Travelers can now get Wyoming road closure info by Twitter
by Wyoming Department of Transportation
February 5, 2014
Twitter is now an option for travelers who want to be notified about closures on the Wyoming’s highways. WYDOT has created Twitter feeds for I-80, I-25 and I-90, and for the rest of the state’s highways broken down into five regions. Once on Twitter, users can search for WYDOT and choose which of the eight feeds they want to follow. "The Twitter feed is meant to be a really immediate release of information and we’re trying to focus on road closure information at this point," WYDOT GIS/ITS Manager Vince Garcia said. "A person can follow the Twitter accounts and they’ll receive closure alerts directly in their timeline."
WYDOT will consider the feedback it gets from travelers to decide whether to add information to the feeds such as advisories for no unnecessary travel or the chain law being in effect on a highway section. "We push information out to email and text alerts, but this process just provides another avenue to get that information, and a person doesn’t have to have their phone buzzing them," Garcia said. "They can just receive the information and choose to look at it on their own time." In addition to Twitter, WYDOT’s 511 Travel Information Service provides road and weather condition information by calling 511, or going to on the Web, where camera views of 148 highway sections and a map graphically depicting conditions is available. The 511 Notify program provides email and text alerts about closures and advisories.