Kay Mahaffey
Sublette County Sexual Assault Family Violence Task Force (SAFV)

The volunteers selected for this year's recognition.

Volunteer hours
Sublette County volunteers donate over 42,265 hours per year.

Jordan Vana
Jordan said, "It is a real and true honor for our family that this event is named in Cally's honor."

Award recognition
Wendy Walter (R) gives Donna Shafer (L) her recognition certificate for her volunteer work with the Sublette County 4-H Afterschool Program.

Recognition dinner
The recognition dinner was held in the Lovatt Room of the Pinedale Library.
Helping Hands
Cally's Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 2015
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
January 12, 2015
The Cally’s Helping Hands Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was held on Saturday, January 10th in the Lovatt Room of the Sublette County Library in Pinedale. The event recognized and honored 23 individuals and groups who have been outstanding in their volunteer efforts this past year to help organizations they care about. While doing research for the event, organizers learned that there are at least sixty 501(c)3 non-profit organizations in Sublette County. They were contacted and many responded with names of people they wanted to recognize at the dinner. The event was named for Cally McKee, herself a generous volunteer, who passed away suddenly in early 2014. Organizers hope to make the appreciation dinner an annual event.
The event was the idea of Wendy Walter and Jo Crandall, who wanted to find a way to recognize all the many non-profit organizations in the county and the many people who donate their time and energies to help them. They also wanted to name the event after Cally McKee, a local woman was an active volunteer in the community, and passed away suddenly in March last year. The organizers said, "Cally McKee inspired everyone around her. As a mother, sister, colleague and friend, she saw what was possible and made it happen… Cally volunteered. Not because she had to, but because she wanted to. She liked the difference it made for her friends and neighbors. And she liked the way it made her feel."
Ultra Petroleum sponsored the event. It was catered by Kathy Lee. Several members of the Pinedale High School National Honor Society helped serve the guests. The Boulder Bar provided adult beverages.
Organizers say by their calculations, Sublette County volunteers donate over 42,265 hours per year. At Sublette County wages of $12/hour, those volunteer hours are worth $507,180. If estimating volunteer expertise and hours worth $23/hour, their time is valued at $972,095. These figures do not include the organizations that did not provide data about their volunteer time.
Here are some of the programs in Sublette County that volunteer time goes towards: After school programs, affordable preschool, mentoring for at-risk youth, public art, community musical theatre productions, accessible backcountry trails, Angel tree program helping children of low-income families during the holidays, summer concerts, public sculpture, programs connecting youth with senior citizens, after-school sports, preservation of open spaces, therapeutic horseback riding for mentally and physically-challenged children, winter concerts, the Little Library, development of the Main Street program, annual Pinedale Half Marathon and 10K walk/run event, counseling and resources for pregnant women, preschool for at-risk children, fostering of rescued animals, assistance to help Pinedale main street businesses remodel, preservation of historic artifacts and records, water-wise garden demonstration, Pinedale history walking tour, developmental-hearing- and vision screenings for children, support for victims of domestic violence, bilingual literacy program, assistance with cost of eye exams and glasses, community Easter egg hunts, conservation of critical wildlife habitat, healthy relationships education healthy relationships education, maintenance of local historical sites, adoption services for animals, Gardens of Beauty program, SAFV House, free diabetes testing, flower barrels in Pinedale, flower barrels, Main Street park benches, and more.
