Skyline Drive
17-mile long Skyline Drive has scenic views of Fremont Lake, Half Moon Lake and the Wind River Mountain skyline.
Forest Service proposes improving Skyline Drive
17-mile road from Pinedale to Elkhart Park in Wind River Mountains
February 24, 2006
(Pinedale) Safety concerns on Skyline Drive have led Bridger-Teton National Forest officials in the Pinedale Ranger District to propose road improvements. An increasing number of motor vehicle accidents are driving the proposal to widen the existing road.
The proposal involves adding shoulders to the road surface, and expanding the road width by four feet, according to Dave Booth, Natural Resources Manager on the Pinedale Ranger District. The project would begin at the Forest boundary near the access road to Fremont Lake, and continue along Skyline Drive, to Trail’s End Campground at Elkhart Park. In case of limited funding, the project could be divided into prioritized segments.
If approved, this project would begin no earlier than spring of 2008.