18 Seconds
'Swine Flu' dunked their pig in 18 seconds, winning the Men's Division.
Pig Wrestling & Greased Pig Contest
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
July 26, 2011
The Greased Pig and Pig Wrestling events were held on Sunday, July 24th at the Buss Fear Memorial Rodeo Arena. The event was sponsored by the Bank of Sublette County. Livestock contractor was Double D Livestock LLC out of Greybull, Wyoming. Announcer for the event was Gary Nash, Gary Nash Auction Service, out of Worland, Wyoming.
Greased Pig Contest The Greased Pig Contest is a 4-H livestock encouragement event. Participants competing are agreeing, if they catch the pig, to raise the pig during the next year and show it at the next year’s fair livestock auction. Participants must have facilities to keep and raise the pig, if they win and they must agree to join 4-H or FFA. Winners receive their pigs in the spring. Winners must be residents within either Sublette County School District 1 or 9. In the contest, there are two pigs in each age group division. To win, the participant must hold onto the pig for 10 seconds.
Pig Wrestling The Double D Pig participants were divided by age group: 8 and Under, 9-15, Women and Men’s teams. Each older age group wrestled a size larger pig from the one before. Younger contestants wrestle piglets; adult men teams wrestle large adult pigs. The participants enter in teams of four. The object is to grab the pig, pick it up, and place it tail first in the barrel, all within the 60 second time limit. There was a 100% payback of the entry fee jackpot. A prize was given for the team with the best costume.
GREASED PIG WINNERS: Ages 8-9: Chance Stevie AJ Stevie
Ages 10-11: Chandler Jones Chase Broward
Ages 12 & Older: Brandon Reese Shayla Wright
Greased Pig Donor Sponsors: Meadow Canyon Ready Mix, Inc – Mark & Mark Fear Reed’s Ready Mix – David & Wendy Reed Bank of Sublette County – Pat Schwab & staff Daniel Junction – Don & Kim Myers Rio Verde Engineering – Mark Eatinger Office Outlet – Kristy Sims & Clint Gilchrist ___________________________________
Photos by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online! Our apologies if we have misidentified anyone. Please send corrections to support@pinedaleonline.com. Reprints available - e-mail or call 307-360-7689.