Confirmed livestock depredations in WY, 2003-2012.
* A horse broke its leg and had to be euthanized after being chased by wolves in a pasture on private property. Six additional horses, 3 calves, and 1 dog were injured in 2011.
** One dog was also injured by wolves but survived.
^ At least 10 additional calves were injured by wolves.
^^At least 4 additional sheep were injured by wolves.
Yellowstone Park harbors 106 wolves
by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
October 7, 2012
Beginning September 30, 2012 wolves in Wyoming are managed by the State under an approved management plan, as they are in the states of Idaho and Montana.
MONITORING Yellowstone National Park – As of September 30, 2012, Park biologists estimate the YNP wolf population at 106 wolves in 11 packs, including 7 breeding pairs. These estimates are preliminary and may change before the end of the year. Official counts will be reported on December 31, 2012.
DEPREDATIONS Packs involved in livestock depredations: Seven packs (New Fork, Ishawooa, Phantom Springs, Clark, Spring Mt, Hoodoo, Green River packs) were involved in >1 depredation. One pack (Green River Pack) was responsible for killing >10 cattle (37% of all cattle depredations). Three packs (Greys River, Prospect, and Dog Creek packs) were involved in >1 sheep depredation. One pack (Greys River Pack) was responsible for killing >53 sheep (50% of all sheep depredations).
FURTHER INFORMATION To request an investigation of livestock injured or killed by wolves in Wyoming, please contact your local WGFD or the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services at (307)261-5336.