Health Foundation receives donations to purchase equipment for newborns
by Rural Health Foundation of Sublette County
January 22, 2015
The Rural Health Foundation of Sublette County is excited to announce the receipt of two generous donations that have furnished the funds needed to complete our latest capital campaign: The Year of the Baby. With the money, the Sublette County Rural Health Care District will be able to purchase biliblankets, bililights, and a home kit for new mothers. These items will allow mothers to bring their babies home when they would otherwise be required to remain in the hospital due to infant jaundice. The District will also purchase a fetal heart monitor.
In addition to the Year of the Baby equipment, the Foundation has provided funds to the Sublette County Emergency Medical Services to purchase a device that measures carbon monoxide levels in firefighters to be used whenever they are battling a blaze or in a mass casualty event. Other benefits that the Foundation has provided to the District include: funding of the Daisy Award that recognizes and rewards outstanding nursing care at the clinics and purchase of Concussion Screening Tests with which school athletes can be assessed for concussions right on the sideline.
The Rural Health Foundation of Sublette County is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that supports the excellent healthcare programs of the Sublette County Rural Healthcare District and their mission to provide accessible, progressive, patient-focused healthcare in a positive environment. The funding of the equipment and programs that support the Healthcare District are examples of how the Foundation serves to promote and improve patient care services. The Foundation is actively seeking members of the Board of Directors and volunteers to help with the critical work we are doing in support of healthcare in Sublette County For more information about the Foundation, how to make a contribution, or to join our team, please call or email Donni Toth, PhD, RN, Executive Director at 307-367-4405 or