Town of Pinedale 4th of July Town Picnic
by Town of Pinedale
June 21, 2013
The old tradition of having a Town picnic on the 4th of July will be carried on again this year. The Town will sponsor the community picnic on July 4 and the event will start at12 p.m. and end around 3 p.m. In the spirit of holiday, bring your family, a little of your favorite food to share and wear your patriotic colors.
The Town will provide live entertainment, drinks, and the meat dish. The Town will also provide the paper plates, utensils and drinking cups. Please join everyone and bring along a dish to share with your friends and neighbors. Jared Rogerson will be there to provide the entertainment.
For more information on this year’s Town Picnic, or to volunteer to help serve, please contact Ana Cuprill (wife to the Mayor) at 307-367-4629 or John Anderson at the Town Hall: 307-367-4136.