Tom Henry, Wyoming State Department of Health program consultant for the Public Health Response Coordinators, speaks with Capt. Eric Korzen, a Physician’s Assistant with the 84th Civil Support Team, Wyoming Army National Guard.


Good Job Recognition
Presentation of "The Really Great Job" award. (L to R) Susan Dasher-Uinta County, Steve Kipp-Lincoln County, Karla Roich-Sweetwater County, Donni Toth-Sublette County, Dani DeFur-Carbon County.

Public Health Leaders
Dr. Tom Johnston, Sublette County’s County Health Officer, welcomes the conference attendees. Shown here with Donni Toth, PhD, RN Sublette County’s Public Health Response Coordinator and a member of the organizing committee.

Radiation monitor
A radiation monitor was set up as a demonstration to the participants.

Lt. Jason Green
Wyoming State Trooper, Lt. Jason Green, speaks with Scott Ramsay, Radiological Services Program Coordinator, Wyoming Office of Homeland Security.

Regional Response Team Trailer
One of the Regional Response Team Trailers came over from its Rock Springs home base.

Decontamination tent
A Decontamination tent was set up by the Regional Response Team.

Table Top Exercise
A Table Top Exercise was done to drive home the lessons of the previous day’s presentations.

Participants collecting and socializing on the first morning of the conference at the Pinedale Library.
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