Videographer rides to explore and document Wyoming energy production
Leaves Pinedale July 24
by Burning Torch Productions
July 23, 2011
At 10 a.m. on July 24, Burning Torch Productions' producer Mark Pedri will leave from Pinedale on his mountain bike to begin filming the documentary "Energy, Oh Energy." He will depart from 210 Spruce Street. Attendees are invited to ride the first few miles with him to get a feel of what life will be like for him during his journey.
This documentary is being filmed to discover what the best type of energy is using only the facts that are presented by industry professionals and experts. He will travel to different energy production companies who are producing energy using coal, hydropower, wind, and nuclear power plants. His visits will include Jim Bridger Power Plant in Wyoming and Flaming Gorge Dam in Utah.
At each place he will interview people who work there and ask them why they think their energy is the best type and he will ask them what we give up for what we gain when we use that specific type of energy. Burning Torch is currently interviewing energy experts and professors from the University of Wyoming, the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Colorado State University to get more background information on the various types of energy Pedri will be researching on his ride.
During his ride, which will be roughly 700 miles through the Wyoming and Utah deserts, he will be traveling without the help of a support crew or support crew. It will just be him, his bike, camera and sound equipment, and the necessities he will need to stay alive.