Town of Pinedale update: Pedestrian and bike safety
by Town of Pinedale
April 28, 2017
Despite our wonderful spring snow showers, days are getting warmer. This means increased traffic both vehicular, and pedestrian. The Town of Pinedale encourages all drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians to be aware of your surroundings. Make sure you obey traffic laws and take care about the other persons in town.
Bicyclists who are using crosswalks should be stepping off their bikes and crossing as a pedestrian. If you do not step off, you are considered a vehicle and all traffic rules pertaining to vehicles apply to you as well. Crossing roadways as a vehicle come with a higher risk. Regardless of how you choose to ride, please be safe, wear your helmet and take care.
Pedestrians are safer when walking against traffic, using crosswalks, which are corner to corner despite the lines being faded. In addition, please be sure to check for traffic, specifically turning vehicles, when crossing the streets.
Safety for the citizens of Pinedale is always a top priority. If you have any safety concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Town Hall at 307-367-4136.