Great Outdoor Shop
The Great Outdoor Shop is located on main street in downtown Pinedale. They carry gear for the serious outdoor enthusiast. This time of year they have skis (alpine and nordic) and boots, snowboards, heavy coats, active wear, sport helmets, wool socks and sweaters, gloves, sport footwear, snowshoes, kids outdoor clothing, and more. They also carry summer sporting equipment for fishing, hiking, camping, technical climbing, and more. They carry hiking trail books for the Wind River Mountains, as well as topographic quad maps. The staff is knowledgeable about outdoor sports and familiar with our area to be able to give advice on where to go. The Great Outdoor Shop will be open late on December 8th for the Chamber of Commerce Shop at Home Night. Regular store hours until Christmas are 8:00 AM to 7:00PM Monday-Saturday and 8:00AM to 6:00 PM on Sundays.

Guide Maps and Books
We get asked all the time where to find guide books for hiking the Wind River Mountains, and topo maps. You'll find them at the Great Outdoor Shop!

Hiking Guides
The Great Outdoor Shop carries hiking and climbing guides for the Wind River Mountains and Jackson Hole area. Photographer Fred Pflughoft's books are also available (he also works at the Great Outdoor Shop so it's easy to get an autographed copy of one of his books!).

Outdoor Outfits
The Great Outdoor Shop has the right clothing for spending long hours playing in the snow. Whether you're skiing, snowboarding or snowmobiling, these will keep you toasty warm.

Islandic Wool Sweater
The Great Outdoor Shop has beautiful Islandic wool sweaters in several design styles and colors. These are not cheap, but they are beautiful, and they are wool. Price under $200.

Sweater Detail
This is a close-up of the embroidery and sweater detail of the previous picture. If you have a woman in your life who loves warm sweaters, this would make a nice gift.

The Great Outdoor Shop carries name brand ski and snowboard equipment for adults and youth. These range in price from about $45 to $200.

Warm Socks
You don't live in Wyoming long without realizing the importance of warm socks. The Great Outdoor Shop carries 'Smart Wool' brand socks that are great for outdoor recreation. These socks are available in colorful patterns for those who want warmth and a bit of style. Sometimes kids don't get too thrilled over getting clothing for Christmas, but once they discover 'Smart Wool' brand socks, warm and cushioned, they'll like these for their outdoor play gear.

Warm hats
Along with warm socks, goes warm hats and gloves. The Great Outdoor Shop has a great selection of both, including hats the kids will actually wear. Name brands like The North Face, Burton and Spyder in today's styles. These range in price from about $15-25.

Multi-purpose tools
Need an idea for a stocking stuffer? How about a multi-purpose tool or Swiss Army knife? These are super handy for anyone who plays in the great outdoors.

Swiss Army Knives
Great all-around knife, great useful gift for a guy or a gal.

Head Lamps
Head Lamps are great for anyone whose outdoor recreation takes them into the early morning or late night darkness hours. Quality brands, durable.

Clip on Watch
Here's an idea for those active people who need to have a watch handy, but can't take the time to fumble in their pocket when they are wearing heavy gloves. These watches clip onto a belt or jacket and are easily accesssible to grab and see the time. Some glow in the dark and also have buttons to push for more light. Priced between $25-50.

Tot sizes
The Great Outdoor Shop has warm clothes for the littlest members of the family too.

Cowboy Shop
The Cowboy Shop is located right on main street in downtown Pinedale. They are a family owned & operated western wear store, established in 1947. They carry western clothing, cowboy (and cowgirl) hats and boots, ropes, saddles, tack, work clothing (dusters, heavy Carhartt overalls, boots), blue jeans, western shirts, western jewelry (silver, turquoise, western belts and buckles), Pendleton blankets, western theme gift items, silk scarves, books with western themes, books by local authors, and much more. You can find them online at www.cowboyshop.com and also on Amazon.com. Their hours for holiday shopping are Monday through Saturday 8:30AM to 6:00 PM, Sundays 12:00 Noon until 5:00 PM. They will be open until 8:00 PM on Friday, December 8th, for the Chamber of Commerce Holiday Shop at Home night

Cowboy Hats
This is the place to get your authentic Cowboy (or Cowgirl) hat and pair of boots. This is the real thing. Bob can adjust them to make sure they fit right.

Cowboy Boots
The Cowboy Shop carries all the top lines of boots and ropers for cowboys and cowgirls.