Volunteers and Projects of the Year
Big Brothers Big Sisters Sublette County - Nancy McDaniel Our organization is a one to one mentoring program, we serve children facing adversity. We help children realize their potential and build their futures. We nurture children and strengthen communities. Nancy McDaniel is being honored as BBBS volunteer of the year because she is our biggest fan. She has been a mentor with our organization for over seven years. She still keeps in touch with her first little, who is now grown, plus she is mentoring a second little, who is in elementary school. Nancy volunteers for our Resource Committee and is always a great advocate for our organization. _______________________________
Children’s Discovery Center - Ana Cuprill The Children’s Discovery Center is a non-profi t facility providing quality, affordable early education and childcare with a focus on environment and community. We operate year round full time programs, for students ages 2-9. The Children’s Discovery Center would like to publicly honor Ana Cuprill for her dedication over the past 10 years. During this time Ana has devoted many hours to the Children’s Discovery Center including chairing monthly board meetings, overseeing our programs and committees and playing a key role in our many activities and fundraisers. Ana is instrumental in so many ways, always willing to share her expertise and lend a hand. _______________________________
Children’s Learning Center - Natalie Sorenson CLC provides special education services for children birth to five years as well as an inclusive preschool program. Approximately 100 children are served annually through these programs with an additional 200 Sublette County children receiving developmental, hearing and vision screenings at no cost to the families. The Children’s Learning Center is proud to announce Natalie Sorenson as our volunteer of the year. Natalie’s time and personal eff orts are so valuable to us here at CLC and should be recognized. She has given her time to help guide and lead our garden and greenhouse projects. She is a wonderful storyteller, sensational baker, and adopted grandmother to the children at CLC, who refer to her as "Miss Natalie". She is a kind woman who has a generous heart, and she understands how personal things mean so much. _______________________________
Friends of Big Piney Recreation - Jay Brower Friends of Big Piney Recreation assists with afterschool programs and sports for youth in our community. We strive to support volunteers who provide leadership and direction for our youth, ensuring the next generation of the "Best People on Earth." Jay Brower is an outstanding volunteer and community member. He established Big Piney Recreation’s Youth Archery Program and our annual Winter Camp-In and continues to volunteer for both. He has also been the After School Archery Coach, Pee Wee Football Coach, 4H Archery Leader, Hell Hole Archers Club President, and a Boy Scout Leader. He truly is dedicated to the community and making sure it remains a great place to live. Jay has contributed so much to our community and we should all follow his example. _______________________________
Green River Valley Land Trust - Summer Schulz The GRVLT assists landowning families of Sublette County in the conservation of agricultural and ranch and natural lands, to protect open spaces, watersheds, wildlife habitat and other ecological values for the benefit of today’s inhabitants and as a legacy for future generations. Summer Schulz has volunteered countless hours to assist in rebuilding the Green River Valley Land Trust. She has helped find and organize fi les, introduce the new Executive Director and board members to landowners, and spread the message that we are alive and well and ready to work with friends and partners to continue land conservation in Sublette County. Summer’s sunny attitude and professional expertise have been invaluable to our success. _______________________________
Happy Endings Animal Rescue - Andrea Ford HEAR provides animal fostering and adoption, special funding campaigns for pets in need of expensive medical procedures, dog training educational workshops, a holiday pet food drive, and networking with other rescues to arrange animal transports to serve neighboring communities. Happy Endings Animal Rescue is recognizing Andrea Ford as volunteer of the year. Fostering is necessary for HEAR. Andrea is selfless when an animal is involved. When she fosters an animal in need, she makes sure she works on behavioral issues so that they can be matched to forever homes. She is there when we need her, willingly transporting animals to adoptions or to the vet. Her love for the animals is always evident by her willingness to help. _______________________________
In|Site:Ex|Site Public Art Program - David K. Klarén In|site:Ex|site enhances our community through dialog, education, and visibility of contemporary visual art as it applies to our west central Wyoming community of Pinedale. David K. Klarén was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and raised in Pinedale, Wyoming. After living and working on the East Coast for several years, David returned to Pinedale, where he divides his time between his studio practice in drawing and sculpture, and commission work in fi ne woodworking and carpentry. David began his association with the Pinedale Fine Arts Council in 1996, where he has served as a board member, several terms as Chair/Co-Chair, and the Chair of PFAC’s In|Site:Ex|Site Public Art Program since its beginning in 2008. _______________________________
