WYDOT highway projects open for public review and comments
by Wyoming Department of Transportation
August 6, 2011
A slate of upcoming highway projects and other work is detailed in a draft of WYDOT’s State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for fiscal year 2012. The document is now available for public review and comments. The draft STIP lists about $329 million in projects tentatively planned for the 12-month period beginning Oct. 1, 2011, as well as a compilation of engineering and environmental work the department will undertake in subsequent years. In addition to highway projects, the document also lists $31 million worth of airport improvements scheduled for the upcoming year and $10 million in proposed funding for local public transit operations. Copies can be found at WYDOT offices, libraries, and city and county government offices. The draft STIP is also posted on the WYDOT Web site within the "Planning/Research/Projects" section. http://www.dot.state.wy.us/wydot/site/wydot/lang/en_US/stip_project_listing The highway projects are listed according to system classification; for example, Interstate, Primary, Urban; and by type of work, such as reconstruction, resurfacing, bridge replacement, etc. Because the needs of the transportation system exceed the department’s budget, WYDOT employs a comprehensive needs analysis, in concert with a thorough public consultation process, to decide what projects to include in the STIP. Review and approval of the project schedule in the draft STIP is the responsibility of the Wyoming Transportation Commission. Even after a final version of the STIP is published, the project list remains tentative and will be revised quarterly in accordance with changes in funding levels and in various advance design considerations.