Bob Bing
Bob Bing, owner of the Cowboy Shop, is the expert who can shape your hat and boots so they fit just right.

Cowboy hats for kids!
Every little cowboy and cowgirl needs a hat too! These are available in black, red, tan and the ever-popular pink. Cost is around $25.

Roping Dummies
No, this isn't 'Roping for Dummies'. These are used by cowboys to practice their roping skills. (A lot more stylish than roping your trailer hitch.) Stick the dummy head in a square bale of hay and toss away. The Cowboy Shop also sells real cowboy ropes, new and used.

The Cowboy Shop carries a nice selection of western jewelry, including silver, turquoise and gold bracelets, necklaces and earrings.

Pendleton Blankets
Cowboy Shop carries beautiful Pendleton blankets and pillows in Western themes.

Pink Cowgirl Stocking
Here's a special Christmas stocking for that special little cowgirl. Price around $12.

Here's where to go to get the right saddle for you and your horse. Prices range from $500 to $900 to more.

Leather Jackets
Big cowgirls like western clothing too! These leather jackets range up to $200.

Red Long Johns
Red long johns! These aren't easy to find, but the Cowboy Shop has them. One piece, button front. Around $50.

R U Lazy 2?
Here are two books by local authors. R U Lazy 2 is a collection of humorous cowboy poems by award-winning Cowboy Poet Andy Nelson (from Pinedale), $16.00. Carvings on the Aspens is a collection of poems by the local Sublette County Artist's Guild, $26.00. Call the Cowboy Shop to order.

Cat Urbigkit books
Local writer and ranchwoman, Cat Urbigkit, has written several books that are aimed at intersting young adults in ranching and educating about life on a working ranch. (Cat also writes for us here at Pinedale Online.) Some signed copies are available. Priced under $20 each.

Seeds-ke-Dee Revisited
The most recent Seeds-ke-Dee publication of the local Sublette County Artist's Guild. This is a wonderful collection of stories, history, folklore and poems about life in the Upper Green River Valley. Priced around $39.00.

Hay Truck Cookie Jar
If you live in a ranching area, you've seen this many times, the truck stacked tall with hay and a dog riding on the top. This shows the same scene, but is a cookie jar! They also have ceramic cookie jars as horse trailers, cowboys, cowgirls, rodeo clowns and other western themes. We don't have room here to put up pictures of them all, but we do have more photos of the others. Write if you want to see them. Really cute! Priced under $50.

Hat Rack
Every cowboy needs a place to hang their hat. The Cowboy Shop has several very nice wrought iron hat racks in western theme designs.

Leather Fringe Jacket
Man's leather fringe jacket. Price is under $100.

The Barn Door
The Barn Door Design & Interiors is located at 31 S. Sublette Avenue. They carry furniture and accessories with "comfort, rustic sophistophication, style and personality." They are a full service interior design and home accessory shop. They carry furniture, accessories and antiques, as well as window treatments, upholstery and drapery fabrics, tile, carpet and rugs. The Barn Door is open Monday through Saturday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. They will also be open late during the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce Christmas Shop at Home Night from 5:00-8:00 PM on Saturday, December 8th.

Leather Couch
Leather coach, matching leather chair.

Local Authors
You'll find these book by local authors at the Barn Door: "Beyond the Storm" and "Subversion of Trust" by Big Piney resident Dr. William Close, and "Hard and Noble Lives" by Bondurant resident Paul Jensen.

Holly Miller Princess Books
Local writer Holly Miller has two childrens' books out about her horse named Princess. Both books were illusrated by Daniel artist Kay Meeks. "A Horse Named Princess: It's Nice to Meet You" and "A Horse Named Princess: The Very First Year."

Leather foot stool
This leather foot stool is also a seat by itself. It is beautiful decorated with leather toolworking. There is a matching chair to this piece.

Leather Chair
Leather chair matches the leather foot stool in the previous photo. Has leather fringe and decorative tack work.

Wood chest
Large wood chest can be used to safely store away blankets and bulky clothing. Metal decorative handles on the sides.

Cash Register
Old style cash register (around $500) sits atop a hand-made maple chopping block (around $950).

Primitive Pine Hutch
This Primitive Pine Hutch is desined to go into a corner. It has three shelves on top, with a glass door. Circa 1920s.

Leather and fabric loveseat has intricate design worked into the arm and leg wood.

