Contractors sought for Marbleton-Big Piney Rec Center
June 2, 2008
A public notice has been published by Chambers Design-Build seeking subcontractors to pre-qualify for bidding the Marbleton-Big Piney Recreation Center. Pinedale-based company Chambers Design-Build is the Architect and Construction Manager for the project.
The new Recreation Center will be built at 619 First Street in Marbleton. It will be a new 47,930 square foot two-story building. It will be steel moment frame and steel stud construction and include gyms, running track, climbing wall, racquet ball court, and a bowling alley.
Electrical, mechanical and concrete subcontractos will be required to be bonded. Prequalification forms are available at the Chambers Design-Build office at 167 S Cole Avenue in Pinedale. Forms are due back by Tuesday, June 10 at 4:00 PM to be eligible for bidding.
Contract documents will be available the week of June 9th at the Chambers-Design Build office. Bids will be due by 1:00 PM on July 3, 2008. Immediately following, bids will be read aloud at the office of the Sublette County Clerk at 21 S. Tyler Avenue in Pinedale. This will be the only public solicitation for bidders. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all applications and subsequent bids.