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Rocketry Contest – Photo Gallery
Sublette County Fair
July 24, 2012
The Sublette County 4-H Aerospace Rocketry Contest was held on Saturday morning, July 21st at the Sublette County Fairgrounds. The Sublette County 4-H Aerospace members worked all year to design rockets for the state contest held at the Wyoming 4-H Showcase Showdown. This event is sponsored by Encana and Shell.
Rocket Launch results Juniors Jasper Brower, Grand Champion Clayton Roadifer, Reserve Champion Colton Quirk, Purple Intermediates Jace Brower, Grand Champion Max McGinnis, Purple Jenna Roadifer, Blue Zane Meisner, Purple Calder Taylor, Reserve Champion Corey Foreman, Blue Seniors William Shafer, Grand champion Matthew Shafer, Red David Rule, Blue Jeremy Foreman, Reserve Champion Team Rockets Grand Champion Team: Matthew Shafer, William Shafer, Chett Peterson, Jeremy Foreman Reserve Champion Team: Tyler Moritsch, David Rule, Thomas Mack _________________________
Photos by Tara Bolgiano, Blushing Crow Photography. See www.blushingcrow.com to order picture reprints. Thank you to Robin Schamber for contest results.