Conservation District to host animal feeding operation workshops January 25th
Animal Feeding Operations and Confined Animal Feeding Operations
by Sublette County Conservation District
January 5, 2011
The Sublette County Conservation District will be hosting two workshops in January covering animal feeding operations and confined animal feeding operations (AFO and CAFOs). AFO - Animal Feeding Operation - where animals (less than 1000 head) are held, fed or maintained in an area for 45 non-consecutive days within a 12 month period, and crops or vegetation are not sustained in a normal growing season over any portion of the area (i.e. pasture).
CAFO – Confined Animal Feeding Operation – 1000 head of animals or more are held in a confined area for over 45 days and the area is void of all vegetation.
Currently all CAFOs must have a permit or the operator/manager will be in violation of WYDEQ/EPA regulations and can be subject to enormous daily fines. CAFOs are considered point source pollution, and thus require permits.
Presently AFOs are considered non-point source pollution and require no permit. However, in April 2003 EPA regulations were revised and this agency is seeking to regulate all sources of non-point pollution. These sources will affect anyone with livestock (horses, cows, llamas, poultry, pigs, sheep, etc.) where there is an avenue for animal waste to reach surface water (lake, stream, etc.); urban development (landscaping, lawns, golf courses, etc.); recreation; irrigation; or field runoff.
These workshops will provide landowners and livestock producers with information as to how the changes could affect their land and/or operations. NRCS will be available to provide technical assistance to those individuals seeking more information or wanting to have their property inspected for risk factors.
Please join the Conservation District on January 25, 2011 at the Marbleton Town Hall at 2:00 pm or at 6:00 pm at the Pinedale Library.