Sublette crime decreases about 25% in 2006
Burglaries up, all o ther reported felonies either decreased or remained the same
March 27, 2007
According to preliminary figures released by Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation, crime in Sublette County decreased by about 25% in 2006 from 2005 levels, reports Jeffrey Jacquet, socioeconomic analyst for Sublette County. The tally of 2006 arrests and reported felonies decreased to about 2004 levels, from an all time high in 2005.
According to DCI, there were 264 felonies reported in 2006, and 428 total arrests for all categories.
The number of burglaries reported to the agency increased in 2006, but all other categories of reported felonies either decreased or stayed about the same.
The number of arrests for simple assault, drug sale, vandalism, prostitution, liquor law, increased in 2006, while everything else (including Felony Assault, Larceny, Motor Vehicle Theft, Forgery, Fraud, Drug Possession, DUI, etc) decreased.
Sublette County had one murder and one rape arrest in 2006, which has not occurred in the previous few years.
For more data about crime in Sublette County, and many other demographic topics, visit the Socioeconomic website: