Ted Cruz in Wyoming
Ted Cruz is the only presidential candidate for this next election to visit Wyoming to date. Photo by Tyler Foster.
GOP Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz visits Wyoming
by Pinedale Online!
April 19, 2016
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz was the first presidential candidate to come to Wyoming to speak to delegates. Cruz spoke at the Republican State Convention held at the Parkway Plaza Convention Center in Casper on Saturday, April 16th. The state’s GOP final 14 delegates to the National Convention were selected at the convention. Cruz was greeted by an energized, standing-room only crowd.
Sarah Palin was scheduled to speak for Donald Trump, but cancelled her appearance. The Trump campaign had a table with some snacks and literature, staffed by two Trump volunteers.
Idaho Governor Butch Otter spoke on candidate John Kasich’s behalf. Kasich had some staffers in the conference center, but no national delegate contenders pledged to the Ohio governor on the ballot.
Cruz won 14 of the 14 Republican National Convention delegates.