M.E.S.A. Therapeutic Horsemanship, Inc. - Elaine Larsen MESA Therapeutic Horsemanship, Inc provides high quality equine-assisted activities and therapies to individuals with a wide range of physical, mental, and behavioral disabling challenges. We strive to promote self-esteem, confidence, physical independence, and social interaction through equine-assisted activities. Elaine Larsen has been a wonderful MESA volunteer dedicating her time and talent to our MESA lesson programs and fundraising events. Elaine always came to lessons determined to make her time with the kids and horses fun and educational…but mostly fun! MESA would like to thank Elaine for her dedication and infectious enthusiasm & kindness. _______________________________
Main Street Pinedale - Rachel Grimes Main Street Pinedale exists to cultivate civic pride by collaborating with businesses, organizations and community members to foster a vibrant downtown. Our programs include façade grants, new and refurbished signs, Adopt-A-Bench for pedestrian comfort, and historic walking tour brochures. Rachel Grimes has been with Main Street Pinedale since it’s inception in 2011. She has served as Secretary and recently took on the role of Treasurer. She can always be counted on to be fi rst in line for volunteer opportunities. Rachel took the lead on the committee to Improve Communications. The major accomplishment has been the design and printing of a trifold brochure which emphasized accomplishments to date as well plans for the future. The next big project for Rachel’s committee will be to design and implement a downtown WIFI system. _______________________________
Mountain Man Backcountry Horsemen - Scab Creek Trail project MMBCH is a volunteer organization in Sublette County with approximately 50 members. Our mission is "to perpetuate the common sense use and enjoyment of horses in America’s back country and wilderness." Th e organization works "to insure that public lands remain open to recreational stock use." The Mountain Man Back Country Horsemen would like to recognize the Scab Creek Trail project. MMBCH from Pinedale assisted US Forest Service, BLM and Montana Conservation Corps in reconstruction 2 miles of treacherous rock slab on the Scab Creek Trail in Boulder Wyoming. In addition, MMBCH helped to construct new pipe corrals (material donated by Ultra Petroleum), hitch racks and complete new trail. Th is project was made possible through grant funding obtained by USFS and MMBCH. _______________________________
Pinedale Community Theatre - JJ Huntley PCT is a community-based non-profit group dedicated to providing quality theatre experiences for audiences and participants of all ages. We engage in the production of main-stage musicals, dinner theatre and children’s shows, with frequent visits from world-class professionals. JJ Huntley has tickled the ivories since age eight and accompanied many worthy musicians. A founding member of Sweet Harmony, JJ has performed for nearly thirty years. She has accompanied the PCT’s Sound of Music, The King and I, and Guys & Dolls and given countless hours to these productions. She is tireless and patient with the singers, playing the accompaniment as many times as needed and has a wonderful sense of humor, adding a great deal of fun to the rehearsals. She is a musician at the Community Church. How to enjoy life? Make some music! _______________________________
Pinedale Fine Arts Council - Dorothy Grove The mission of the Pinedale Fine Arts Council is to present quality performing, literary and visual arts that will educate, engage and entertain the people of Sublette County. PFAC is nominating Dorothy Grove for her 12 years of service on the Board of Directors and endless energy supporting PFAC performances. Dorothy moved to Pinedale in 2002. Previously she served on Colorado State Consortium of Arts Councils, Colorado State Board for Very Special Arts, and as President and presenter for Moffat County Council of the Arts. Her specialty with PFAC is feeding and housing our visiting artists. You can find Dorothy backstage before our shows feeding the masses who delight in having a home-cooked meal on the road. _______________________________
Pinedale Lion’s Club - Jon Gibson The Pinedale Lions Club performs a wide variety of community service projects, from assisting with the cost of eye exams and glasses to putting on the annual Easter Egg Hunt. We sponsor free diabetes testing through the Public Health Nurse’s office and our amazing Leo Club for ages 12-18. The Lion’s Club would like to honor Jon Gibson as volunteer of the year. Jon personifies our Lions Clubs International motto of "We Serve". Lion Jon participates in our local club activities with a smile, and when a challenge comes up, he just charges forward and gets the job done. _______________________________
Pinedale Half Marathon - Ken Konicek Over the past twelve years, the PHM has provided a fun and healthy opportunity for residents and visitors alike to enjoy what is often one of the last nice days of fall. The half marathon, 10k and 1-mile event are inclusive for all fitness levels. The event attracts serious runners as well as families looking for some exercise. It is with great pleasure that we nominate Mr. Ken Konicek for volunteer of the year in recognition of his outstanding leadership and tireless efforts in promoting wellness, fitness and happiness for all ages and abilities in our community. Ken has been involved as a committee member since the inception of the PHM (2002). He maps out the courses every year, and with a group of volunteers, set up the scaffolding and course markers. He promotes the event through different organizations around the state and country. He is a passionate advocate of our community and this wellness event. _______________________________
