Gayle Kinnison Memorial Wreath

Allen Agency

Back Country Horsemen

Bank of the West

Chelsey & Katheryn Johnson

Sublette Insurance - Ann Fear Appraisals

Bear Trap wreath detail

Nancy Norris Lutje

Clean Wash Laundry

Dennis Trucking

Geoff & Jackie Sell

Jackie & Geoff Sell

Jay Fear - Bird Feeder

Julie Early

Green River Valley Museum

Lakeside Lodge

Lakeside stars

Laurie Lamere

Learning Center

Buttons and Bows
By Nancy Norris Lutje

McKenzie Meningitis Foundation

Annette Pape

Millie Pape

Sheryl Pape & Angie Thomas

Brenda Hosler

Obos Market & Deli

Peggy Bryant

Detail of Peggy Bryant's wreath

Lenore Percy

Pinedale Natural Gas

Pine Street Floral

Rendezvous Pointe

Ridleys Family Markets

Rio Verde Engineering

Sage & Snow Garden Club
The Sage & Snow Garden Club created a beautiful living wreath display. It was one of the Fan Favorites.

Includes a cook book!
The Sage & Snow Garden Club display included their new cook book!

Rocky Mountain Bank

Sam Drucker & Kate Johnson

Detail of fly wine wreath
This wreath by Sam Drucker and Kate Johnson was perfect for the fly fisherman. Every cork had a fly in it!

Sublette County Chamber of Commerce

Sublette County Library

Sue Eversull

Detail of Sue's wreath
Sue Eversull created a wreath perfect for a cook!

White Mountain Operating

Getting the Christmas tree
This is a close-up detail of the metal work inside the White Mountain Operating wreath.

Wind River Dental

Wind River Pizza & Pasta

Wind River Stone Scapes

Charlie Brown Tree

Wyoming Whiskey
Batch 1 - signed by the Distiller.

Melitta's truffles

Raffle items

Silent Auction

Sublette Communications chocolate

Annette's fudge

Lake Country Builders chocolate

Gift Baskets

Big crowd

Jay Fear - Auctioneer
Jay Fear served as auctioneer. He is a past President of the Sublette County Historical Society.

Laurie Hartwig
Laurie Hartwig is the Director of the Museum of the Mountain Man.

Geoff Sell
Sublette County Historical Society Board Member Geoff Sell helps with the auction by holding up wreaths for everyone to see them.

(L to R) Millie Pape, Jamie Wood and Sheryl Boroff help with tracking bid numbers.

Annette Pape
Annette helps out at the Museum.

Clint Gilchrist
Clint is the President of the Sublette County Historical Society, parent organization of the Museum of the Mountain Man. Here he helps auction off a 1st run bottle of Wyoming Whiskey.

Richie Strom
Richie Strom, with Wind River Brewing, served beer from the local brew pub.

The Museum had posters showing the projects they have been working on in the past year. Money raised in this Wreath Auction helps with the Museum's general fund to support all these projects and programs.

Sommers Ranch Homestead
This 100-year old homestead is being made into a living history historical site. It opened in September 2012. It is managed cooperatively by the Sublette County Historical Society, Green River Valley Museum, and siblings Jonita and Albert Sommers. It is open during the summer with admission by donation.

Lander Trail New Fork Park poster
New 100-acre park where the Lander Trail crosses the New Fork River. The new park is owned and managed by the Sublette County Historical Society and schedled to open in 2013.

Living History Days poster
Schools bring children from around western Wyoming each year for three days in May for Living History Days, featuring the American Mountain Men.

Museum poster
Highlight artifacts include Jim Bridger's rifle, Shoshone sheep horn bow, buffalo hide tipi, fur trade historical document collection, and beaver trade-related artifacts.

Green River Rendezvous

Fur Trade Symposium - 2012

Three Worlds Meet July 2013
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