BLM Building
View of the interior framing of the entry way to the new Pinedale Bureau of Land Management (BLM) building being constructed on the west end of Pinedale on Highway 191.
Pinedale Construction Updates
What winter slow down?
by Pinedale Online!
March 11, 2007
It used to be that winter was the "slow time", when the tourists left before snow season hit and we had Pinedale pretty much to ourselves as the locals. Business really slowed down, and businesses had to get creative, and often scrimp, to get through the winter months until business picked up again with the warmer weather of spring.
Not anymore. Things are busy all year round in Pinedale now. Evidence of that are all the constrution projects that continue even through the dead of winter.
Just for fun, we're tracking several of the more obvious building projects around town through a photo log of the construction progress. We go around and take pictures about once a week or so, as time permits, and post them on our new Construction Updates page. As projects are completed, they move off the watch page. New projects are added as they begin. We've put links on the pages to the various contractors who are helping with the individual projects. (Businesses, if you don't see your name on the list on a project you are working on, contact us and tell us what you are doing on which project, and we'll add you!)
We are currently watching 10 major projects: 1. The new Pinedale Bureau of Land Management (BLM) office. 2. Cattle Kate's Beauty Salon. 3. Pinedale Aquatic Center. 4. The Pinedale Middle School Cafeteria and Classroom addition. 5. Pinedale Medical Clinic. 6. Pinedale Ambulance Barn. 7. Rendezvous Pointe Garage. 8. Rocky Mountain Bank. 9. Pinedale Visitors Center 10. Sand Draw Rescue Center.
We've placed a photo icon on the Pinedale Online front page in our "Just for Fun" section on the right hand column of our front page that indicates when this section is updated.
Click on this link to get to the Construction Updates section: Construction Updates