DEQ Pinedale Town Meeting April 21
Overview of DEQ activities
by Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
April 8, 2005
At the request of Representative Monte Olsen, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ) is planning to hold a town meeting in Pinedale for interested local residents. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update to the community on what the WYDEQ is currently working on and listen to their concerns. "We want to provide a chance for local people to talk with us directly about their concerns. We also want to let them know how DEQ is involved with the management of the many changes in their community," said John Corra, WYDEQ Director. "By listening to local residents, it will provide us with a greater understanding of their questions and concerns."
All interested residents are invited to the meeting which will be held on April 21, 2005 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Sublette County Library in Pinedale located at 155 S Tyler. The meeting will begin with an overview of DEQ’s activities. Following a brief break, the rest of the meeting will be devoted to dialogue with residents.
For further information, please contact Robin Lockman, Wyoming DEQ Public Information Officer, at (307) 777-6105.