Document Box End Table
Ebony document box end table has intricate tackwork design. Price is under $600.

Rocking Chair
Rustic, wood rocking chair has cane back and seat.

Redwood Coffee Table
This unique coffee table has redwood burl as the table top and uses driftwood for the table base. Price is under $500.

Rope Em
"Rope Em" western painting.

Grapevine Candleabra
Metal grapevine design candleabra is a unique piece for creating candlelight moods.

Museum of the Mountain Man
The Museum of the Mountain Man is closed for the season, but the online store (Trading Post) and business office are open and can take orders and mail items to you.

Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal
This is the first edition of the Museum of the Mountain Man's new academic publication, the "2007 Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal 2007 Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal." It is an open submission, peer review, scholarly publication. The Journal costs $25.00. As a Special Offer, while supplies last, when you
purchase a Journal you can get a 2007 Forum T-Shirt for an additional $5. The Mountain Man shown on the cover, and on the t-shirt, is one of the members of the American Mountain Men. Paperback, 8-1/2 x 11, 128 pages
ISSN: 1937-0733
Copyright 2007-Sublette County Historical Society. Purchases go to help the Museum.

Sundown, by Jeannette Showers Moore. Published by the Sublette County Historical Society-Museum of the Mountain Man. Hardback, 6x9 inches, Dustcover, 284 pages. The story of the Circle S, for decades one of the busiest dude ranches in Sublette County. Introduces the reader to the early days of outfitting in the backcountry paradise of Wyoming's Green River Valley. Jeannette Moore recalls, from a women's point of view, her family's joys and struggles in building a successful business and raising children in a spectacular but isolated and rugged landscape. $19.95. Book about local area history. Purchase helps to support the Museum of the Mountain Man. This book was just published this year, in 2007.

The Pinedale Book
Pinedale, Wyoming: A Centennial History, 1904-2004. Published in 2005 by the Sublette County Historical Society, Museum of the Mountain Man. Extensively researched and written by local historian Ann Chambers Noble. Hardback with dust cover, 442 pages, 570 pictures, 11 x 8-1/2 inches, weight 5 lbs. This is a Limited Edition of only 2000 copies. Full of photos and detailed information about how Pinedale was founded, grew and thrived – not just as a town, but as a community. There are 570 graphics and photographs of people and places all through Pinedale history, many from private collections never before made public. This is a must-have book for anyone who loves Pinedale. $65.00. Purchase goes to support the Museum of the Mountain Man.

Fur Trade & Rendezvous Book
The Fur Trade and Rendezvous of the Green River Valley. Published in 2005 by Museum of the Mountain Man - Sublette County Historical Society. Editted by Fred R. Gowans & Brenda D. Francis. 138 pages, 8 x 11 inches, softcover $15.95, hardcover $25.95. This book introduces the history of the fur trade and the cast of characters who plied the unpredictable and sometimes fatal business in Wyoming's Green River Valley until 1840. Meet the spirited individuals from all walks of life who were willing to risk all they had, every day, for a chance to gain wealth, power and adventure through the harvest of skins. Articles by 10 authors. Cover artwork by David Wright. Purchase goes to help support the Museum.

Memories of Kendall Valley
Memories of Kendall Valley. Published in 2005 by Museum of the Mountain Man-Sublette County Historical Society. By Richard Hecox, 2nd Edition. Hardbound, 6x9, 440 pages. Richard Hecox was born in Mountain View, Wyoming in 1912 and moved to the Kendall Valley and Upper Green with his parents and brother when he was a small infant. His parents filed on a piece of land west of the Green River and built a cabin. The book is a recollection of Mr. Hecox's life and family, which he originally had published in 1982. $24.95. Purchase goes to help the Museum of the Mountain Man.

Legacy of the Mountain Man DVD
This DVD was published by the Museum of the Mountain Man and the Sublette County Historical Society last year. The mountain men lived lives of daring adventure. These men included popular legends such as Jim Bridger, Thomas Fitzpatrick, and Jedediah Smith. But what kind of men were the mountain men? What caused these men to come to the Rocky Mountains? The movie Legacy of the Mountain Man descibes the life and lore of the men who became legend. Also included is a brief history of the Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale. This musuem exhibits many artifacts and displays of the era that helped carved the untamed West. 23 min 15 seconds. $30.00. Purchase goes to help support the Museum.