Pregnancy Resource Center - Lesa Stark With offices in both Pinedale and Big Piney, the Pregnancy Resource Center provides a safe and caring environment for those needing assistance with pregnancy related services, pregnancy option support, healthy relationship education and parenting education. The Pregnancy Resource Center has been blessed with the volunteer service of Lesa Stark since 2013. Over the last two years, Lesa has dedicated her time to the Center by helping out in the office, assisting with fundraising efforts, as well as being instrumental in getting the Center’s new Healthy Relationships Education program off the ground. We are honored to have her as one of our volunteers. _______________________________
Rendezvous Pointe - Angel Wreath program Rendezvous Pointe is a non-profit senior and community center. We are committed to keeping seniors and the disabled in our community healthy, active, self-reliant and able to live in their own homes or independently as long as possible. Rendezvous Pointe fosters friendship and the enjoyment of each other. Angel Wreath is a program which provides Christmas gifts to families in need. A team of six seniors from Rendezvous Pointe works with local agencies to enroll families in the program. Working with information from an application, two paper angels are typed up for each child listing needs, such as coats, clothes, etc. as well as items desired, such as toys, books, etc. Wreaths are place around town and community members take angels they wish to provide gifts for. In 2014 we served 55 families with a total of 151 kids; that equals 302 paper angels placed on the wreaths. _______________________________
Sage & Snow Garden Club - Julie Kraft The Sage and Snow Garden Club exists to promote and encourage an interest in gardening, study of horticulture, the conservation of natural resources, the beautification of the community and to raise awareness of citizens of any age to the joys and rewards of gardening. Julie Kraft is Assistant Supervisor for Sublette County Weed and Pest, Vice President of the Sage and Snow Garden Club and President of the Sublette Chapter of the WY Native Plant Society. Over the past 2 years she has led the design and implementation of a Water Wise Demonstration Garden. Julie created and documented the garden’s design and with the help of her team obtained financial support from the WY Native Plant Society Markow Grant, the Sublette County Conservation District’s Great Conservation Idea Grant, Sublette County BOCES and the Wyoming Office of Tourism. _______________________________
Sublette County 4-H Afterschool Program - Donna Shafer The primary goal of 4-H is to assist youth in developing life skills that help them live productive and satisfying lives. Some important life skills include making decisions, solving problems, relating to others, communicating with others, planning and organizing, leading self and others, and applying science and technology. Donna Shafer is entering her 15th year as a volunteer in the Sublette County 4-H program where she has led projects including fabric and fashion, quilting, robotics and aerospace, and most recently by default youth leadership. I cannot think of a more deserving volunteer for this award as Donna’s leadership both with youth and with adult committees, the county 4-H Council and the Sublette 4-H Foundation have been extraordinary. Mrs. Shafer is truly committed to the mission of the 4-H program, "To Make the Best Better". _______________________________
Sublette County Historical Society - Clint Gilchrist Th e Sublette County Historical Society preserves and interprets the history of Sublette County through the collection of artifacts and records, interpretive displays and living history demonstrations, and the preservation of important historic sites. Clint Gilchrist annually volunteers hundreds of hours helping the Museum of the Mountain Man with everything from event set-up, computer difficulties, and elevator problems to grant writing, serving on the museum’s publications committee to the development and preservation of important local sites such as the New Fork Trail Crossing Park. Without Clint’s tireless support we would not be where we are today. _______________________________
Sublette County Library Foundation-Big Piney - The Little Library The Little Library was constructed by students and teachers at Big Piney High School. The mobile library will parked in various rural areas around the county to make books available on the honor system where patrons can take or leave books 24/7. The volunteers are Brent Hibbert, Jenna Banks, Alexus Whiterock, Justis Fisher, Geo Gonzales, Brexton Benette, Clarissa Howard, RC Pape, Jeff Bell, Brinna Jones, Cody Green, Andy Heffner, Jak Tanner, Jordan Banks and Kelsey Porter. Sublette County Library Foundation-Pinedale – The Bilingual Child Literacy program Three years ago Sublette County Library decided to expand our bilingual child literacy program Pinedale based on its success in Big Piney. The Library Foundation would like to honor Kaitlin Huston, Alondra Glover, Cristina Aguinaga and April Glover for their work on this project mentoring children in Spanish and English. _______________________________
Sublette County Sexual Assault Family Violence Task Force (SAFV) - Kay Mahaffey Sublette County Sexual Assault Family Violence (SAFV) Task Force provides protection, assistance, and support to the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. SAFV is committed to ending violence through prevention education and social change. Kay Mahaffey has been a dedicated volunteer for the SAFV Task Force for close to 15 years. Taking the 40 hour volunteer advocate training in 2000, she remained an active monthly crisis line volunteer until 2009. From 2009 until 2011 Kay continued to keep current her training hours and filled in on the crisis line when needed. She was always the volunteer who others could turn to when staff were not available. In 2012 Kay took on a new role at SAFV by becoming a member of the Board of Directors.
Click here for a PDF of the Helping Hands Volunteer Appreciation Dinner program.