Amy and Matt
Each year the Caroline Award is given to the fastest female skier and the fastest male skier – based on combined time from the Upper Start – this year Amy David and Mat Boyce received the Caroline Award.
Caroline Classic Ski Race - 2009
March 15, 2009
The 7th annual Caroline Classic ski race was held on Saturday, March 14, at White Pine Ski Area. The annual giant slalom race is open to ski and snowboarders of all ages. The event has two races held on the same course. The racers are first divided up by skiers and snowboarders, then by male and female, and then by age.
Lower Start: Racers take one or two runs, and the best of the two runs counts. All snowboarders race only the Lower Start.
Upper Start: Racers must complete two runs, and the best combined time wins.
Each year the Caroline Award is given to the fastest female skier and the fastest male skier – based on combined time from the Upper Start – this year Amy David and Mat Boyce received the Caroline Award.
The Caroline Classic is held in memory of Caroline Lambert Grassell. The event is sponsored by White Pine and the Sublette County Ski and Snowboard Association.
This year the Caroline Classic had 151 participants. Athletes from as far away as Minnesota competed.
Area ski clubs that participated included: Jackson Hole Ski Club (JHSC), Grand Targhee Ski Team (GTST), Kelly Canyon Ski Team (KCST), Raferty Racers (RR).
Click on these links for race results: Upper Start Race Results Lower Start Race Results
Photos by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio, and Pam McCulloch. Thank you to Dari Quirk for providing race results for this article.