Dig It! Becoming a Master Gardener
by Sage and Snow Garden Club
February 4, 2009
Would you like to be able to better identify flowers, shrubs and trees in our environment? Do you know your specific soil composition and whether it stimulates proper growth for plants you’d like to use in your home’s landscape? Do you know how much sunlight and water are required for desired plants? Are you able to sustain plant health through proper insect control and soil amendments? Do you know how to make vegetables grow at our high altitude?
The Master Gardener program can help you answer these questions. It is a joint effort of the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service and the United States Department of Agriculture. The program provides regionally-specific, research-based, horticultural information to the public. East State has a Master Gardener program that covers 40 hours of training, with the expectation that the 40 hours will be returned through volunteer efforts. The course covers appropriate plant materials, diagnoses and solutions for plant problems, proper plant care (fertilization, pruning, watering and propagation), growing seasons, proper planting techniques, plant selection considerations, and year-round yard care. To access Guidelines for the Master Gardener Program in Wyoming go to http://ces.uwyo.edu, click on Horticulture, then Master Gardener Programs or you can contact the Garden Club.
The Sage and Snow Garden Club is considering hosting a Master Gardener program, tailored to Sublette County's high altitude gardening issues, in Pinedale and will have a presentation on the program's goals and curriculum at its next meeting on February 17, 2009 at 5:30 pm. The location is the Extension Service Office at 621 E. Pine Street. Please join us.
Note that for the next few months Garden Club meetings will be at 5:30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month in the Cooperative Extension Service Office. Contact us at Box 2280, Pinedale, WY, 82941, by email at sageandsnow@yahoo.com or call 859-8606.