Ham Shoot March 25
March 6, 2017
The Pinedale Rifle and Pistol Club will be holding a Ham Shoot on Saturday, March 25 starting at 10AM at the rifle range. 22 Long Rifle Rimfire, Rifle and Pistol categories. $5/round entry fee. Ammunition available for $3 per 50, limit 2 boxes. Rifle: 5 shots each at boar, turkey and ram targets. Pistol: Dueling tree contest, 4 shooters per round, six shots each. Three age categories: 7-11, 12-15, 16 and older. Practice and sighting from 9-10AM. 12 hams for prizes. For more information call Mike 307-367-4808, Lance 307-260-7765, Ralph 307-367-4689, or Dan 307-231-9511.