Saving CA wolves new revenue source
by Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!
February 19, 2012
Since California now has one documented wolf, it had to happen. A news alert went out from the Center for Biological Diversity, urging people to "Help Save California's Wolves."
The email alert begins: "Wolves are smart, fast, curious and strong. It was inevitable that they'd find their way to California.
"It is not inevitable, though, that they'll survive. The livestock industry has already vowed to kill any wolf it sees and is gearing up its lobbying machine to keep them out of the state.
"Please help us secure a safe, permanent home for wolves in California by making a donation today to our California Wolf Fund."
CBD wants to re-establish wolves in the California region, stating: "It's vital that we have a population that can anchor wolf recovery in the West, especially as wolves are coming under fire elsewhere."
The one-sentence plea to send money to save California wolves was repeated four times in a 400-word letter.