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Pinedale Online > News > June 2016 > BLM announces Travel Management Plan
BLM announces Travel Management Plan
by Bureau of Land Management
June 28, 2016

The Bureau of Land Management has set priorities for Travel Management Planning (TMP) for public lands administered by the Pinedale Field Office. The BLM identified and prioritized nine travel management areas (TMA). Travel management planning is a comprehensive process and may take up to eight years to complete all nine plans. The nine TMAs identified in planning order are: Boulder, Rye-Grass Soap Holes, Bench Corral-Soap Holes, Anticline-Trappers Point, Wind River Front, Rim Merna-Upper Green, Ross Butte-South Desert, South LaBarge, and North LaBarge-Deer Hills.

"The BLM travel management planning process will address current and foreseeable needs and use related to roads and trails specific to BLM-managed lands in Sublette and Lincoln counties," said Caleb Hiner, Field Manager. "The BLM will focus on travel planning that incorporates public involvement at all levels. Public input is crucial in natural resource management."

The goal of the TMP process is to create a travel network that is logical and sustainable. Travel management must meet the increasingly diverse needs for transportation and recreational uses. The TMP will designate a network of travel routes and define the actions necessary to manage public use while protecting resources. Adaptive management practices will be incorporated as part of the plan to allow for changing uses, environmental conditions and the availability of funds in support of travel management.

The first step of the TMP process is to inventory the location, condition and use levels of existing routes. The public will have the opportunity to verify and provide feedback about their use of the routes within each TMA. "Your knowledge of existing routes and travel needs are valuable for creating a sustainable road and trail system," Hiner said. Route inventory maps for each TMA will be made available at the BLM Pinedale Field Office and on web-based sites.

The second step will be to ask the public and other entities affected by travel management, specific questions about their interests and use of public lands. The TMP process is designed to incorporate solutions to problems and avoid potential conflicts with the various visitor interests and uses. Ideas to better manage all forms of motorized and non-motorized activities are welcomed. The public is encouraged to participate in the TMP process. The public will have opportunities to provide comments and ideas useful for transportation planning.

The third step, with public input and the cooperation of State, County and local governments, is to develop management actions and alternatives. The TMP management actions and alternatives will be presented in a document compliant with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The NEPA document will describe the resources affected and analyze the effects of potential outcomes of the proposed action and alternatives. Travel management decisions will be subject to public review, appeal and protest. Public scoping meeting dates, locations and times will be announced at the appropriate time.

The fourth and final step is to implement travel management decisions. On-the-ground implementation actions include construction, maintenance, signing, and restoration.

"The public is encouraged to ask questions about the travel management planning process," Hiner said.

For more information contact Martin Hudson, BLM Pinedale Outdoor Recreation Planner at 307-367-5315 or send your questions to

Pinedale Online > News > June 2016 > BLM announces Travel Management Plan

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