Doris Morey, Harriet Port, Adele Legerski, Sheila Kovach, Bettina Sparrowe work on planting barrels in Pinedale.
The Barrels are planted!
by Sage and Snow Garden Club
June 21, 2010
On Saturday, June 5, 2010, Sage and Snow Garden Club members and others planted over 1,500 flowers in 122 flower barrels and planters at 44 business locations, plus Town Hall, in Pinedale.
With the help of many people and organizations, various colors of petunias, snapdragons, and alyssum will add color to the streets of Pinedale over the next few months. As evidence of the increased pride in our community, several new businesses joined the program this year.
In addition to the merchants who make the program possible, the Garden Club wishes to specially thank the following individuals and organizations: Country Lane Liquor for the cardboard flats used to transport flowers to the barrels; Pinedale Lumber for the plants and help with plant pickup; Plant movers and planters Al Tabatzky, Jerry Kovach, Suzanne Wilson, Kate Grimes, Alexis Berg, and Girl Scouts Megan Wilson, Faith Friend, and Tessa Wilson; Rollie Sparrowe and George Port for watering; Garden Club member Kay Malkowski for the use of her water truck John Mivshek, Town of Pinedale Public Works Department
It takes a community effort to make the flower barrel project a success. For more information on this or any other Sage and Snow Garden Club project, please send an email to sageandsnow@yahoo.com.