Michelle Fenn
Michelle Fenn, right, at the 10-12 division's party dress competition. Photo courtesy Teri Mahaffy.
Michelle Fenn selected 2006 Preteen Miss Pinedale
April 24, 2006
Michelle Dianne Fenn was selected to represent Pinedale at the 2006 State Little Miss Wyoming Pageant Finals on April 22 in Sheridan. Fenn is the 11-year old daughter of Laura and Mike Fenn of Pinedale.
Michelle won the titles of "Wyoming's 2006 Preteen Miss Personality", "Wyoming's 2006 Preteen Miss Talent", "Wyoming's 2006 Preteen Queen," and she won the Prettiest Smile award. The pageant is a fundraiser for the Miss Wyoming Scholarship Fund and raised $3014.18 for the Fund this year.
Girls 0-12 who are interested in participating in the upcoming Little Miss Pinedale Pageant can contact the State Director, Teri Mahaffy for more information at 307-673-5040, terimahaffy@bresnan.net.