Clean Up Kids

Questar Crew from Denver

Great Music by Just Brad

Lions Club cooked burgers

Food Line

Clean Up Sponsors
Pinedale Community Clean-Up Day
by Dawn Svalberg
May 15, 2004
The Sublette County Chamber of Commerce successfully sponsored the 1st Annual Community Cleanup for Pinedale with the ambitious goal to clean from Boulder to Bondurant.
Over 175 volunteers participated in this fun event for a great cause. Four hundred WYDOT orange bags and innumerable black bags were filled from roadside debris. It took six WYDOT dump truck loads to remove all the bags from state highways in addition to county and forest roads. Community pride is alive and well in Pinedale/Sublette County, Wyoming! It was determined by the volunteers that Budweiser is the beverage of choice of Wyoming litterbugs. Seriously, please report littering to the authorities. The transfer station reported very brisk business in private debris being properly disposed.
Thanks to all those who participated and the many businesses and groups that co-sponsored in this great event. We are looking forward to another success with the Big Piney/Marbleton Cleanup Day on June 12, 2004 for Southern Sublette County.
Businesses: Shell Rocky Mountain Production First National Bank of Pinedale Encana Oil & Gas Sublette Examiner KPIN 101.1 FM Pinedale Roundup Tegeler & Associates Questar Pacific Power Town of Pinedale Office Outlet/Pinedale Online Coca-Cola Sublette County Commissioners Sublette County Sheriff's Office Sublette Recycling Center High Country Senior Center Bridger-Teton National Forest Pinedale Ranger District Pinedale Lions Club US Air Force Detachment 489 WYDOT Lodge at Pinedale Faler's General Store St Andrews Episcopal Church Pinedale EMS Sublette County Chamber of Commerce
Individuals: (Editor's Note: Our apologies if we have misspelled anyone's name in this list we received, or left anyone out. Please e-mail us with any additions or the correct spelling and we'll correct any errors.)
Dave Bell, Ryan McKee, Sabrina Gay, Brady Gay, Stephanie Wilkerson, Shondee Wilcox, Denise White, Dave MacGill, James Winters, Dan Knutson, TJ Knutson, Diane Jones, Kim Hopkins, Lorie Menning, Ben Gunn, Barry Bowser, Zach White, Nathan Stone, Mark Stone, David Stone, Dillan Nelson, Will Nelson, Jaclyn Nelson, Kathleen Stone, Zach Gay, Matt Boyce Curt Covill, Lonie Menning, Arbree Haffey, Nick McMurry, Jeslyn McGinnis, Sara Domek, Mary Cooney, Kim Hopkins, Jamee Winters, Maure Williams, Brittany Warnock, Jamee Culwall, Karrie Butler, Heather Haffey, Abby Williams, Matt Steele, Leslie Steele, Cyd Goodrich, Alberta McAndrews, Linda Whitaker, Steph Wilkerson, Carol Berry, Carol Kruse, Cathy McKee, Ryan & Matt McKee, Kay Oakley, Shawna Danze, Ashley Danze, Garrett Danze, Miranda & Savannah Mitchel, Mariah Strike, Leanne Rellstab, Marciah McKay, Kassey Braun, Margie Braun, Ted Nelson, Kelli Harrower, Eva Harrower, Anna Harrower, Lizzy Cooney, Deidre Eversull, Don, Sue, Ginger, Aspen Shenefelt, Christina Kostelc, Ward Wise, Natalie Hathoway, Jake Hathaway, Wesley Hathaway, Monique Dixon, Desiree Ziegler, Tom Brown & crew, Robin Reints, Brad Reints, Connor Ranez, Pam Hejl, Wilcox, Nate Olson, Jake Brunette, Dwayne Burson, Kim Moser, Amy Schwartz, Laurie Hartwig, Alan Blackburn, Robyn Blackburn, Ky Lucas, Dawn Lucas, Gab Lucas, S MaGill, Craig & Janus Nelson, Bob & Kathy Jones, Skye Joynes, Lisa Joynes, Frak Roncala, Beralyn, Kyle, Rachel, Hannah Miusher, James Gillilian, Danny Knutson & family, Daphne Platts, Sarah Pellerin, Jenny Gunn, Hugh Gunn, George Gunn, Ben Gunn, Jim Tergem, Jacque Shill, Lacey Haygood, Jeannie Slack, Karen Ragen, Randy Belton, Kelly Tegeler, Denise White, Roxanne Jensen, Kathy & Eric Sechrist, Natalie Sechrist, Nancy & Merlin Spaulding.