Wolf injunction hearing set
by Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!
May 8, 2008
The lawsuit filed in federal district court in Montana over wolf delisting is moving forward. The environmental and animal rights groups filing the suit have requested the court issue a preliminary injunction to stop wolves from being killed as has happened in Wyoming's predator zone. The court has set the date for the injunction hearing for May 29.
The federal government requested an extension of time to file its brief opposing the injunction, but the court rejected that request. Some of the wording in the order rejecting the request may be an indication of what is to come.
The court noted: "Federal Defendants also observe Plaintiffs will not be prejudiced if the Court grants an extension of time because the majority of wolves that have been killed since delisting would have died even if the grey wolf remained a listed species. This assertion is neither compelling nor comforting. As an initial matter, Plaintiffs dispute Federal Defendants’ assertion.
"Additionally, Federal Defendants appear to agree that ten wolves have been killed in the month since delisting that probably would not have been killed absent delisting. The Court is unwilling to risk more deaths by delaying its decision on Plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunction beyond what is necessary."
The order was issued by Federal Judge Donald W. Molloy.