Opening kick
Puncher Oscar Delgado fires off the opening kick.
Jackson Priddis runs the ball.
Max Guenthner carries the ball for the Punchers.
Boone Bowker prepares to block a Grizzly run.
Other game
While the official game continued, a group of youngsters participated in their own game. Future Punchers!
Nathan Barron carries the ball for the Punchers in the third quarter.
Shane Copeland struggles through the Grizzlies team gaining yards.
Ben Howard takes the ball up through the middle of the Grizzlies.
Max Guenthner
Puncher Max Guenthner tackles Grizzly Korey Hocker after Hocker's successful interception.
Urbigkit block
Cass Urbigkit blocks a Grizzly.
Grizzly play
Rocky Mountain Grizzlies player Carlos Hernandez carries the ball through the Big Piney Punchers.
Bad call
A bad call gave the Grizzlies another touchdown, although neither the ball nor the player touched the goal line.