Casper Star-Tribune article
Take this job and...: New dress code prompts veteran Sublette County deputy to retire

LA Times
Wyoming sheriff tells the department: No more cowboy hats
Sublette Co. Sheriff’s Office uniform to-do makes Drudge Report
(and more - how others spin it)
by Pinedale Online!
Original post February 2, 2015 | Updated February 5, 2015
Monday evening’s (Feb. 2, 2015) Drudge Report included a link to an AP story on Yahoo News about the dust up over newly-elected Sublette County Sheriff Stephen Haskell changing the department uniform requirements which now bans officers from wearing cowboy hats and boots. The new dress code is apparently part of the reason long-time Deputy Gene Bryson decided to retire after 28 years with the department and about 40 years total in law enforcement. The Yahoo AP story is based off a story that appeared in the Casper Star-Tribune yesterday (Sunday, Feb. 1). The story showed up on the front page of FoxNews on Monday evening as well. The articles include quotes from Sheriff Haskell and Deputy Bryson as well as pictures, including several of SCSO officers wearing the uniform that is the department’s new look.
The Drudge Report is an American news aggregate website that consists mainly of links to a variety of stories about politics, entertainment, current events and occasional zany news.
Click on the links below to read the stories.

Related Links
Deputy retires over Wyoming sheriff's ban on Western attire - Yahoo News, Feb. 2. 2015
New dress code prompts veteran Sublette County deputy to retire - By Brendan Meyer, Casper Star-Tribune, Feb. 1, 2015
Long-serving deputy quits over sheriff’s new uniform rules - By Ned Donovan, Pinedale Roundup, Jan. 30, 2015
Wyoming deputy retires after sheriff bans Western attire on the job - Fox News, AP, Feb. 3, 2015
www.cowboyshop.com - Where real cowboys (and cowgirls) buy real cowboy hats and boots
www.visitpinedale.org - Pinedale, Wyoming. Wonderful small town in western Wyoming, population about 1500
Special Report by Bret Baier - FoxNews, Feb. 4, 2015
Why a Wyoming sheriff banned cowboy boots and hats - The Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 2, 2015
Fashion Before Duty: Cop Retires Rather Than Give Up His Cowboy Hat - By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd, Jezebel.com, 2/4/15

Veteran Deputy Retires from Sublette Sheriff’s Office - Jan. 31, 2015
Wyoming sheriff's deputy Gene Bryson decides to give up his badge rather than stop wearing a cowboy hat - By Andrew Buncombe, The Independent (UK), Feb. 5, 2015
40-Year Law Enforcement Veteran Gene Bryson Retiring Due To New Dress Code - By Matiss Batarags, OpposingViews.com, Feb. 2, 2015
Deputy Retires Over Wyoming Sheriff's Ban on Western Attire - AP Wire story, Feb. 2, 2015
Sheriff BANNED from wearing cowboy boots! Deputy who's served for 28 years resigns over new uniform rules that outlaw 'unsafe' stetson and boots - AP, dailymail.co.uk, Feb. 2, 2015
Wyoming sheriff tells the department: No more cowboy hats - By John M. Glionna, LATimes.com, Feb. 3, 2015
Deputy Gene Bryson resigns over new uniform banning cowboy hats and boots - nyooztrend.com, Feb. 2. 2015
Wyoming Deputy Retires Over Ban on Western Attire - policemag.com, Feb. 2, 2015

Wyoming sheriff's deputy Gene Bryson decides to give up his badge rather than stop wearing a cowboy hat - Feb. 4, 2015
Deputy quits after new Wyoming sheriff bans cowboy hats: ‘I am not going to change’ - AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, Rawstory.com, Feb. 4, 2015
Riding Off Into the Sunset: Lawman Retires Over Cowboy Hat Ban - myfoxphilly.com, Feb. 4, 2015
Ain't no sheriff without a hat - http://www.timeslive.co.za/ (South Africa), Feb. 4, 2015
Le shérif du Wyoming bannit l'attirail de cowboy pour ses officiers - L'OBS.com, Feb. 2, 2015
Dans le Wyoming, chapeau bas pour le shérif - Le Monde (France), Feb. 2, 2015
Not Wyoming, I thought you guys wouldn't.... - Paul Dobbins Trapper Talk, Feb. 2, 2015
Neuer Sheriff verbietet Cowboyhüte und -stiefel im Dienst - Berliner Zeitung (Germany), Feb. 2, 2015
Wyoming sheriff bans cowboy hats and boots: Insensitive or good policing? (+video) - By Patrik Jonsson, The Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 3, 2015