Aaliyha Harford

Basic 3-5
Ashley Nash and Sydney Jensen find the spotlight during the Basic 3-5 group’s routine.

Bailey Watson (left), Kyla Sellers and Avereigh Stephenson perform as "The Happy Reindeer" with the rest of the Snowplow Sam 1-3 group.

Winter Wonderland
Shelbi Paulson shows off her skating skills with a routine to the traditional Christmas tune Winter Wonderland."

Polar Express
While first where a conductor’s hat and coat, Gillian McFarland soon dropped the garb covering her golden dress as she skated to "Polar Express."

Hot Chocolate
Skating to "Hot Chocolate" by SheDaisy, Hattie McKay brings a little country jazz to the ice with her routine

Basic 1-2
Thirteen skaters from the Basic 1-2 group displayed their skating skills as they glided to "Jingle Bells."

Darbie Paulson delighted the audience with her skating impression to "I’m getting Nuttin’ for Christmas."

Jackson Skaters
The local presentation also featured guest skaters from the Jackson club who performed solo as well as giving a group presentation during the "Magic Christmas on Ice" show.

Steven Webb

National skater Nathan Hess joined the local skate club for its first Christmas program, skating to "Chrstimas Eve/ Sarajevo."

Curtain Call
Each of the soloist skaters like Darbie Paulson got one more spot light at the show as they took to the ice for their final bows. Janet Montgomery

As the last guest skater to take to the ice, Santa donned blades to join joined national competitor Nathan Hess on the ice for the crowd at the Pinedale Ice Arena Sunday afternoon.

Wind River Skate Club coaches Haley Fox and Tiffany Clutter both were given flowers as the final spotlight of the Sunday show.

Taryn Stevens

Pinedale Freestyle
The freestyle group of Darbie Paulson, Gillian McFarland, Hattie McKay, Miranda Mitchell and Shelbi Paulson skated together to the traditional song "Deck the Halls."

Round n Round
Shelbi Paulson and Gillian McFarland go round and round during the opening skating presentation to "Joy to the World."