Preliminary Look
Pete Arambel takes a preliminary look through the pen of bucks.
When the bucks are pressured to move, some rocket into movement.
Each ram is marked with a wool paint marker, allowing sorting by wool length. That's David Revzin doing the marking.
Intent Pup
This youngster is begging to get to work.
The bucks are bunched in
preparation for entering the chute.
The bucks are crowded for safety. With no room to maneuver, the bucks stay calm.
Horned Pen
These beautiful Rambouillet rams have impressive horns.
Rear view
The view from behind seems to be of a sea of horns.
Crowded Work
Pete Arambel checks teeth to age the rams.
Wrinkled Nose
Dark eyes over big wrinkled noses peer out from the herd.
Nanda Surfs
Nepalese herder Nanda Bahadur Gurung gets a ride from the bucks as he pushes them toward the chute.
Horn tips
Bucks with broad horns carefully tip their heads in order to slide through
the chute. These bucks know exactly where their horn tips are located.
Pete and ram
Pete Arambel pushes a buck down the chute.
Sorting gate
Pete Arambel runs the sorting gate at the end of the chute.
All Four
It was a four-man crew that handled the buck sorting and processing.
From left to right, that's David Revzin, Jim Urbigkit, Nanda Bahadur
Gurung and Pete Arambel.