
of mouth. The local papers do print some job announcements, and state
and federal jobs are posted through the job service agencies (see
our Other Links section below). The best
way to keep in touch of the local job market is to subscribe to the
local papers, either the Pinedale Roundup or the Sublette Examiner
(local newspapers). The Roundup publishes
its classifieds each week here on Pinedale Online (online
classifieds). In addition to the various cook, waitress, and motel
help positions in the Help Wanted section, below are some of the professional
jobs that are currently being advertised in the area:
Sublette County School District #1, More information is available
by calling the Sublette County School District, 307-367-2139, or
going to the web site of the consulting company that has been hired
for the Superintendent Search, McPhearson & Jacobson LLC, http://www.macnjake.com/html/searches/sublette.htm.
Our schools page has information and pictures about the local elementary,
middle and high school (school page). Community
information is available from our Newcomer's
Guide and Community Profile page.
Children's Discovery Center in Pinedale, starts June 1, 2002. Position
includes teaching half time. BS in Early Childhood Education or
comparable degree, leadership skills. Send resume to: PO Box 1572,
Pinedale, WY 82941. For more information call 307-367-6272 or e-mail:
- Office
Fast-paced office, strong computer skills helpful, some bookkeeping
required. Must be able to work independently. Mail resume to Intermountain
Electric, PO Box 40, Big Piney, WY 83113.
High School Locker Search
The Sublette
County Sheriff's Office and Sublette County School District #1 issued
a joint news release on Monday, February 11, 2002, that they had conducted
a search of the lockers in the Pinedale High School.
order to insure the health and safety of students and staff at Pinedale
High School, and in cooperation with local law enforcement, a locker
search was conducted with trained drug detection dogs. The search was
conducted Monday midmorning and lasted approximately 45 minutes. The
search resulted with dogs indicating on several lockers, but no quantities
of any illegal substances were found. Not all lockers were searched.
This cooperative effort hopes to assure parents and community that the
schools are concerned as to activities that would prove harmful to students
and that they will remain vigilant in maintaining a drug free environment
within all schools."
Pinedale Snow Explorers held their Snowmobile Drag behind Rocky Mountain
Home Center on Saturday. The event drew 112 entries from Pinedale, Rock
Springs, Thayne, Alpine, Afton, LaBarge, Lander, West Jordan, Freedom
and Bancroft & Grace, Idaho. To see the race winners, please
see the Pinedale Snow Explorers web page, www.pinedaleonline.com/snowexplorers.
Outlaw T's,
from Star Valley, were on hand selling t-shirts, sweatshirts, and caps
custom made for the Pinedale Snow Explorers Snowmobile Club (see
photo below). These souvenirs are still available for anyone who
would like one from the Snow Explorers Club. The t-shirts sell for $10
for youth sizes, $12 for adult S-XL, and $13 for XXL sizes. The caps,
available in three styles, are selling for $15. Hooded sweatshirts are
$22 for Adult M-XL and $24 for adult XXL sizes. The adult shirts have
designs on both front and back, children's t-shirts just have designs
on the front. Anyone who wasn't able to buy a Snow Explorers souvenir
from the Drag Race can e-mail Outlaw T's at kdunnagon@yahoo.com,
or call Larry or Kara Dunnagan at 1-877-868-8529. Next
The Snow Explorers will be hosting their Daniel Poker
Run on February 17th, a Steak Fry on February
23rd, and the PInedale 100 Snowmobile Race on Fremont Lake on March
9th. For more information about the snowmobile club's events, please
contact Gary Neely at Bucky's Outdoors, 307-367-4561 or e-mail: buckys@wyoming.com.
of Seniors
Parents of
Pinedale High School Seniors who missed last Monday's planning meeting
should be aware of these upcoming dates. Graduation is on Friday, May
24th and plans are now being made for the senior class party after the
graduation ceremonies. The party is tentatively planned to be held in
the new Pinedale Entertainment Center. The Senior Lasagna Dinner, to
raise money for the senior party, is tentatively scheduled for Friday,
March 15th. Donation collection day is tentatively scheduled for March
19-22. Mary and Dave Lankford are the coordinators for the Senior Class
party, and they welcome help from any parents, and seniors, to plan
the non-alcoholic party. There will be another senior class parent meeting
on Tuesday, March 5th, at the Media Center in the high school.

