by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
June 10, 2007
Killdeer are short-billed wading birds, members of the Plover family. They eat insects, worms and other invertibrates. It is nesting time for Killdeer here in Western Wyoming as the birds make their homes in the open fields and pastures. If a perceived predator approaches a pair's nest, the parents attempt to distract it by making a lot of noise to draw attention to themselves. Both adults will protest loudly and conspicuously hop around near the predator, feigning a broken wing injury. The adult will appear to drag itself, away from the nest, hoping the predator will follow. Once led away from the nest or young, the parent flies away to safety. Killdeer are migratory in Wyoming, leaving during the cold winter months.
Killdeer lay their eggs in open fields and pastures in a ground scrape or minimal nest. The eggs are approximately an inch-1/2 in length.
Photo by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!