Pinedale After-school
Plans unveiled for 2009-10 school year
August 15, 2009
As parents begin to plan for the upcoming school year, they will want to know that the Pinedale After-school program will be continuing this year, but with new staff and organizational structure.
Jennifer Anderson has been hired as the after-school coordinator for the 2009-10 school year. She will be providing services under the Sublette County 4-H /Youth Development program. Jennifer, who has a degree in agricultural education with an extensive background in non-traditional 4-H, comes to Pinedale from Colorado where she worked for Colorado State University in Rio Blanco County from 2000-2005.
The program will be available Monday through Friday from 3:15-5:15 p.m. at Pinedale Elementary School. The program will follow the school calendar. K-5th grade students can enroll. Program fees will be $50 per month and scholarships are available. The PAC curriculum and library enrichment will be continued. Additional activities in science, engineering and technology, the arts, and culture, leadership, healthy lifestyles, and life-skills will also round out the program.
Anderson will be registering students for after-school at the Pinedale Elementary School Open House scheduled for Monday, Aug. 31 from 5-6 p.m. After-school signup will also be available at the PAC Expo, Sept 2 and 3 from 3:30-6:30 p.m. at the Pinedale Aquatic Center.
The Pinedale After-school program is possible in part through the generous support of Sublette County, the Sublette County Child Care Coalition, School District #1, Sublette County BOCES #1, and United Way of Southwest Wyoming.
The Sublette Community Partnership and Sublette County 4-H have spearheaded the development of the 2009-10 after-school program.
For more information, to offer programming ideas, or to volunteer, contact Anderson at or call (307) 749-4223.