High School Rodeo Finalists
National High School Rodeo finalists Andi James, Jake James, Wes Licking, Sonny Taylor and Cody Wright rode in the Rendezvous Parade.

Rodeo Court
The Rodeo Court rode in the Rendezvous parade.

Bouncing Fun
Kids loved playing on this Party Bouncer.

Trader's Row
Trader's Row vendors sold furs, period clothing, beads, knives, flutes and much more.

Pouches of Possibles
Pouches of Possibles, were handy bags used by early trappers to store items. Some bags were plain and others were elaborately decorated with beads.

Dr. Fred Gowans
Dr. Fred Gowans, noted fur trade era historian, along with Steve Banks and Kelly Sanderson, talk to the audience before the South Pass bus tour on Friday.

War Club
Plains Indian historian, Michael 'Bad Hand' Terry, shows a typical war club used by Plains Indians during the 1800s.

Michael Bad Hand Terry
Michael Terry shows a typical modified Indian trade gun from the mid-1800s.

Tony Messerly Many Strings
Tony 'Many Strings' Messerly, from Green River, Wyoming, played wonderful ballads while at Trader's Row. Messerly has CDs with his songs, which include tunes named 'Rendezvous', 'Winter Quarters', 'Fitzpatricks Ride', and 'Make the Mountains Mine'.

Lapita Frewin
Lapita Frewin did children's programs at the Museum during Rendezvous Days.

Tessa Manning
Tessa Manning, Sublette County Fair and Rodeo, Senior Princess. Photo by Tara Bolgiano, Blushing Crow Photography.

Amy Sheldon
Amy Sheldon, Sublette County Fair and Rodeo, Lady in Waiting. Photo by Tara Bolgiano, Blushing Crow Photogaphy.

Beer Fest
Six area micro-breweries participated in the Rendezvous Craft Beer Celebration.

Bottoms Up Brewery
Local micro-brewery, Bottoms Up, had two of their brews on tap for people to taste during the Rendezvous beer festival.

Bull Boat Ride
American Mountain Man Mike Powell made a "bull boat" of kids and gave a rough ride to Liz and Rod from Utah during the fireside chat Friday evening at the musuem.

Mountain Man Lunch
Richard Ashburn uses sign language to tell his fellow American Mountain Men that he is going to get something to eat.

Bear Story
American Mountain Man Jim Hardee tells a tall bear story at the Museum of the Mountain Man on Friday.

Fire Starter
Mike "Silver Hawk" Powell makes fun of Dan for not starting the fire fast enough duing the Friday evening fireside chat by the American Mountain Men. These men are actually very proficient at starting a fire with flint and steel, able to get a spark to flame in around 10 seconds.

Shakespeare AMM style
The American Mountain Men put on a hilarious 3-act Shakespearean play during Saturday evening's fireside campfire story program.

Big Trap!
BIG beaver trap!

Flint Lock Musket
American Mountain Man Allen Hall explains a flint lock musket typical of what was used by the mountain man during the 1820-1830s.

Steve Banks
Lecturer Steve Banks talks about the geography of the Rocky Mountain fur trade on Saturday at the Museum.

Wolf Ear Cap
Dr. Gage Skinner shows a wolf ear cap similar to what might have been worn by the mountain men in the early 1800s.

Pageant Indians
Even the little kids participate the Rendezvous Parade and later in the Rendezvous Pageant.

Walker and Bonneville
Joe Walker, played by Van Huffman, and Captain Bonneville, played by Mark Eatinger, in the Green River Rendezvous Pageant on Sunday.

Rocky Mountain Fur Company
Kay Malkowski drives a Rocky Mountain Fur Company wagon in the Rendezvous Pageant.

Black Harris
Moses 'Black' Harris, played by Ty Huffman, rides in front of the Rendezvous Pageant audience.

Marie Aioe Dorion Children
Marie Aioe Dorion and her two children, played by Kate and Ira Dickinson in the pageant, traveled with the Wilson Price Hunt party to Oregon in 1811.

Jim Bridger
Sir William Drummond Stuart, played by Jared Rogerson, gives Jim Bridger, played by Jon Mickelson, a suit of armor during the Rendezvous Pageant.

Shoshoni Indians
Ma Wo Ma, played by Tim Thompson, and Quinton Quay, played by Shane Costello, in the Rendezvous Pageant.

Images of the Past
Mountain Men, in front of Fort Bonneville with Fremont Peak in the background, reflect images of 170 years ago.

Jedediah Smith
Dave Vlcek plays Jedediah Smith during the Rendezvous Pageant.

Prayer by Signing
Jeanne Raney interprets a prayer into Indian sign language during the Rendezvous Pageant.

Meeting the Cast
After the Green River Rendezvous Pageant, the audience is invited to come down to meet the cast, ask questions and take pictures.

Up close
Spectators get a close look at work horses and get to talk with wagon driver James Rogers after the Rendezvous Pageant.

Lions Club Lunch
The Pinedale Lions Club provided lunch during the Rendezvous Pageant on Sunday.

South Pass Tour
Dr. Fred Gowans led a bus tour following the 1812 path of Robert Stuart over South Pass. Photo by Jim Hollandsworth.

South Pass
Fred Gowans with a bus tour at the South Pass interpretive site. Photo by Jim Hollandsworth.

Candy Cannon
The 'Candy Cannon' was shot off three times a day at Trader's Row during Rendezvous. The kids loved it!