These two
moose were munching their way through north Pinedale yards on Sunday
Pinedale Online photo.
February 3, 2002
Ellis Benefit Dinner
Piney & Pinedale Blood Drives
Ellis Benefit Spaghetti Dinner
Sunday evening,
February 3rd, more than 400 people joined the fun at the Pinedale Cafeteria
to enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner that took place as a benefit to
raise money to help with expenses for the family of Jesse Ellis, an
18-year old Pinedale high school senior who was recently diagnosed with
Hodgkin's disease. The event included the dinner, a free-will donation
bake sale, a silent auction, balloon prizes, and lots of good friends.
Money raised will be matched by funds available from the Aid Association
for Lutherans to go towards the family's expenses. The Pinedale Fine
Arts Council generously donated the items for the silent auction that
were to be used for last year's Black Tie & Blues fundraiser, which
was cancelled. Auction items included tickets to the Utah Jazz game,
Ballet West production tickets, Off-Broadway Theatre tickets, a pack
trip into the Bridger Wilderness, fishing float trip on the Green or
New Fork River, and much more.
Jesse is currently living with his grandparents in
Fort Smith, Arkansas, where he is receiving chemotherapy. He must undergo
a series of twelve kemotherapy treatments, one every other week. Each
treatment costs over $1,000 and he has had two treatments so far. According
to his mother, Patty, he may still need to undergo radiation treatments
once the kemotherapy is finished, but that will be determined once he
has had all the chemotherapy treatments and the doctors have evaluated
his condition. It is hoped that he will be done with all his treatments
in June.
According to the KDH
Hodgkin's Disease Foundation web site, victims of Hodgkin's disease
cancer have a very high survival rate, up to 85% with chemotherapy and
radiation treatments. Hodgkin's disease is a cancer of the lymphatic
system. Cells in different parts of the body work in different ways,
but all repair and reproduce themselves in the same way. Normally, this
division of cells takes place in an orderly and controlled manner but
if, for some reason, this process gets out of control the cells continue
to divide, developing into a lump or tumour. Lymphoma cells generally
grow in lymph nodes, or glands, and make them enlarge. Sometimes they
can spread to affect other lymph nodes and they may occasionally enter
the bloodstream which carries them to other organs. Usually, however,
Hodgkin's disease involves neighbouring groups of lymph nodes. The treatment
of Hodgkin's disease, even when it has spread to different areas, is
usually very successful. Most people can now be cured, or their disease
can be controlled for many years.
is active in school sports and is a member of the Pinedale High School
Midget hockey team. His hockey team had two days worth of home games
in Pinedale on Saturday and Sunday. The team has been dedicating their
games to Jesse ever since they heard the news of his illness. Patty
said Jesse will graduate in May of this year and plans to attend Boise
State in the fall. "He is upbeat and positive and anxious to see
all of his friends and come home," she told us during the benefit.
The final count wasn't in yet on the money raised, but early estimates
are that donations came close to the $10,000 they had hoped to raise.
Many people and organizations helped put on the benefit
for Jesse and donated auction and prize items. Sponsors were the Aid
Association for Lutherans Branch 5200, the Sublette Center, The Pinedale
Fine Arts Council, the Pinedale Hockey Association, and Saint Andrews
in the Pines Episcopal Church. Jesse is the son of Patty and Mark Ellis
of Pinedale.
Piney & Pinedale Blood Drives
6th & 7th
Big Piney
and Pinedale High Schools are both sponsoring blood drives in February.
The Big Piney drive is on Wednesday, Feb 6th, from 1 pm - 7 pm, and
Pinedale High School's is on Thursday, February 7th, from 1 pm - 7 pm.
The units are very much needed, and the schools are hoping to reach
their goals of 50 units each. Everyone in the community is invited.
For appointments, call Big Piney High School at 276-3324 or Pinedale
High School at 367-2139.