1868 Hayden Expedition talk Sept 28
In Cheyenne
September 21, 2006
This one may be a bit far away for most local folks, but if you are interested in early Wyoming history and geology, we want to make you aware of this program next Thursday in Cheyenne at the University of Wyoming (UW).
UW will be hosting a talk about the 1868 Hayden Geologic Expedition of the Wyoming Territory. The AHC's 2006 Majewski Fellow, Jack E. Deibert, a UW alumnus and Associate Professor of Geology at Austin Peay State University, will discuss "Tracks, Trails, and Thieves: The Adventures and Discoveries of Ferdinand V. Hayden's 1868 Geologic Expedition of the Wyoming Territory".
The talk will be from 3:30 to 5:00 pm in the Wyoming American Heritage Center (AHC) Wyoming Stock Grower’s Room. The program is free and open to the public. A reception will follow.