Candidates for Town Council
Left to right: Isaac Best, Dean Loftus, John Paravicini and Tim Lingle.
Question presenters: Mindi Crabb and Holly Dabb.
Pinedale Town Council and Mayoral Candidate Forum 2018
Held at Sheppard Auditorium
by Terry Allen
May 2, 2018
The Pinedale Mayor & Town Council Candidate Forum was held May 1, 2018 at Sheppard Auditorium at 6:30 Tuesday evening. The event was hosted by The Sublette County Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director, Jennifer Zook organizing.
Two Town Council and the Mayor positions are up for vote this year.
The Panel which presented questions to the candidates were Holly Dabb, editor of the Sublette Examiner and the Pinedale Roundup, and Mindi Crabb of Western Horizons Consulting.
Candidates for Mayor are: Jim Brost, Matt Murdock, and Tyler Swafford.
Candidates for Town Council are: Isaac Best, Tim Lingle, Dean Loftus, Susan Lynn, and John Paravicini (Susan Lynn was unable to attend due to a death in the family).
The Pinedale Municipal Election will be on May 8, 2018. Polls will be open from 8AM to 7PM in the Wrangler Gym, 655 N Tyler Ave. Only citizens residing inside the town limits of the Town of Pinedale may vote in this election. If you missed the deadline to register to vote, the Sublette County Clerk will be at the polling location at the Wrangler Gym to help you register on election day.
The sponsors of the forum are: Andeavor Sublette Examiner Pinedale Roundup Ultra Pinedale Energy Partners Pinedale Online! KPIN 101.1 FM Radio Jonah Energy Sublette BOCES Sublette County Chamber of Commerce
Click on this link to listen to audio of the Town Council forum (mp3 file).
Click on this link to listen to audio of the Mayor candidate forum (mp3 file).
Thank you to Bob Rule, KPIN 101.1 FM Radio for the audio recordings of the forum.