Cloth face masks available in Sublette County
May 7, 2020
Hand-sewn cloth face masks are available in Sublette County for those who need them. More than 30 ladies in the county have donated time, fabric and materials in making masks to protect employees in essential businesses including the medical clinics, Sublette Center, physical therapy, pharmacies and grocery stores. The masks are being made available to the business community and to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are different sizes and styles of masks. They can be washed either by hand or machine washed. Some of the masks have metal nose strips, so do not microwave the mask. Some are made to hold a filter if you want to put one in (folded cloth, shop towels, coffee filters, etc). All are washable. Face masks are available at both the Pinedale and Big Piney Office Outlet stores.
A $10 donation per mask is requested, or whatever you can afford, which will be distributed to local charities. The Pinedale Lions Cub is collecting and distributing the donations. There are donation envelopes in the face mask boxes. If an envelope is not available, checks can be sent to Pinedale Lions Club, PO Box 508, Pinedale, WY 82941 (please write "mask" in the memo line of your check.)
Cloth face coverings help prevent the person wearing the mask from spreading respiratory droplets when talking, sneezing, or coughing. A cloth mask is worn to help protect others in case the wearer has the virus. There is no conclusive evidence that wearing a cloth face mask will prevent the wearer from getting a virus from an infected person.