Strainer Alien
Strainer Alien Joe Anspach. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Hawaiian Cowboy
Hawaiian Cowboy Jake Hathaway was voted best male costume. He won a $25 gift certificate for the Great Outdoor Shop as his prize. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

McKenna Quirk
McKenna Quirk, Dalmatian Puppy. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Jeff Wohl and Nikki Mann dressed up as Rainbows. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Black Lab Dari
Dari Quirk dressed like a black Lab. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Ward Wise. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Aurora Looney
Aurora Looney dressed as a character from Harry Potter. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Cowboy Mike
Cowboy Mike Looney. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Sydney Wise
Princess Sydney Wise. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Hanna LaBuda's skeleton won her "Best Female Costume." She won a $25 gift certificate to the Great Outdoor Shop. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Hannah Cackler
Hannah Cackler in a fun costume. Photo by Cassy Johnston.

Great Food
Before the awards were given out, everyone was fed. Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Elvis and Ike
Elvis (Ward Wise) was on hand to help hand out awards. Here he is handing one out to Ike Loftus. All of the kids got an award.

Award of Excellence
This "Award of Excellence" was given to Ike Loftus. It says, "Some people complain about how cold winter is. While others learn to ski." Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Most Fearless Skier
Latner Straley presents David Rule with the "Most Agressive (Fearless) Skier" award. Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Best Wreck Award
Natalie Wise got the "Best Wreck" award, given to any club member (Coach, Kid, Parent) with the best wreck during the season. Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Natalie and her Wreck Plaque
Natalie and Ward (Elvis) Wise. Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Best Wreck Plaque
"Oh Crap!" This year's Cassy Johnston "Best Wreck of the Season Award" went to Natalie Wise.

Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Cassy's Birthday
It was also Cassy's birthday, so there was a cake there for her too. Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Dari Quirk
Dari is the Club Treasurer. She keeps track of the books and also keeps everyone informed on a weekly bases of what’s happening. Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Cassy and Stuart
Cassy Johnston and Stuart Thompson. Photo by Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio.

Ski Club