Spring Expo 2018
Sublette County Conservation District
by Terry Allen
June 17, 2018
Our community had one of the most heart-warming events I've ever been to this past Saturday at the Sublette County Conservation District office and parking lot.
Three ladies from the Green River Cattlewoman's Association were offering up big ladles of four different soups, stews, chili and au jus made from Sublette County beef. I had a cup of Liz Wardell's barley beef soup, and I noticed Amber Robinson's kids happily slurping cups of it up as they watched Dr. Lusha Tronstat talk about the pollinators we have in Wyoming.
Did you know we have 52 species of bee and 19 different bumble bees in Wyoming? Did you know none of our native bees produce any honey? Only one bumble bee in Wyoming makes any honey and that is just for their babies. The so-called American honey bee is actually imported from Europe.
I chased my soup with some fine sipping Maple Syrup made by Adam Parke from Vermont. Did you know maple syrup has a "terroir" (the characteristic taste and flavor imparted to a wine by the environment in which it is produced)just like wine? Yep, he says with a little practice you can taste real maple syrup in the same way you do wine, and identify the region the trees grow and the conditions of a certain year.
Zack Turnbull was pleasantly engaged in helping the Smith family learn about our local bears. The nails on the claws can be long or short depending on what kind of dirt, rocks, moss or logs they are digging in. I was having fun making one of the bear rugs talk and growl, and as I walked away I heard Scarlett and her sister having fun the same way.
The Harber family were all clustered around Arlinda McLaughlin as she guided them in the best plants, conditions and care for our climate in Sublette County.
Eli from Daniel was selling his eggs and his sister Clare's granola. Clare was in Europe with Grandma, so Eli was in charge and poured me big helpings. MMmmmm! Eli has 20 chickens. "Some people think chickens are dumb because they eat everything," he said. "But it's only because they don't have taste buds. Actually, chickens are smarter than people in at least one way...they get out of the rain."
Dave Racich gave a talk on drip irrigation because he has a lot of experience on that subject. He explained how you distribute the water to different parts of your garden is important because if you don't understand hose diameters and water pressure, some plants won't get water and some might get too much. Dave makes compost out of kitchen scraps and manure. He said his wife Patti loves the smell of fresh dirt. She spoke up from the back of the room and disagreed.
I drove out to their house after the talk so I could get a picture of his garden. I noticed mints and basil's planted in whiskey barrels. "Hey...?" I said and looked in his direction. "Yep," he said with a sideways smile. I think I might need to pay an extra visit out to his place to make sure I get the whole story. Stay tuned ;-)
Thank you Dawn Ballou at Pinedale Online for sponsoring this story.
Terry Allen: txpartisan@gmail.com