Dorian Children
Ira and Ian Dickinson played the Dorian children.

Joe Meek
Dave Vlcek played the merry
mountain man Joe Meek.

Indian Village
The indian village is often where young participants start their involvement in the pageant.

Kit Carson
Floyd Roadifer palyed mountain man Kit Carson.

Jedediah Smith
Dan Stroud played mountain man Jedediah Smith.

William Sublette
Bernue Holtz played mountain man William Sublette.

Antelope Soldier
The Antelope Soldiers acted as gaurd for the Shoshone Village.

Jim Bridger
Mountain man Jim Bridger attempts to steal an Indian bride while a young warrior tries to stop him. Jim Bridger is played by Jon Mickelson.

Shoshone Indians
Ma-wo-ma, played by Tim Thompson, Quinton Quay, played by Shane Costello, and Wadze Weepay, played by Mary Ann Menster.

Shoshone Indian Women Dance

Father DeSmet
Paul Fovel played Father DeSmet.

Supply Wagon
Jim Malkowski drives one of the supply wagons. A work horse in trianing is tied close to its mother.

Dripps & Fitzpatrick
Tom Fitzpatrick, played by Bill Webb, shows his trade whiskey to Andrew Dripps, played by Kent Cluck.

The mountain men celebrate the arrival of the supply wagons and especially the whiskey.

Suit of Armor
Sir William Drummond Stewart, played by Jared Rogerson, gives a suit of armor to mountain man Jim Bridger, played by Jon Mickelson. Catain Bonnevile played by Mark Eatinger, helps with the armor.

Antoine Clement
Antoine Clement, played by RJ Thompsom, was William Drummond Stewart's right hand man.

Pony Dancer
Lisanne Fear plays one of the Pony Dancers.

The first white women over South Pass, Narcissa Whitman, played by Mary Rose Huntley, and Eliza Spalding, played by Jennifer Rogerson, pass out prayers to the Indians.

Mountain Man Camp
The Wind River Mountain provide a backdrop to the show just as they did 175 years ago for the original rendezvous.

During the last scene, the cast parades in front of famous artist Alfred Jacob Miller, but this also serves as a time for audience to thank the cast.

Supply Wagons
Rocky Mountain Fur and American Fur Company wagons parade in front of the audience at the end of the show.