Results of Pinedale water lead testing
by Town of Pinedale
April 5, 2017
The Town of Pinedale recently offered free lead testing to all of our water customers. We had 143 people sign up to have their buildings tested for lead in the water. The results are shown below. It is important to point out, the town water is lead free. Houses testing positive have a lead source within the private water system that the town does not own or control.
The Town of Pinedale has received the results of the 143 lead tests conducted over the last several weeks. Of the 143 samples, 78 of the samples (55%) did not detect any lead. 48 results (33%) had lead below the EPA action level of 0.015 mg/L. 17 samples (12%) had a lead level above the EPA action level of 0.015 mg/L. The results above the action limit may be slightly higher but fairly consistent with past testing over the years.
What should you do? Every building is unique. However, we have found the lead source is most likely, but not limited to a fixture or an old brass fitting(s) within your water system. The town recommends that you follow the EPA recommendations for buildings containing lead. You can find them on their web site The town highly recommends that you hire a plumber and lab to conduct further testing so you can find and eliminate the sources of lead. In the meantime time, install a point of use lead filter for your drinking water. The town also recommends that you call your doctor to see if he or she recommends those drinking from a building with high lead levels be tested for lead. The EPA estimates that drinking water can make up 20 percent or more of a person’s total exposure to lead. There are many other potential sources of lead in the environment, including soil, paint, and even some toys. For more information on lead exposure in general, please visit
What is the town doing? The Town is and has always provided water that has been treated to make it less corrosive. We have hired an engineering firm that is working with the EPA and DEQ to design a system that should be more effective than the sodium silicate system we are currently using. We are waiting for final EPA approval to implement the design changes to our treatment process. These changes will not fix the problem. At best they will lower lead levels in some buildings a small amount. To eliminate lead in your water you must remove the source.
If you have any questions please call the Town at (307) 367-4136 and talk to a water operator.