Governor Defends Elk Feedgrounds
Response to Western Watersheds lawsuit
by Wyoming Governor Matt Mead press release
August 9, 2014
CHEYENNE, WYOMING – Wyoming is seeking to intervene in a lawsuit to defend Wyoming’s elk feedgrounds from a challenge by Western Watersheds Project. The Forest Service granted the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission a 20-year special use permit for the elk feedgrounds in 2008. In July 2014, Western Watersheds filed a petition asking for a review of that decision.
"The feedgrounds prevent large numbers of elk from dying during the winter, minimize conflicts on ag land, and improve brucellosis screening and vaccination for elk," Governor Matt Mead said. "Western Watersheds promotes policies that are extreme. We reject the notion that you cannot balance the environment with industries, especially agriculture. In Wyoming, we continue to set an example for the nation."
The five feedgrounds are located in the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
Wyoming has been involved in six other lawsuits against Western Watersheds over the last three and a half years. Wyoming has prevailed in most of them.