Candy Scramble

Great Food

Start of Parade
Chuckwagon Days Parade and BBQ
by Clint Gilchrist
July 4, 2004
Big Piney, 35 miles south of Pinedale, held its 70th annual Chuckwagon Days on July 3-4th, 2004. This is Big Piney’s main celebration every year. Residents from all over Sublette County as well as alumni return home for the weekend. The two-day rodeo also brings cowboys from all over the region including Idaho and Utah.
The July 4th parade drew a large crowd this year even though the black clouds to the west threatened to soak everyone. More than 30 entries participated with most throwing the traditional candy to the kids. Didn’t look like any kid went away empty handed and several made a big haul. Mother Nature cooperated and held the rain off until just after the parade when everyone had already made it to their vehicles. Then the clouds opened up and dumped for about 15 minutes.
Following the parade was the traditional beef bar-b-que at the fairgrounds, which always serves hundreds of people for free. This year was no exception, even with the thunderstorm. Eaters had to move into the livestock shed for awhile, but there were no complaints from the agriculture crowd. The wet spring looks like it might end many years of drought and poor hay crops.