Local fire restrictions enacted
Stage 1 Fire Restrictions in effect
by Sublette County Unified Fire
August 15, 2017
SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING - Effective Tuesday, August 15, 2017, Sublette County has enacted fire restrictions that limit fires within the county. The Sublette County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously via conference call to enact fire restrictions following the recommendations of Fire Chief Shad Cooper. Fire restrictions have also been implemented for Teton County, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Grand Teton National Park, the Bureau of Land Management, and Wyoming State Forestry administered lands.
The restrictions were enacted due to the current high fire danger and prediction for warmer and drier weather. Additionally, increased visitation for the upcoming total solar eclipse could potentially see several new fire starts in the area. The increased fire activity may limit the number of available fire resources and personnel available to respond to the additional fires.
The Sublette County Fire Restrictions prohibit all outdoor fires, incendiary devices, and the discharge of fireworks within the county. The following exceptions are allowed if the fire activity is controlled in a cleared area at least 10’ in radius, and a fire extinguisher is immediately available: campfires contained within an established fire ring; trash or refuse fires within containers provided with spark arresters between 6:00 PM and 8:00 AM; charcoal fires within enclosed grills; acetylene cutting torches or electric arc welders; and fire branding activities.
Additional fire restrictions have also been enacted on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Bureau of Land Management High Desert District, National Elk Refuge, Grand Teton National Park, and Wyoming State Lands and Parks. These additional fire restrictions apply primarily to restricting campfires and smoking on state and federal lands, in addition to the normal year-round wildfire prevention restrictions on fireworks, incendiary ammunition, burning of hazardous materials, and operating off-road vehicles/chainsaws without properly installed spark arresters.
For specific information about fire restrictions on public land, please see the following: https://gacc.nifc.gov/gbcc/dispatch/wy-tdc/documents/information/education-prevention/restrictions/Interagency_stage_1_fire_restrictions_081417.pdf
Approved: Shad Cooper Sublette County Fire Chief/Warden